THE -TOHNSTONIAN—SUN, SELMA, Chatter Box Club Meets Pfrj00tial0 '■ST' Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pike and two little .sons, of Raleigh, ^ ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N- Wiggs Sunday. » , , Simraie Grant ,who holds a pos- tion with the Life Insurance com pany in Charlotte is spending a ^e^^ days at hi.- home. G. n- Vivk, Jr., and Bil ITha., Woodard from Chapel Hill spent the weekend with their respective par- ^Prof. and Mrs. N. G. Woodllef and little daughter, Cornelia of Benson visited friends in Selma Sunday. Mrs. J. R- Straug-hn returned Wed nesday from a visit to her daughter in Elon. A. Holland and rttle granddaughter, Dora Jane Lumpkin, spent last weekend in Benson with Mr. mnd Mrs. W. B. Whitley. Mrs. G. M. Norwood from Raleigh visited friends in Selma Eriday. Mavon Deans from Mount Olive i spent last -weekend here with his^ father, J. J. Deans. _ , Julia Grant a»d Mrs. C. W.; Fulghura are on the s'ck list this week. M-’ss Ghaxlotte Nixon returned ‘to her .home m Hertford, Frday after •visiting friends in .Selma and Wil- imi.gton dju'.ng the ipast two week-s. W-. I 'Godwn and -Mrs. P. A. W-ol- laml spe'nt Tuesday m Raleigh and Dni3mm. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Banks .spent ■Saturday .and .Sunday at Port -Bragg with Miss Alice -Spivey. Miss Stella theiedge was tbe.giuest of fa-.iends in -Robersonville aUiring the past weekend. Jlr. C. D. Turlington of Surorsers- ville spent last .wetik here with h’s si.ster., JVHs. J. T. Wilkins. Mr. and Mi'S. R. A. Jones .iiMtor- - ed to Kinston Sunday afternoon to •visit relatives . Mr. Frank Webster from -Southern .‘Pines spent last weekend here with Supt. 0. A. Tuttle. Mrs. W. H. E-theredge has return ed from a visit to .Mrs. Sam .Leonard in. Rocky Mount. Mi.s es Rosebelle Hinton and Edna Mae Cameron students from N. C, C. W. at .Greensboro .spent rveekend here with theii' res pective parents. Mr. J. T. Wilkins made a busi ness trip to Dunn and Erwin Tues day. Mrs. J Q. A. Jeffries spent Tues day in Raleigh wuth her- sister, Mrs. R. E. Shumaker. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hayes and family have moved mto the home on Rail Road St., recently vacated by J. W. Short. Mrs. Esther and Jliss JIary Gillis from Meredith College spent weekend with Mrs. Annie B. Barham at the Merchants hotel. Capt. C. B. Waddell returned Tuesday from Louisburg where he had been on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Neii Ford. Mrs. T. S. Krahenbuhl and daugh ter, Miss Kathleen, of Greenville, S. C., spent the week-end at the Brick hotel with Mr. Krahenbuhl, who holds a responsible position here with the Southein railroad. Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Noble, of Ra leigh, and Mr. and- Mr.s. A. M. Noble and children, of Smithfield, spent Sunday with Mis.s' Anne Noble. Mr. Sam P. Wood was called to Enfield ye.sterday on account of the illnes.s. of ,hi.s brother, ilr. 1. D. Wood. Mr. H. D. Culbreth received a message Sunday night stating that his father’s home near Pembroke had been totally destroyed by fire. Mr. Culbreth left at once for Pembroke Mr. Oscar (Andy) Creech spent the weekend in Raleigh with friends. Messrs. Frank and Sam Hood were Raleigh visitors Tuesday after noon. Mrs. C. A. Bailey and Mrs. S. W. Armitage were joint hostesses to the members of the Chatter Box club and several other guests at the home of Mrs. Bailey on north Pollock Street at one of the loveliest parties of the season, Wednesday p. m. During the business session, pre sided ver by Mrs. C. W. Scales, a list f bnoks was turned in to ne purchased during the coming month for the use of club members for the ensuing year. Hearts-Dice was played at -five tables. Mrs. W. W. Hare makin mo.