i V V THE CADUCEUS HOSPITAL STAYS MEDICAL SUPPLY f-i: REST OF CAMP GREENE TO BE ABANDONED The U. S. Army Base Hospital, Camp Greene, is not affected by the order which calls for the abandonment of Camp Greene as soon as practicable. It is expected that the body of Camp Greene will be gorie before the fif teenth of February. Soldiers will be discharged as rapidly as possible and the buildings razed. “It should take about six weeks to clear out the camp,” said Colonel A. C. Macomb in confirming the report about the government order, which was received on Wednesday. “The camp will be cleared by areas” added the Camp Commander. “Build ings will be torn down and the lum ber salvaged.” Colonel Macomb said he expected the lumber to be sold but that the government order stated that the ma terial be disposed of In the most econ omical way. “The action of clearing the camp will start at once,” said the com mander. WILL LIVE HERE Colonel A. C. Macomb stated that he will no doubt be retired from army service with the doing away with Camp Greene. He ifras retired several weeks ago but was re-instated for war service. He expects to be retired to private life as soon as his need for service at Camp Greene is gone. “I expect to make my home in Char lotte,” said Colonel Macomb when ask ed about his future plans. “Charlotte is as nice a city as I have visited in my years of knocking about. I have enjoyed no staple home because of my army calling but expect to stay right here.” HOSPITAL REMAINS “The hospital is affected in no way by the order to clear the camp,” said Lieutenant Colonel George A. Renn, on Thursday, “Apparently it is the inten tion of the war department to continue the use of the Base Hospital.” Plans are being made to transfer a part of the vehicles, including the ambulances, to the Base Hospital with the abandoning of the transport branches now maintained in the camp. , OUT AT SEA Figuratively speaking, our Beau Brummel “Fritz” Riley, is temporarily far out at sea. But whether he gets to shore on a life-boat or a raft, he’ll be “there” with his “sweet flow,” very shortly. Ay Verily! * * « Article XX 157-00 Sgt. 1st class Sol. “Sweaters, as outer garments, MUST be worn outside the Mess Hall.” * * # Tent No. 3 has established a “guard System” whose solemn duty is to ‘pro tect and keep unmolested’ their “Black Diamonds.” * * * We can’t say for sure, but use your own discretion. What inference do you draw when a fellow gets a five minute phone call from Jolsey? * * * ■ BACK IN SMOKY BURG “Dad” Logan is ^back in the “Smoky Burg” again, tickled with his “civies,” but kicking at conditions in general. Says that the discharged soldier who DOES get his old job back again, has to start in where he left off while the fellow who stayed at home has been raised anywhere-from $25.00 to $75.00 per month. Sort of making the soldier SOL, eh. Dad? * >!« ♦ Goldman and Nicol still go a “Gas- toniaing” several times a week, wheth er it be the “Cole-elghting” or some thing deeper, our sleuthing has been unable to ascertain. -With them, all thought and cars run to Gaston county. * * The Busiest Man in the Outfit—Ser geant First class “Rip” Marshall Van Winkle, Jr. Kinyabeetut? * * * Mike McManus and “Hans” Wagner, represented the Outfit at Breakfast one day last week. i|« * * Maranville went to the , city and af ter , purchasing a complete outfit of civies and a suitcase, became so in terested in a pretty girl that he for got all about his outfit and left it setting in a store. When he finally awoke he found some one else needed them worse than he did. Tough luck old top. Sgt. 1st class D. M. Brill. TWENTY-NINE MORE OVERSEA WOUNDED BROUGHT TO. BASE HOSPITAL Prom the battle-wrecked fields of Flanders comes twenty-nine more pat ients to the Base Hospital. They ar rived on Friday afternoon at one o’clock. Nine of the men are litter patients and nearly all were wounded in the fighting on the Hindenburg line in September and October. The patients were taken to the hos pital in six motor ambulances and are now located in the B arid C wards. Names of the oversea men are; Ray Hall, Ivan Butler, Ernest Coward, Thomas Branch, George McLean, Jam es Corbett, Samuel Lancaster, Charles Lewis, John Brison, William Clark, Grover Branenburg, William Wooden, Prank Thomas, Ernest Gapps, George Levening, Oscar White, Ernest Briggs, Charles Stroupe, Carnie Commins, Jos eph Hartisan, John Wade, Ernest Ray, John Sheehan, Thomas Simpson, Vern- ley Marsh, Thomas Mullis, Henry Har- teford, Howard Watts and Herman Clop. PLENTY OF WAR STORIES War stories are now the order of the day. At any time that you might chance to drop into this ward, you will be sure to find a crowd of interest ed listeners sitting around the stove while one of the men holds forth with tales of Hun treachery and barbarity. Some of the tales related, seem almost unbelievable but all the boys tell the same tales, all unite in saying that Sherman was right when he made the memorable statement that war is h—1. A strange thing is that the enemy is never spoken of in the plural, he is spoken of as Jerry which was derived from the British appellation. These men speak of whizzbangs, which are shells that make a whizz before ex ploding, King George is their name for the heavy boot issued to them by the British army which has a steel toe to lessen the wear. As these men were all brigaded with the British they were all compelled to eat British rations and as one fellow put it “He most perished to death.” They are all glad to be back in the good old U. S. A., and say that never will they wander away from home again. Charlotte Drug Company T7. Sewards, ^Prop. ‘Tirade and College Streets Charlotte, N. C. The Best Cafe in the City Located at 22 1 W. Trade St. Between So. Ry. Station and Square Sabtgl} TOM MATTHEWS PROPRIETOR ■ We cater to the Soldiers and the Traveling Public, and invite them to “drop in to see us." PHONE 3486 CRAIG FITE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASH GROCERIES 22 S. COLLEGE STREET 1875-Phones-1876