I t f- P i THE JOHNSTONIAN—SUN, SELMA, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933. OLD & BLAC SELMA SCHOOL NEWS Under Auspices Dept, of English STAFF: EDWARD HOGE VICK, Editor Representatives High School: Grade School Representatives: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND Co- Katherine Aycock Bessie Hatcher Kllen Singleton Helen Jones Frederick Eason Hilda Earp Ears A-Wag (By Alda Gurkin) • was popping away at my chew- gum one day, unaware of the fact that I wasn’t alone until my vother called to me. I asked her -.'hat she wanted ,and she replied hy relating the following story: " You know, Alda, that there is .Iway.s .something in the day’s ■1,'ents that bring back memories of by-gone years. Your chewing gum Iia-s reminded me of an incident that b.ippened when I was in school, “ I often wondered why a boy is -%>vietimes given such large, red sars that Iris head remind.s one of L taxicab with both doors wide 'Open, anti why he is given the -..-iwer to wiggle those ears. What is more amusing than a pair of > Tjs flapping in marked time to the s^lick their owner’s chewing gum’' “Ctni day while on class, I was ntuch disturbed by a boy who sat in front of me. He had such large ears that I had to sit away - x>er to one side of the seat in order i', see the blackboard. ‘U.! .was busy on a test; but when n 'heard .someone laughing in a sub- .-raea nrease, I looked up to see what Kt ’.was about. "'To Tuy surpri.se and embarrass- ~-,eht, ‘everyone seemed to be look- '^g a'J tac. 1 wondered if there was something odd about my wearing apparel, or if the bow in my hair tad .slipped out of place and let -lown my ‘pig-tails’. “Finany, I caught a glimii.se of ; ■‘methlng red and turned my head '' set w'ha it was. There I found re cause for the hilarity. The boy front of me was chewing gum with a rythm to which his great -'“ft ear wa- keeping time,—swing- “g like the open door of a taxicab. as follows: Piano, Ellen Singleton. Bass Horn Solo, Jimmie Woodard Band Alto Solo, Elsie Earp. Boys Unchanged Vocal Sob, Harold Fulghum. Bass Solo, Jimmie Woodard, Girls Glee Club. Mixed Glee Club. The result.s of the contest Frida;’ will be given next week. BASEBALL NEWS Tuesday Selma played Micro £ double header. In the first gam( Selma’s -econd team won a victorr of 10-5 over Micro’s second. Th second game was between the fir.it string of each team. This game wa: called, on account of darkness, witl the .score standing 5-5. The next game Selma will play at home will be tomorrow with Zebulon Everyone come out and show your school spirit. The g-ame will be at 3:30 and the admi.ssion charges will be only 10 cents to everyone. Testing Woman’s Curiosity New Neighbors (By Thelma Brown) While I was sitting on the |X)rch day, I saw a bluebird perch on fench nearby. He was beautiful - its his bright feathers gleaming in ?.unlight. Near the fence there a bird-bo.x that my brother had . ‘L"- in hopes that some bird would >4 i-omfortable enough for a A short time ago a certain man decided to see just how strong woman’s curio-ity was. He cut small “personal” item from the newspaper and left the paper wher‘ his wife would be sure to find it When he returned home the next evening he was surpriseti to finil the dome.stic atmosphere hanging' heavy with thunder clouds. Investi gation revealed that his wife had borrowed a neighbors paper to see what he had clipped. He fumbled in his vest pocket for his clipping and was electrified to find on the op posite side from the “Personal” item, this headline: “Prominent Citizen Figures iu Wild Party at Roadhouse. Due to Prominence of Participants, No Names Are Given at This Time.” And now a certain man has no further interest in femine curio.^ity.