JUNIOR POINTER EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF HIGH POINT JR. HIGH SCHOOL VOLUME X, NUMBER 3 KIGH POINT, N. U , iJE..EMBER 10, 1937 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEAR Mrs. Freeman^s Science Classes Spend Time Profitably In Various Activities I A MESSAGE | ^ The Junior Pointer Staff ^ ^ wishes a very Merry Christ- Edith Seckler Compiles Facts About High Point From the Earlier Days mas and Happy New Year to Visit High Point-Greensboro Airport and Weather Bureau 11 Mrs. Ranson, the teachers, and Where Many Interesting Phases of Port Are ' ^ Explained to Pupils = every Junior High boy and 3 i girl. J Traces in Definite Way Progress Alade by City Beginning With 1800’s and Continuing Through 1937; Settled Before Revolutionaiy War Recently our science classes took a trip to the High Point Greensboro Airport, and Weather Bureau. There we met our guide Mr. Molen, from Greensboro, who has been with the Vi ,.ULue. rjiireau eighteen years. He first took us to the recording room where Mr. Donnell was on duty as receiver. Mr. Donnell served in the Navy eight years, spent three years over seas and has traveled through out the entire world- He showed us the control board and how it was operated. He also told us that opera tors use the continental code. We then were escorted by Mr. Molen to a small shelter where drums of hydrogen were kept for the purpose of filling large balloons that are sent up twice after noon at eleven and five o’clock. At night black balloons are used with candles on them because the rays of the candle flame show up better against the black sky. The balloons are six inches in circumference before filled, and thirty inches when filled with the hydro.gcn. The balloon is placed in a tube attached to the hydrogen drum, and automatically pumped up until it has lifted a one hundred and j forty gram weight. It is taken off, [ tied and set on a platform from ' which it is lifted upward by the air pressure. It is watched through ^ , telescope to find the amount of air n6Wiy UrgaiII’’£d pressure and the directions and force of the wind. He then took us to the instrument THE CAST OF FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS Springfield, below High Point, was a community settled by the Quakers before the Revolutionary War. High Point began as a village after Che war. The Moravians from Salem bought property here early in the 1800’s. Later a company was formed by some of the Salem settlers and a plank road was built from Salem to Fayetteville- The road helped the growth of High Point for tobacco and other farm produce were brought here for shipment. Later the railroad that gave High Point its name for this happened to be the ^.ghesc point between Goldsboro and Charlotte. Club Holds Meetfegs The villag'e wa.s incorporated in May, 1859. .At that time the village contained from 250-300 people. Manufacturing did not begin in earnest here until the year 1889. However there was a firnr here in 1886 known as Snow and Dalton who manufactured lumber. The fii'm became the Snow Lumber Co. in 1890. This business is still running at the same place where it started. High Point has become known since 1889 as the “Grand Rapids of the South.’’ Among the pioneers were M. J. Wrenn, O. E. Ream, J. H. Tate, A. E. Tate, Fred N. Tate, and W. G. Bradshaw. Some of the vLfm-ac PI-jv Ira Room 106 Gives Radio I furniture companies have been G^i.n„lnias ridy lO , » , « known as the High Point Furni- i reieitted Here Dec, 16th Program on Damrosch Furniture Co., The Globe, Southern Chair, Alma Above are members of the Pepper family and o hers «ho support the Little Peppers in the play to given at Junior High on night before holidays begin. The recently organized Science shelter where we saw dry and wet November 23, in room bulbs and maximum and minimum 307. The meeting was called to or- thermometers. A recording ther- Mrs. Freeman. There was moineter 'lonns - valuable part *of oI3r6r~ne.w'busineS's at’thd fiifet the w'eather bureau’s equipment. In- j meeting, side the cylinder of the thermome- ’ It has been a custom of Jr. High ^ Continental. In ad- ter, is a clock, which makes the commfttee read the ' usual, di- pjayed by Bill Payne and his mother the nominating committee, read the ^ slate o o iceis w ic "gg^ygj.. This year, will be “Five Little Pep- | America. Jimmy Wichard, Peggy W m.onv vears to nresent a Christ- Sigh’s first radio program dition to these now running in re- L ,“.T r.ai.r«nTlo‘ V..i„ ” O' ”•70.