Four IRE POINrSR esssaBgjssaataaaMi!^^ Smith & Moore BARBER SHOP Expert Barbere Hair Cuts to Please (Under Efird’s) RING DRUG CO. W« Uake k Special of Pre*eri|». tiM and Blek Room SnppUaa FAST DELITIRT asaviaajajisiaisisi^^ Thfi Young: Men^fl Store Hifrh Grade Clothing Moderately Priced a 125 Son'Ui Main St. ^ “Drive Out Smiling’ Cecil'S Service Station No. 6 Gasr?Jil, ‘¥ire^J’¥ubes, Service to Comjifcte Phone 8145—Phone ns^snaBir Quite So Miss Shipman—What can you tell me about nitrates? Sleepy Freshman—Well-er-they’re a lot cheaper than day rates. • ► Mr. Owens—You. should think of the future. Certain Senior—I can’t, it’s my girl’s birthday, and I’ve got to think about the pre.sent. Safe -Something is preying Freshman on my mind. Senioi—Don’t worry, it will die of starvation. Teacher (on Arithmetic class) Class, what is a mill? Small Boy—I know, teacher, my pa ovms one. It’s a place where you grind corn. Freshman—Do you know anything stranger than a man with a woden leg? Senior—Sure, a nian with a wooden chest. UIt’8 DRUGS TOO will Qnd it at RANDAIJL'S The Store that Gives REAL SERVICE • I EverTthing that an iqi to • > date Drug Store Carries. Our Big Business Goaraii* ;; tees Fresh Goods. Phones 381-382 'Minnie H. (translating Latin) You say this comes fpom uh-vinia? “Mississippi.” No! it comes from a hot dog. Another Babe (giving Latin |case ending): Uma, i, e. o, ia. , Miss Wofford—Babe seems to be making a new declerfsion but I don’t believe we need it just before exams. Atlantic Bank & ,,Tnist^ SibpIiu^e»l000.M QiPlj^ n..20Q,0CO.Ol The Commercial National Bank _ Cmpital end Surplus 11,000,009 RMonrees $9/00,000 4 Per C*at-«B*SaTlBf» Aeconta. r““T“TVT“ liltiA Tour Friend* HART DRUG CO. N*«t to P«t OfBc* Waterman and Parker Pen* Agenta '({inii^mans ChocolatM g “Better Authority Student—A fortune teller told me. Why? Teacher—I’d rather hear a bank- teller tell me that, v Aaron (on algebra class)—Miss Alcorn, I can spell my name in Alge bra—A square ron. Ella B. II. (burning into fireman) T better mind how I bump into these policemen. “Mississippi” “Idget” that’s a fire man. Ella B.: “How thnlling” Let’s go backward and do it over. HOLMES CASH GROCERY QUAUTY GROCERIES Pr«eh Vegetables, Bread, Cakes We Carry the Following Brands of Flour Melrose—Pillsbnry—Dsn Vallsy —Morning Glory—Orient- Mother’s Choice and Breakfast Loaf ’ T«w Can Park Your Car Near ^ N. E. RUSSELL Electiic Shoe Shop (In Berviee Since 1894) 114 W. Breed St. Phone 261$ Cannon-Fetzer Company -THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE- t' >4 ♦♦♦44444"i‘'>'9~H'444'44’9444'H “Rob” Baine—^(Reading aloud from board during journalism exam) “Hmm. Write an original joke. Mr. Owens, if we don’t know one, can we gaaastaaaaaagjsfe^^^ MATTON’S Sheraton Hotel Barber Shop Hair Bobbins a 8be«l<r ^/SSrSSKffV3StS^mi?SK .444»444-444^»44-»»4 Sanitary Barber 146 S. Mein Street (White Barber*) , ,, The bent ot-a«r*te^-L*dW Mol ^ eblWren’eTiafrcirta’ n epectalty. 4 just make up one?” PiX SCHOOL CBILDREN ARB ALWAYS WELCOME A Quality Known Throughout the South Phones 2566 & 2866 611 E. Green St.