—Your Office House inihlieation of the Detroit (Mich.) Maccabees building. THE SELMA PRESBYTERIAN State of North Carolina, ”'ounty of Johnston. The Federal Land Bank of jmbia, plaintiff, vs L. H. Stephen- m and wife, Lola P. Stephenson, ;d. S. Edmondson, Tru.stee, Gurney '. Hood, Commissioner of Banks, iarolina Power & Light Company, i. B. Grantham, W. M. Morgan, Ihomas H. Roberts, Clayton OJ Mills, Inc. J. H. Poole, Merchants fertilizer & Phosphate Company and Merchants Phosphate & Fertilizer Company, defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered n above entitled civil action on the 0th day of April 1933, in the Su- >erior Court of said County by the Ilerk, I will on the 13th day of May 1933, at 12 o’clock M., at the iounty Courthouse door in .said ’.ounty, sell at public auction to the lighest bidder therefor the following lescrihed lands, situated in said iounty and state in Pleasant Grove Township, comprising 351.24 acres, note or les-', and bounded and de- '.crihed as follows: All those certain piece-, parcels ir tracts or lots of land containing !51 24 acres, more or less, situated lying and being on the Raleigh and W^ilmington road, about 17 miles South of Raleigh, N. C. Having luch shapes, mete-, courses, and listances as will more fully appear by reference to a plot thereof made by E. P. Lore, Civil Engineer, Nov. 1919, and now on file with the ab stract with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, the same being bound ed on the North by Middle Creek; on the East by the B. W. Young heirs; on the South by William A. Lee and Mrs. E. N. Stephenson, and on the West by the lands of J. L. Johnson, and being the lands con veyed to Leonard H. Stephenson a- will appear by reference to deeds recorded in Book No. 137 at page 198; Book No. 142, at page 560 and in Book No. 66 at page 82, Registry of Johnston County. The same being lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the J. P. Edmondson farm and a part of the boundary conveyed by Loueza McLean, to Flora S. H. Edmondson. The terms of sale are as follows: One-fifth of the accepted bid to be paid into the court in cash and the balance on credit payable in eight annual installments with interest thereon at six per cent per annum from the date of sale until paid and ■e:urod by a first mortgage of the premises on the part of the pur chaser, provided that the purchase .shall have the right when complyim with the terms thereof to pay ir cash the whole or any part of the credit portion of the purchase price, should the cash portion of the sale not suffice after paying the cost- proximately 81 acres, and being a part of the J. A. Holland lands. The successfully bidder will be re quired to depo.-'it 10 percent of the amount of his bid pending confirma-- tion of sale as an evidence of his good faith. This the 25th day of March 1933. BEN. F. AYCOCK, Commissioner PARKER & LEE, Attorneys NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J.U. Oliver deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 17th day of March 1934 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. ■This 11 day of March 1933. J. C. DIEHL, Admrx. Selma, N. C CHURCH DIRECTORY expenses of the a .short time, the bird set' Church 11:00 a. m. ’’^eluding the compensation to ■od-trre he had first (lerched; then | school 10'00 a m Commissioner, and all unpaid flew to the box, in-peeted it! choir nracticerTues. .. 6:30 p.m. taxes and assessments, then asse-sed 't j Jr. Choir practice, Tues. Cioroughly, anl finally flew away. | church 9:30 a. m. I thought he was gone, and that he would not return, so 1 turned ■ .,y attention elsewhere. But pretty soon, 1 heard another | “when morning gilds the skies. THE CALL TO WORSHIP in the direction of the box. I ’•-■‘•--•’.lied u)p and there again v/as Mr, iSSueVird. He had brought Ids mate 'srirt Kim, and she went into the L'-ox. Alter they had looked about 'for 'a while, the male bird flew 'While the female stayeil to see ■'.hat i!v. other bird should bother liheir m.w homo. Several minutes ii.ileT, the (male bird returning with -.-oTOe straw; and thereafter, both cS:5+'-- -li ".It 'rar.y making a new Vo.r-rt. Days pa st-fl and 1 did not notice liiTd.s again until one day when ? saw some sparrows sitting on the .r'ence, watching the home of Mr. and Airs, Bluebird. They were not con- 3tcnl .f- six at a distance, hut had t-. closer to get a better view. When they moved, Madam Bluebird Js*>iiped out through the doorway and vEi-hed at them. Tlie> sp:>iTows 'fca.rtily flew away, and I have not -.since seen them around the Blue- home. My heart awaking cries. May Jesu- Christ be praised! ■ Alike at work and pray'r. To Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ be praiseil!” “Were the whole relm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; l.ove so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.” DID VOL EVER STOP TO THINK? f-O.NGFELLOW EITERA BY SOCIETY The Longfellow' Society held its ■ itiiig last Friday. After the meet- _ WMs called to order and the ss'vvtary read the minutes of the nnecliog, the following program xsi-S .givin; reading, George Suher. Dsriaiffirt i'on, Owen Dewar, dk, James Driver, i.oifiit Ewnts, Lawrence Deans. jy, ■‘True and Untrue”, Thomas ■V, -.