*. i ,h, It it . , “7 -ow» good custom^ and the pays ave ^ success. The first scene, lono tv, 1, ■ u ■ been successful and good. Damrosch,' ^he hosiery business i- 1,.. -D;n r> v,-„ —"as been introduced and is still in cylinder and the record sheet revolve once in a week. The metal coil is the therm-ometer. It opens slightly when warmed, causing the pen to move upward, and closes when cooled.causing the pen to move dowm- ward. Thus an irregular line is drawn on the sheet, giving a record follows; president. Bill interesting story 'jane Bryant, and Meredith Slane I vice president an piogiam c an ^ family that is made very , had parts in scenes concerning I man, Ruth Cullei , SeClG aiy an u „ xir^iSilI-VnT- innr* «dH his liFo TVu^ r>vnyv5im intPY his treasurer, Doris McKinney; news happy by a wealthy man and his later life. The program was interest- creasing. The Adams Millis Cor poration is the largest hosiery con cern here. High Point has become known as an industrial city and there are many different things son living near by. ing and well done. No one had mike manufactured here. We have the city manager form reporter, Kathryn Cross; program; characters were chosen by !fright, everything ran smoothly. It committee. Hale Hardee and Harrison after a number of i "’as both timed and timely since of government. There is a mayor of the temperature for an entire Panky; scouts, June Philips Pepper family, the ' every minute and second must be ; and a council. The area of the eek. Bill Causey. The club unanimous-^ important characters, are Bet- accounted for on the radio, and city is 9.75, there are 15 parks with ty Lee Scruggs Mrs. Pepper; since we have been enjoying Mr. the total of 132 acres valued at Nancy Cox, Polly’ Pepper; Stanton Bamrosch’s concerts so recently. : W® Cecil, Ben Pepper; Jo Ingram, Edwin Robbins Phronsie Pepper; Billy Kiser, Davie Bill Causey. The club unanimous- We also found that the velocity accepted the slate of officers of the wind is measured by an an- j fi'esented. emometer. The particular type we Mrs. Freeman turned the meeting saw consisted of four revolving cups over to Bill Beaver, who thanked attached to bars mounted on a ver- the nominating committee for his Pepper; and J. R. Harrison, Joel tical axis over the hangar. T’he office and position. Then Hale Har- lower end of the axis is attached to dee gave two simple experiments a system of clockwork, which regis- showing how fog lights penetrate ters the number of revolutions per minute. We again entered the recording 4:55- An explanation of the map (Continued on Page Four) Rppm ?08’s Practice Tea-'^e’’ to Be Missed the fog and the action of molecules under heat and cold. Ruth Culler made a few remarks and asked the cooperation of everyone in the club- What We Were Pepper. This Pepper family will make you laugh and cry at their grand interpretations. Other characters are Ruth Wil- liard. Grandma Bascum; Peggy Teague, Miss Jerusha Henderson; Mr, .Abernathy Speaks To Scieiice Classes (Doris McKinney and Kathryn Cross) On December 2, Mr. Abernathy of Royster Thurman, Mr. Henderson; the Soil Conservation Bureau spoke Sara Ray, Mrs. Henderson;; Bill to home room 206 and three other ment, police department and thir teen public schools including two seniors highs and one junior high. The population increased from 4,163 in 1900 to 48,517 in 1936. We have here three banks and two rail road systems. The Southern Rail road and the H. P. T. and D. Rail road. The Southern controls the (Continued on Page Four) Currie. Mr. Whitney; Gloria lllder- Mips Briles, a practice teacher '’’•om the High Point College, has been teaching civics in 208 for the pa=t six weeks. Miss Briles has finished her work here at Junior High. While