-t progre.ssions, was presented a bon bon Mrs. Carl Worley re ceived the consolation prize. Tempt ing refre.shments were served by the ho.stesses, assisted by Mrs. O. L. Bailey and Mrs. W. D. Perkins. Special guests were Mesdames C. L. Richardson, Jesse Faulkner, 0. L Bailey, Carl Worley, G. C. Whit aker and W. D. Perkins. by Miss Virginia Baines. Essay—“Edgar Allen Poe a Poet,” by Earp. A laxleaux—“Cold vs Hot Lunches; a play, “Tommy s Tummy” and “The Kitchen Orchestra all sponsored by the Domest.c Science department. The ninth grade sewing class put on a style review displaying some very pretty and ta ty wool dresses. The program was concluded w’th a song, “Smile Mr. Moony,” by the Glee club. contract was enjoyed at three tables When scores were counted it was found that Mrs. H. V. Gaskill held high and was presented a potted be gonia in full bloom. A very appetizing plate luncheon was served to the following gue ts. Mesdames W. P. Aycock, J. L Dog- gett, H. V. Gaskill, W. W. Hare, J. , D. Mas.sey, Roger Strickland, A. J. j Holliday, ' E. V. Woodard, 0. L. | Bailey, C. L. Richardson, Harvey Sudlow and C. G. Wh.taker. iilr. and Mrs. Price Entertain Philathea Class Entertained Visitors Day, At School Visitors Day was observed at the Selma school Friday, January 2itn. A large number of parents were pre sent hi spite of inclement weather. Those desiring to do so visited the various grades and inspected their work. Quite a number got their lunch in the school cafeteria at noon time, from an appetizing and well prepared menu consisting of snap beans, candled potatoes, creamed cabbage, carrots, Irish potatoes, bak ed ham, corn, sticks, rolls, soup, fiu t jello, cake and milk. Well balanceil lunches are seiwed daily under the careful supervision of Miss Dela Stroupe, Home Economics teacher. At 1:30 o’clock the vis'lors as sembled in the auditorium where the following very interesting and en-' joyable program was given: B-’ble reading, Psalm 1, by Ruby Hatcher, Prayer by Rev W. J. Cram Two selections by the band directed Mr and Jlrs. Hunter Price gave a four-table contract bridge party Friilay evening. Mr. Raleigh Grif fin won high score for the men and Mrs. E. V. Woodard for the ladies. Salad course, with hot coffee was erved, as.sisted by Mrs. W. B. Johnson. Guests -were Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whi taker, Mr. and Mrs. A. J Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hare, Mrs. W. B. Johnson, Miss Linda Trott, Mr. Ra leigh Griffin, Mrs. J. D. Massey and Mrs. C. I^. Richardmn, Miss Myrtle Ricks, very deli.ght- fully entertained the members of the Ph’lathea class of the Baptist Sun day school at her home on Tue-day evening. / Miss Virginia Baines, president ol the class, presided over the busi- session, whTe Miss Della St'roupe acted as secretary. An enjoyable social hour follcw- ed during which time various spirit ed games were played, each guest also was enlightened as to her fu ture by Miss Gertrude Strickland who acted as fortune teller of the were selected to .seive on this com mittee for a month. Plan were dis cussed for rai-ing money but noth ing definite was decided upon. After the dispensation of bus’ a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. N. P. Terrell was winner in an inter- estini;' g'uessinj’' contest and was pre- ■ ented a unicjue kitchen recipe pad. Mrs. A. Z Thompson won m a pea nut contest and received a pencil set. Mrs. W. J. Crain in her usual sweet voice sang “Where the River Shannon Flows,” acompanied at the piano by Mrs. A. J. Holliday. Tasty sandwiches and coffee w th whipped cream were served by the hostess, Mr-;. Jacobs, Mrs. J. 1*. Brown and Mrs. W. G. Rick.s. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. B. Dewar on north Pollock St. We wish to thank our' many good friends who helped us while in sor row. May Gods richest blessings rest upon each one of them. MRS ERNEST PAGE & FAMILY Mrs. I)ug,gins Entertains Circle “A A very intere.sting meeting oi. C-ircIe “A” was presided over by the leader, Mrs. J. Q- A- Jeifre>-'’. Monday afternoon, at the home o Mrs. Duggins. Plans were made Ln the year’s activities and bi-monthly rneetin,gs wll be held. The liostess .served peach short cake topped w tlr whipped cream and hot chocolate. There were M members present. Musical Tea. There will be a musical tea Fri day night at 7:30 o’clock in the M. E. Sunday school auditorium. An entertaining program has been arranged, after which refreshment.s will be .served. A silver offering will be taken at the door. Everyone urged to be present. evening. The hostess assi-ted by Miss Mai garite Ricks, served a salad course. T. E. L. Class Meets NOTICE TO THE PUBUC! Mrs. Worley Hostess Mrs. Carl Worley was; h’stess to the members of her Bridge club and invited guest; on Thursday after noon -at her home on north Pollock street. An attractive arrangement of pot ted plants was observed m the iiv- ling room and dining room where The home of Mrs. C. A. Jacobs was, throwm en.