-. danl. •cm, Otev Oliver. >ry, ‘ The Enchanted Horse”, '.all. Report, David Simpson. .4- fleport, Gurnie West. r-;r~. , Ralph Bond. ‘.V E. Branch. By Edsoii R. Waite, Shawnee, Okhx. Homer W, Wood, publisher of the Porterville (California) Evening Recorder, says: “More than one Captain of In dustry has said that molern busi- iie.ss has grown to a large extent into Competitive advertising. “ In this day of enlightenment, people want to know and you must tell them. “.Advertising is not what it used to be, simply ’John Doe, Jeweler' or ‘Jim Crow, Grocer.’ It is a ((uestion of educating the people and telling them what you have to offer and the quality thereof. “Time was when a bank was too dignified to advertise, but not so now. Bank ads are educational ads. l‘-ven the railroads are putting on their ‘Dollar Day’ sales on trans- poitation. “The future in advertising is a.s great as i.s the past. It develops as lo all art.s and sciences. The people want to be served, but they should first he told.” upon the property, to discharge and pay off the judgment in favor of the plaintiff in full, then any bal- I ance due upon said judgment shall be evidenced by a separate bond and secured by a first and separate mortgage of the premises on the pait of the purcha-er, the purchaser .shall pay for the preparation and recerd’ng of all papers. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confinnation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported un less its maker shall deposit with sa'd Clerk at the close of the bid- | ding the sum of Five Hundred (500 00) Dollars, as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid when acceixted. Notice is now given that .=aid lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o’clock, p. m. of the same day un less said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 12th day of April 1933. JAMES D. PARKER, Com. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Bob YlAND AND GLEE CLUB NEWS I'luj Band and Glee Club have been S,;sy for tlie past few weeks pre- for preliminary contest s-.’i the State Mu-ic Contest. Selmn ■ wSi enter .several event.s which arc ■A new plan for a general purpose barn on the small farm has been developed at State College and is now available through the county farm agent or on application t.o David S. Weaver, agricultural engi neer at the College. Tliirty-seven crop rotation plans have been adopted a.s demonstration- by Alamance County farmer.s this .season. North Carolina, Johnston County. Under and by virtui'e of an order of the Superior Court of Johnston County, made in theSpecialProceed- ing, entitled, P. A. Holland, admr. of Martie Bass, deceased, vs M. G. Holland et als, the .-ame being No. 758 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the under signed Commissioner will on the 25 day of April 1933, at 12:00 o’clock M., at the courthouse door in Smith field, Johnston County, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highe.st bidder for cash that certain tract of lands lying and being in Boon Hill Town.ship, Johnston County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Miles Radford, J W. Boyette, Ennis Parrish et als and bounded on the East by the lands of Miles Radford; on the South by the lands of J. W'. Boyette, on the '^est by the land.s of Ennis Parrish and Miles Radford and on the North by the lands of Miles Radford and containing ap- ter ter SLEEP When you can’t sleep, it’s because your nerves -won’t let you. Don’t ■waste time “counting sheep.” Don’t lose half your needed rest in reading. Take two tablets of Bayer Aspirin, drink a glass of water—and go to sleep. This simple remedy is all that’s needed to insure a night’s rest. It’s all you need to relieve a headache during the day—or to dispose of other pains. Get the genuine tablets of Bayer manufacture and you will get immediate relief. Bayer Aspirin dissolves always immediately—-gets to work without delay. This desirable speed is not dangerous; it does not depress the heart. Just be sure you get the genuine tablets stamped thus: Use This Laxative made from plants Thedford’s Black-Draught la