she was i’ere our class made booklets on High Point. They were filled with I'-vny interesting facts about our Doing a Year Ago^®"- Whitney: Tourtelotte, George Humphreys; Van, Thomas Moffitt; Percy Billy Hall. The Five Little Peppers” will be (Mary Jo Wilson) Loretta Culver wiote^^ an article junior High School on “Winter In Canada- auditorium Decem'ber 16th. at seven- Mimi Wagger wrote a worthwhile ^ article on “Hints of Coui’tesy. j New Year’s resolutions were made ; „ _ . _ by the students of Junior High. | MajOr Lowan ohOWS Ruth Culler resolved to make the ; MovirV PlCturCS Et Jt, Hi, Honor Roll. (We feel sure that she j i-'has kept and will keep that resolu- ! Q^g^^y recently Miss Deans’ city. The classes studied the func tion? of the city manager, the vards. and the councilmen. We also : tiufied public safety and industries in High Point. Each notebook con tained a map of High Point; it showed the location of the post of fice, the library, parks, schools, bus station, churches, the theatres, hotels, hospitals, and the railway station. A few of the best booklets were shown to Dr. Grayson. He thought they were very good. I m sure room 208 enjoyed hav ing Miss Briles with us. We are going to miss her very much. —Edna Stanton. J, fi. i class had a very interesting as well Bobby Hicks to o educational program. They were veal Christmas. That was when he i visiting had a black Christmas instead of a white one. The furnace burst wide ! , , v a .1 1 open and the house was filled with j The devotional was read by Adele Enjoy Experiments— Check on Weather Man science classes. He told of the damage of soil erosion and meas ures taken to prevent erosion. Mr. Abernathy said that if plants which drew nitrogen from the air were planted, it would prevent the soil pgrinients. The class is divided into from losing its fertility. He also, Science class pupils have been working some very interesting ex- estimated the amount of soil used experiment individually. by man to make a living as six to ^ experimenting with .ight inches. It takes from five: g^y^g^ anything hundred to ‘one thousand years to make one inch of soil. brighter in oxygen. soot and smoke. Sheffield after which ithe classes Dr. Brockman spoke to the stu- | sang “Faith of Our Fathers.” dent body at Junior High School. j The class was honored to have Room 208 was working hard to | Major Cowan, an officer of the improve citizenship. Over nine thousand Christmas seals were sold in our school. Mrs. Beamon’s room sold the largest Salvation Army, to show them his moving pictures of the Yellowstone National Park and the British Coronation. Major Cowan has visited amount, it being fourteen hundred. !the entire United States as well as Stanley Saunders sold six hundred j Cuba, Mexico, Canada^ and the Brit- and twenty five seals, the most sold | ish Isles. T’he program was enjoyed by any individual in Junior High ‘by all present and we hope to have School. ! Major Cowan visit us again- About fifty acres near Colfax are M’e also sent up several balloons damaged more by erosion than any flUed with hydrogen made by the other place in Guilford County. Mr.' gjagg and tied our names to them Abernathy said that the erosion of as a means of identification if they North Carolina alone was equal to - vvere found. the size of Guilford County. If all Another interesting thing we the wasted soil of United States; have been doing is preserving bio- was combined, it would cover a hun-: logical specimens in formaldehyde, dred million acres ot land or six of, Lately we have been studying our Southern states. Although soil meteorology, the study of the erosion has no apparent influence weather and climate. We performed on us, everything we do, wear, and experiments showing why the eat comes from the soil. : wind blows, why it rains, and how We were glad to have the other' radiant energy is turned to heat, science classes and Mr. Abernathy We have been keeping articles with us. on weather from the newspaper and grading the weather man. He Are you satisfied with the marks ; has had the grade A about every found on your report card? day.