i1 Paue Four THE POINTER Friday, November 17, 1939 PRESENTING THE JUNIORS MISS HlIRRUS ATTENDS FRENCH CONVENTION EXPRESSION ANSWERS This time it is the Juniors’ turn to shine. Here we go— If Bill Currie keeps on, Soc Chakales will be looking for an other position. If Allan Hayes is in a good humor third period, you can rest assured that a certain B. R. has politely spoken to her. Have you ever noticed Herb Hodgin’s beautiful blue eyes? (If you haven’t, you don’t know what you’ve missed) Doesn’t Stanton Cecil remind you of L’il Abner? Orlando Rowland is destined to be a fine chemist. Here’s neW" competition, girls— “Su.sie” Preston, a newcomer here. (Incidently, she dances very well with Bum Taylor. Don’t you “Susie?”) Bud Kivett has the makings of an All-State end, and he’s not bad looking either, girls. Joe Given is certainly gifted with a fluent tongue. It comes in handy, tho, eh, Joe? (Continued From Page One) Jean Racine, dramatist, was opened with a lecture on Jean Racine given by Rene Hardre. After this came scenes from the tragic play “Andramaque” per formed by players from the Al liance Francais of Charlotte. A reception following the play was given to all guests and members. Saturday morning the meeting continued with addresses from several people on subjects of France. A pedagagical discussion was then held with subjects deal ing with various text boks. Miss Burrus was much impres sed by the procedure of the meet ing and the congenial welcome received. Dramtic Club (Continued from page 2) 1. Bessie Silman 2. Mr. Deans 3. Mrs. Rogers 4. Miss Lindsay 5. Josephine Pope 6. Anna Lee Hicks 7. Mrs. Rogers 8. Miss Love 9. Miss Hackworth 10. Ruth Etta Leonard - Phyl- ma Swain 11. Bernice Whitlow 12. Miss Capel 13. Ruth Culler 14. Charles Ward 15. Grady Morgan 16. Mr. Sam Smith 17. Miss Gentry 18. Miss Louise Hunter 19. Gene Thacker 20. N. L. Garner 21. Ruth Culler 22. Margaret Furr 23. Mrs. Baldwin Collins Festival The successful Collins Festivals will be topped off November 23 by featuring the Wells Players in “Youth Carries the Torch.” The Civitan Club members as well as the citizens of High Point have enjoyed various types of entertainment put on by the Col lins Festivals and this play ‘ Youth Carries the Torch” is to end successfully another enter tainment sea.son. Glen and Mara Wells in per son will be with this production. Mr. Wells is one of the dramatic directors of the Collins Festival and has charge this fall of direc tion of three casts of this spirited and fast moving play presented on three different circuits. The new Dramatic Study Group, under the direction of Miss Ruth Goodman, began Mon day morning. This group has been organiz'ed for the purpose of teaching dra matically inclined pupils the principals of dramatics in all its foiTus, giving emphasis to make up and costuming. Our school as one among a hundred others, has been asked by the Co-ordinating Committee on the Teaching of Drama in Sec ondary Schools of the American Educational Theater Association to cooperate in a project to in clude a unit of photoplay study in their courses of study of the drama. As you already know, other de partments of secondary educa tion have made considerable use of the motion picture as an ad ditional instument of aid in their teaching. The purpose of the project is to give further recognition and emphasis to the value of the photoplay in the course of study of the drama. MAMMOTH PEP MEETING TO BE STAGED THIS P. M. JUNIOR CLASS VIEWS AIRED BY PRESIDENT MORE BENNETT STUFF (Continued from page 1) count for nothing in the present setup.” Faculty Advisor, Miss Hunter stated recently that the council is not a body to govern the school so much as it is a class in leader ship for those who take part and are members of the council. SENIOR DAY AT STATE Approximately two - hundred seniors from High Point High School attended Senior Day held at North Carolina State College on November 11. MUSIC DEPARTMENT The music departments of the High School are engaged in var ious activities, and they are re hearsing for several performances which will be given in the future. Concluding their practicing for football games, the band learned