I Page Two THE POINTER Friday, April 10, 1942 THE POINTER JOHN HAWORTH Editor-in-Chiej FRED FLAGLER Managing Editor GILBERT FURGURSON Editor Pages Two and Three DICK RING Sports Editor ROSS HEDRICK Circulation Manager Reporters Members of the Journalism Class Advertising Staff ANNA LOU DOCTOR.. — — ..Business Manager MISS ELOISE BEST Adviser High Point, N. C., Friday, April 10, 1942 ^eaen. The Baton By BEVERLY MERCHANT SPRING Spring is defined in the dictionary as the time of new things to be created and youth to blossom forth. The youth of High Point high can this year blossom forth by doing their best work and turning over a new leaf. For get the bad grades of the past and strive to make the most out of the last few weeks of school. It is going to be pretty hard on a nice sunny day to sit in school, with our minds probably on a nice swimming hole somewhere out beyond the window. But I am sure we can overcome this difficulty by getting down to some real work the last few weeks of school. Yes, it is going to be hard to do, but did anyone ever say High Point high couldn’t take it? MOST POPULAR SONG AT HPHS—“Somebody Else Is Taking My Place” by Benny Goodman. Frank Sinatra, former Tommy Dorsey vocalist, is on his own now—recording the latest song hits for Bluebird records—Top sellers are now being made by Harry James, his latest being “I Don’t Want To Walk Without You” and “You Made Me Love You.”—Jimmy Dorsey’s picture “The Fleet’s In” was studded with song hits—“Tangerine”, “I Remember You”, “If You Build A Better Mouse Trap” and others —Count Basie is currently on a lecture tour in colleges expound ing the works of jazz—■ Well, Gates, it looks as if we will soon have to be satisfied with recordings popular during Mom’s and Pop’s high school days — for instance ■— “Alabamy Bound”, “You Made Me Love You”, “Miss You”, and to be pa triotic you must have at least one or two of the many patriotic rec ords—“Keeping ’Em Flying” by Gene Krupa, “Remember Pearl Harbor” by Sammy Kaye, “We Did It Before” by Dick Robertson or “Slap the Dirty Little Jap” by Carl Robson—are just a few of the best. 5\7am April 10—Beta Club April 14—State Music Contest April 22—Picture (Argentina Nights). April 24—Student Council Elec tion May 1-2—Senior Play May 8—Awarding of Letters in Athletics. EXCHANGE DESK (By Ernestine Hancock) Ah! Spring is in the air! Spring, when a young man’s fancy lightly turns to ... . things. The girls start worrying about new clothes and the boys start worrying about the girls. Nature takes her bow and courtseys along highways and byways, making rippling streams brighter. Large arrays of flowers bloom and trees grow green again. Everything changes in this turn of season. Also, besides the abundant differences in nature and clothes, there is the change in people. The average person is more cheerful and happy. Students seem to bud out in personality, but droop down in school work. Seniors are thinking about graduating, while everyone is excited about the forth coming senior play. Of course, the most popular thought is that school will soon be out for the summer holidays. To me, spring is the most beautiful, as well as the most exciting time of the year. One timely question for students in the high school is: Are you taking advantage of your wonderful opportunities at H. P. H. S.P No, I don’t mean just the classes, I mean the so-called extra-curricular activities of the school. Do you, for example, take advantage of the speech clubs —debating, forum and dramatics? Do you take part in after school sports—tennis, ping pong, and ball? Do you ever wander into the library after school to browse around and catch up on your reading? These are only three of the many opportunities given you at H. P. H. S. There is some activity to suit every type of person, so why don’t you investigate your possibilities? The activities will benefit you and you can derive much pleasure from them. Why not find your place at H. P. H. S.? WANTED: Man to handle dynamite in a powder factory. Splendid chance to rise. —Tech Life, Washington, D. C. Cadets at Castle Heights Mili tary Academy gave up “Oid Warrior,” an antiquated three- inch cannon which formerly dec orated the Castle Heights Cir cle, as scrap iron to national de fense. —The Muscketeer, Chatham, Va. Have you heard about the Chinese sisters who aren’t mar ried? Here are their names: Tu-Yung Tu Tu-Dum Tu No-Yen Tu THE LANTERN I love you more than life, it self . ... or any other ten cent magazine. SAY IT WITH A SONG A Little Bit of Heaven — the chapel Slow Down—the corridors It’s So Easy For You—the teach ers * Blow ,Gabriel, Blow—band This Love of Mine—journalism Let’s Get Away From It All— home work It All Comes Back to Me Now— day after exams. —Green and Gold, Canton, Ga. The students of Seahreze High School, Daytona Beach, Florida, have purchased $13,000 worth of Defense Bonds and Stamps They find fault with our ^itor The stuff we print is rot; The paper is about as peppy As a cemetery lot. But when the Pointer’s printed And the issue is on file If anyone missed his copy You could hear him yell a mile. —Selected. Alphabet Stu-oup A—adorable .... Rebekah Conrad B—^boyish Nancy Woolen C—cute Dot Hackney D—daring Vance Matthews E—energetic .. Mary Elizabeth Barton F—flirtatious Billie Welch G—glamorous Margurite Murray H—happy Pinky Hedrick I—^intelligent Helen Pierce J—jealous Virginia Forward K—klassy Helen Conder L—lazy .... Charlie Muckenfuss