made from plants that grow In the ground, like the garden vegetables you eat at every meal. NATURE has put into these plants an active medicine that stimulates the bowels to act — just as Nature put the ma terials that sustain your body into the vciretable foods you eat. In Black-Draught you have a natu ral laxative, free from synthetic drugs. Its use does not make you have to depend on cathartic chemlral drugs to get the bowels to act daily. Noxo you can get niack-Dmught in the form of a SYRUP, for Childrbk. DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Next Visit to Selma At Woodard’s Drug Store TUESDAY, MAY 9TH Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted Office Tarboro, N. C. Every Friday & Saturday, AFTER 40 bowel trouble Constipation may very easily become chronic after forty. And any conlinued constipation at that time of life may bring attacks of piles and a host of other unpleasant disorders. Watch your bowels at any age. Guard them with particular care after forty. Whenever they need any help, remember a doctor should know what is best for them. “Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin” is a doctor’s prescription for the bowels. Tested by 47 years’ practice, it has been found thoroughly effective in relieving constipation and its ills for men, women and children of all ages. It has proven perfectly safe even for babies. Made from fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other harmless ingredients, it cannot gripe; will not sicken you or weaken you; can be used without harm as often as your breath is bad, or when your tongue is coated; whenever a headachy, bilious, gassy condition warns of constipation. Dr. W. B. Caldwell's SYRIP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative or Gentlemen THE MORE YOU TELL! THE MORE YOU SELL! WANT ADS Rates For Want Ads in This Coldmn PER WORD Minimum Charge 25c For Any Ad. IT ONLY COSTS YOU 1 CENT PER WORD! If you have something that you want to sell, buy or trade—-use the “printer’s motto”—“t h e more you tell—the more you sell”—try using the JOHNSTONIAN-SUN ^‘WANT ADS” HOUSEWIVES—JUST TRY OUB Silk Finish plain and self-rising Flour, with a money back guar antee that its just as good or better than any in Selma, re gardless of what you maj' pay for other's. We buy direct from mill to your table, hence the sav ing. Phone 48—We deliver. FLOYD C. PRICE & SON LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and sharpened. Prices very reasonable. All work guaranteed. See C. W. Fulghum & Son, Selma, N. C. 3t. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND four other farm papers and The Johnstonian-Sun one year for only .$1.50. This proposition will not last long. See us at once. The John tonian-Sun. WILL TAKE CHICKENS AND eggs in payment of subscriptions to Johnston'an-Sun. FIVE .MAGAZINES AND THIS paper all for one year at $1.60. The Johnstonian-Sun, Selma, N. C. HIGHE.ST PRICES ALLOWED— for chickens and eggs in payment of subscriptions to The Johnston ian-Sun. SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST and four other Farm papers and the Johnstonian-Sun one year for only $1.50. Subsci'ibe NOW, before this offer expires. Johnstonian-Sun. COW FOR SALE—Anyone wi.sh- ing a good milk cow at reasonable price, see EDDIE HATCHER, Selma, route 2. It. DR. R. M. BLACKMAN DENTIST Office In MASONIC BUILDING Selma, N. C. Selma Lodge No. 320, A. F. & A. M. Meets every first and third Tues day at 8 p. m. Visiting Brethren in'vited. Geo. H. Wilkinson, W. M. W. T. Woodard, Secretary. For ORANGE FER TILIZER See J. A. SMITH Smithfield, N. C. Representative SMITH-DOUGLAS CO., Norfolk, Va. Nearly every Durham County farmer ■will plant a garden this year with most of them making plans to keep the garden going the year around. Alleghany farmers saved two cents a pound on 9,970 pounds of clover and grass seeds ordex'ed co operatively through their local mu tual exchange. By carefully selecting his Week ly’s Improved corn over a period of eight years. Will Cansler of Lin coln County has been selling all of his seed corn at a good price. Where the tobacco plant beds are affected with blue mold, water them carefully about twice a week with a solution made up from three pounds of nitrate of soda to each 100 square yards of bed. Keep the canvas off during the day and re place it at night, says E. Y. Floyd. nJ