to make formations on the field. Recently they have been practic ing new formations for the Rey nolds game. Now the band is re hearsing music for the state con test and concert, which will be held in Greensboro near the end of March. The orchestra, which has al ready played for the student body, will give a concert next Sunday. The Glee Club is planning to give an operetta soon, but plans for the performance are stll in definite. (Continued from page 1) talked, it is hoped that it will be possible to get Mr. Scott, our head coach to say a few words on his own behalf and that of the team. No one denies that Mr Scott is doing the greatest pob of high school coaching in the state. He has been nominated for the post of best coach by prominent sports writers on daily papers. Our excellent squad of cheer leaders will then lead the stu dent body in some good ’ole Bison yells in preparation for the great game to take place to night. The high school orches tra will furnish suitable music for the occasion. At the game . which will begin at eight o’clock, the 73 piece Winston-Salem band will be fea tured with the High Point High band at the half. Invitations were extended to seniors throughout the state by Charles A. Hunter, president of the senior class at State and an interesting program was arranged for the entertainment of the visitors. After inspecting the dormi tories, laboratories, classrooms, and the college’s rapidly expand ing campus, the seniors were guests of the college at the State- Duquesne football game that was won by Duquesne 7-0. Music must run in the family er somepn’ ’cause Ray Eberle is the younger brother of Bob Eber le, featured vocalist with Jimmy Dorsey. Marian Hutton is the younger sister of Betty Hutton, Vincent Lopez’ vocalist... Hal Kemp recently observed his thir teenth anniversary as a band leader . .. John Scott Trotter, whose band plays with the Bing Crosby show, used to be Kemp’s pianist... Louise Tobin, featured vocalist with Goodman, is Mrs. Harry James... My nomination for the song of the week: A- Well-A-Take-Em A-Joe by the composers of “Flat Foot Floogie” HI-Y TO ELECT MEMBERS IN THE NEAR FUTURE (Continued from page 1) the standards of the organiza tion. Th reason that the Hi-Y is During the summer 230 books were rebound. The school now takes 16 new magazines and 10 daily pepers, including the follow ing: 6 Grensboro, 3 Charlotte, and 1 High Point Enterprise. taking in the fifteen new mem bers at this time is to enlarge the club so it will be better able to carry on worthwhile pro jects to a greater degree of success than they ever have in the past. Heretofore the Hi-Y has been a valuable scouree of aid in many worthy causes and their help has often been greatly ap preciated. The Hi-Y will have its usual Church banquet at the Wesley Memorial Church November 27. For Sports Equipment Buy at BEESON^S HARDWARE CO. Where Students Agree on Quality and Parents Agree On Price HONOR SOCIETY The national Honor Society publicity department announces that the club will begin a drive to impress the organization s worthiness on the rising juniors and seniors. The drive will be in the form of a publicity campaign over the public address system and other MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON’ The Family Department Store —For— SAFE, DEPENDABLE SERVICE Call 4531 BLUE BIRD CAB GO. Pause... IT’S RISKY BUSINESS BUT IT ISN’T RISKY TO SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO SUNSHINE FOR CLEAN CLOTHES —Try— iMOTHWOOSCttAMINC EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE South Main Street Refresh Mr. Sam Smith, prominent member of our Social Science de partment, is going to make a trip to \\ asliington with some of his students. Some of the members of the POINTER staff wonder if it has any connection with the recent motion picture success. If it has, it seems to be the concensus of opinion that once and for all High Point will have established itself on the map. ei^* Samuel Hvma!i JEWELER High Point Coca-Cola Botil ng Co. ' Of High Point Ship By Rail For SAFETY . . . For ECONOMY . . For PROMPTNESS High Point, Thomasville and Denton Railroad Phone 4511 Jacobs Avenue 9y,7