-uite for the twenty- four members attending the Baptist T. E. L. Class meeting Monday afternoon at three o’clock. The meet- ing’ was opened with the reading of the 1st Psalm by the President, Mrs. C. E. Kornegay, followed with pray er by Mrs. J. W Barham. S'.nce this was-the first meeting of^ the New Year places were appointed for the rest of the, year. The flower committee reported flowers given to sick during the month. The class will have charge of the church dec oration instead of the Woman s Mi,-;- sionary Soc’ety as here-to-fore. Mrs. ! Clyde Jones and Mrs. J. F. Brown I have bought the Insurance and Rental Agency formerly owned and operated by R. W. Etheredge in Selma, N. C. I am representing some of the very best companies and will be able to take care of your Insurance needs, and will greatly appreciate your business. J. C. Avery, Agt. 4I.IUSION: This very old illusion was invented by Indian fakirs. The secret was Unearthed in IS49 by the great magician, Rohert-Houdin. At that tune ether had jus.t been discovered, and little wa’fe known about it. Motidin claimed that he had discwered that this new anesthetic could make people light as air. To prove it, he caused the subject to rise mto the air and boat apparently aospended. He passed a hoop around the body to show there were oo wires or supports. Mp .and Mrs. J. T. Wilkins, went to Buies Creek la.-;t Thursday. Me-srs. H. V. Gaskill, Oscar Bailey, Dick Broadwell, Andy Creech, Edward Rains and Gibson Fields w'ent to Charlotte Tuesday to attend the boxing matches. They saw Selma’s boxer, “Snake” Driver win over three opponents Tuesday. Snake- is .goin.g good at the tourna ment. On Monday he knocked out his man in the second round. fXPLANATION: There are many, many explanations for this old trick. One is that the girl wearsa concealed harness, which ends in a socket between her shoulder blades. This is attached to a piston below the stage. The piston is pushed up from below, causing her to rise in the air. The piston is invisible, because it is covered with mirrors which reflect surrounding draperies, similar to the background. The magi cian can pass the hoop over her body because it is cut in one place. It can be pulled apart for a second when it passes the piston. It’s fun to be fooled’s more fun to KNOW SorncE: Modern Maptc" by Professor Hoffmann. George houtlcdge & Sons. > Q. Another “magic show” is cigarette adver tising. One of its greatest tricks is the illusion that cigarettes can be made miraculously "MUD" through manufacturing methods. THI iXPiANATioN! All popular cigarettes today are made in modern sanitary factories with up-to-date machinery. All are heat treated— some more intensively Uian others, because raw, inferior tobaccos require more intensive treatment than choice, ripe tobaccos. The real diflerence comes in the tobaccos that are used. The better the .tobacco, the milder it is. KEPT FRESH IN THE WELDED HUMIDOR PACK Messrs'. C. P. Harper, Carl Worley E. G. Hobb.s, H. H. Lowry and others attended the Educational Mass Meeting held at the city auditorium in Raleigh Tuesday afternoon. Miss Esther Barham, student at Meredith College, Rale’gh, spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs J. W. Barham, at the Merchants A It is a fact, well known by leaf tobacco experts, that Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand. This is why Camels are so mild. This is why Camels have .given more pleasure to more people than any other cigarette e^er made. Il’s the secret of Camels’ rich“bouquet” ...their cool flavor... their non-irritating mildness. All the natural, ripe goodness of Camel’s tobacco is kept fresh for you by the famous air-tight, welded Humidor Pack. Don’t remove it. . Hotel. The friends of Miss Inez Wilkins will be glad to learn that she s back to her duties, after being very ill with the flu, at .4. S. T. 0., Boone, N. C. Mrs. E. E. Maddry from Port-> rnouth, Virginia, spent eeveral days kist week with Mrs. W, A. Nordan. Coiiyrigbt. lD3d, It. J. Ivtjbuiut U Cvapauy W. •a V ’ r* • 9 HO TRICKS 1ST COSTLIER TOBACCOS vs® ina matchless blend