M—mischievous Lib Pegram N—^nifty Violet Yokley O—orator Broadis Leonard P—^peppy Thelma Weekley Q—quiet Alex Ferree R—^romantic D. L. Barker S—sophisticated .. Shirley Hurt T—^talkative Barbara Lynn U—unusual Lois Welborn V—vivacious Jane Ferree W—^witty Gib Furgurson X—xtempofaneous .... Byron Grand jean Y—young William Hilton Z—^zealous .... Journalism Class THE LATEST FADS (By Vance Mathews) Well gates, and jitter bugs, it seems that another latest “fad” is becoming very popular with stu dents of High Point high school. Yes, you guessed it, we are all going crazy over peroxiding our hair, and, wow do some of the fellows look like “Gables”, or should I say Sterling Hayden of “Bahama Passage” fame! Funny thing though, the other night I drank a whole bottle of peroxide, and my hair hasn’t even changed any, and I’ve been out in the sim as much as everyone else has. Delegates Elected To Go To Chapel Hill Official delegates have been chosen to represent the Pointer at the journalism conference which wiU be held in Chapel Hill on May 8, 9. These delegates are Fred Flagler, John Haworth, An na Lou Doctor, and Thelma Weekly. Other members of the Pointer staff will attend the meet ing. They will be accompanied by Miss Eloise Best, staff adviser. The Floodlight (By Gilbert Furgurson) Each year, as is the custom the W. P. A. (Worst Perform ance Academy) presents its award to the person who has ren dered the most money—^I mean service to the organization. This year, Botsworth P. Dribblepuss, motion picture director, is the lucky stiff] Mr. Dribblepuss was given the award on the basis of his fine pictures. Some of his fine productions are: “How Green Was My Cabbage,” “Slap Me Kid, With a Two By Four,” “Put Down That Rubber Tire, Mother, Or You’ll Get a Long Stretch,” and “Why Waste Your Money On Tires, Grandma, It’s Your Face That Needs Retreading.” Mr. Dribblepuss is not only a great producer of motion pic tures, but he is a soldier of for tune (meaning—it costs him a fortune to be a soldier.) In his collection he has a genuine rub ber eraser trimmed in sugar and sprinkled with gasoline. (Please don’t take this seriously, Mr. Henderson.) Thus we conclude our little re view of the Academy Award (Boscar), and the jerk that won it. During the past week, there has been a great demand for an interview with that Mason Street Man, Simon P. Degree. Mr. De gree is one of the country’s larg est retreaders of rubber erasers. His hobby is collecting aU the pots of gold beneath rainbows. He belongs to a very worthy hu mane society called “Committee For the Prevention of Cruelty and Mistreating of Tadpoles.” This committee has been in ex istence for a very long time and at the present, they ^re studying the effect of sun spots upon tad poles. Mr. Degree is also an in ventor. He has hopes of perfect ing a device foi; opening Pullman train windows. Buy Defense Stamps Buy Defense Bonds CORN FRESH FROM THE COB There seem to be a few in dear High Point high school that just can’t take it. You students yell for gossip and then when we give it to you, the victims run to staff members or adviser and cry; while the rest of you blame in nocent people for what you hand in and ask to have put in the gos sip column. We have heard imm- ors that there isn’t going ot be a gossip column any more ... Is that what you want? We heard that B. E. and N. G. really boiled about the last issue. Well, they say the truth always hurts. All we have to say about M. P. is that no girl of poise would fly up, cry ,and get so mad about just a little gossip . They say Culver is really burn ing because “Bhmp” invited “Yokum” down this week-end to a Fraternity house party. Big- hearted “Yoke” wouldn’t go be cause she was afraid of hurting Betty Jean’s feelings. Sara Cox has been making a play for Bobby Ingram but aft er a recent insult from him she decided to lay off. Better luck with someone else, Sara. Don’t know if “Monk” is such a sucker or not. He is now stringing two along. He tells Billie that he is that-a-way about her and doesn’t want things to get too serious be tween them before he goes off to school next fall. At the same time he is telling “Yoke” that he is still ga-ga over her and that he is going to quit dating Billie and go steady with her. . . . You fig ure it out, we’re tired .... “Pinky” Becker was a swell, regular fellow when he first came to High Point, but lately (since he has fallen for a Salemite) he has become so very, very chang ed that you wonder why you lik ed him in the first place. Whom is Helen Conder going to settle -with? First it was Bud Kivette, then ‘D‘ub” Benson, and then Bill “Glamporpants” Size more. For the present “Dub” seems to have come back with a bang. Who’s next Helen? Little Merchant arid “Jinz” Hawks are riding bicycles along the creek now. Willa Gray Lewis hasn’t dated anyone but Bill Connor in a year or more except Jack Burr us, with whom she went to the Prom. Anyway, Connor, like most boys in love, evidently got jealous and dated Billie Welch (what has she got, anyway?). Eleanor Younts is supposed to be “that way” about Robert, but still she told Charlie not to date Dot Pegram anymore. Roy is away at prep—school and he doesn’t mind Pegram’s dating other boys. When he comes home she breaks all other dates just to date him and doesn’t mind tell ing the boy she is breaking the date with why, and still they come back again. Younts must be afraid of Pegrairi’s way with the men. i