- dt EASTER EDITION The University Student LUX ET VERITAS Vol. 3 No. 5 JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY, CHARLOTTE, N. C., APRIL, 1927. CLASS OF 1927 By Carlton L. Murphy, ’27 The class of ’27 owes its existence back t(. ’.le fall of the year, 1919. Fifty-four vigorous young rrien set out to Biddle Uni versity—as it was then called—to secure a cducacional training. At the end of theii , .g ..cnool career the class had been reduced co twenty members. This was the first high school graduating class to re ceive a Johnson C. Smith University diplo ma—as the name of the school was changed the same year—1923. In the fall of the year, 1923, the class saw a decided change in that about two- thirds of the old boys fell by the wayside and a large number of new men stepped into their places. The class was then en larged to thirty-nine members. Through another change the class was reduced to twenty-four members which is the present number. The following schools are represented by the class; Thynne Institute, W. P. Jennings; Boydton A. and B. Institute, A. A. Adams; Mary Potter School, W. J. Hardy and H. L. Forbes; Brainerd Institute, C. B. Stew art, J. T. Jones and C. G. Gore; Harbison College, N. L. Gregg, R. W. Parker, J. J. Spearman and R. W. Thompson; Western Union Academy, D. A. Costner; Danville Industrial Institute, W. E. Bailey; St. Au gustine School, E. L. Avery, and Lincoln University, J. T. Douglass. Those who finished high school at John son C. Smith University and who are mem bers of the present class are: A. R. Lord, T. L. Gunn, W. B. Stinson, L. S. Brown, vl.. 1^. Murp"r E. Bailey, R. L. Watt, C. H. Shute, .P • G. T. Butler and. D. Douglass. Who Is Who of the Class of ’27. ,:-i.lbert A. Adams, known as “cuckoo,” is a brilliant student, a scientific scholar and a member of the Philosophy club. Eugene L. Avery, known as “shorty,” is a member of the Philosophy club, a bright student and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. William E. Bailey, known as “slim,” is a pre-medical student and a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Lucius S. Brown, known as “Pure,” is an excellent student, a member of the Phil osophy club. George T. Butler, known as “Jerry,” is the class comedian, a classical student and a member of the Philosophy club. Dwight A. Costner, known as “Rev.” is secretary of the class, Y. M. C. A. worker and a member of Omega Psi Phi Frater nity. Julius T. Douglass, known as “Pomme,” is a classical student, winner of the Junior Oratorical Contest Medal and a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. J. David Douglass, known as “Slick,” is an athlete. He served several years on the Varsity foot ball and base ball teams and is a classical student. Henry L. Forbes, known as “John Doe,” is salutatorian of the class. Editor of “The Social Whirl,” a member of the Philosophy club and a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Newton L. Greeg, known as “Newt,” is President of the class and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Curley G. Goore, known as “Kapeeba,” is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and a member of the University Quintette. Wayne J. Hardy, known as “Where,!’ is a member of the Varsity base ball team, a pre-medical student and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Wendell P. Jennings, known as “Red,” is Assistant instructor of chemistry in the University and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. ■ ■ ■ 6«tte5c •'Arts-’ S delete Joseph T. Jones, known as “Friend,” is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, a member of the University Quintette and a member of the Philosophy club. Alonza R. Lord, known as “Sonny,” is Vice-President of the class, was foot ball manager for the year, 1926, and is a mem ber of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Carlton L. Murphy, known as “Buss,” is historian of the class, designer of class pic ture, artist and interior decorator and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Raymond W. Parker, known'as* “Joe,” rt author of “Back and Front,” an excellent scholar and a member of the Philosophy club. Charles H. Shute, Jr., known as “The Duke of Conover,” is a classical student and good in extra curricula activities. Julius J. Spearman, known as “Felly,” is a scientific student, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and a member of the Philosophy club. Charles B. Stewart, known as “Kid Charlie,” is a member of the Philosophy club, a wide-awake student and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. William B. Stinson, known as “Child,” is Valedictorian of the class and Assistant Instructor of Chemistry in the University. Roy W. Thompson, known as “Stokes,” is a member of the Varsity foot ball and base ball teams of the University, a sci entific student and a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Robert L. Watt, known as “Kid Bobie,” is Treasurer of the class, a pre-medical student and is Postmaster of the University. INSTITUTE ON HUMAN RELATIONS Price 10 Cento Chapel Hill, N. C., March.—Race rela tions, along with international affairs and industrial problems, occupied the earnest attention of the faculty and student body of the University of Noi'th Cai'olina locat ed here, through the week of March 20-25. The occasion was the first Quadrennial In stitute on Human Relations, conducted un der the auspices of the College Y. M. C. A. and led by many outstanding authorities on the several subjects discussed. . The speakers on race relations were J. Weldon Johnson, of New York, Secretary of the N. A. A. C. P.; W. W. Alexander, of Atlanta, Director of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation; Prof. N. C. New- bold, Supervisor of Negro Education in North Carolina; Prof. W. C. Jackson, Vice-President of North Carolina College for Women and Chairman of the State In terracial Committee; and J. J. Cornelius of India. Each made a distinctive contribu- titon to the program. Mr. Johnson appeared before many of the classes from day to day, setting forth the contributions that Negroes had made to American music, literature, and art. He handled his subject with rare insight and skill and completely won his auditors. On Friday evening he addressed a great stu dent mass meeting on the American inter racial situation, setting forth the fact that the Negro ’".^pssenti.ally an American, feoi- that he is entitled to the rights of citizen ship, and expects sooner or later to receive them. “Whether America shall be able to find a way to give him these rights,” said the speaker, “will be the ultimate test of this country’s democracy.” No one on the program was more favorably received or trated with greater courtesy than Mr. Johnson. W. W. Alexander, in addition to meeting a number of classes, spoke Sunday morning on education and race relations, maintain ing that in these days of intimate world relations, education to be effective, must teach men of different races to understand and respect each other and to deal fairly with one another. Mr. Newbold told the remarkable story of Negro education in North Carolina, Dr. Jackson spoke on the general subject of race relations, and J. J. Cornelius talked on world aspects of the problem. Among the speakers on international re lations were Kirby Page, Dr. W. L. Poteat, Arthur Rugh, Mr. Cornelius, Dr. Alva W. Taylor and E. M. Patterson, making pow erful appeals for international understand ing and permanent peace. James Myers, Fred Ringe and Dr. Taylor talked on in dustry, setting forth the necessity of re shaping our industrial order along more Christian lines. COLLEGE PLACEMENT BUREAUS (From “The Oracle) In the near future the college placement bureau will be as necessary for the main tenance of a Negro school as an efficient faculty, and the school that does not main tain an alert and effective placement bu reau will be severely handicapped. Financial support indeed is no small part of the problem of the future success ful educational administration. Northern philanthropy is no longer as interested in Negro education as it once was. In the near future, Negro schools, like white schools, will have to be maintained by their alumni. Hence, it will be directly profitable for Negro schools to place their graduates in positions that will permit them to de velop adequate endowments for their Alma Maters. It will not be long before the progress of a school will be determined by the progress of its alumni. Then, too, there is another angle to this proposition. Today colleges are judged largely by the products they turn out; and the products are measured by what they accomplish. Hence, the schools which help their products to accomplish by placing the products right and giving them a good start will be adjudged the more effective institu tions. Today, all Negro schools that prepare their students and turn them aloose on the world without placement are not doing a successful job. Some Negro schools have made a good start in the right direction; but, teacher-placement bureaus alone, are not sufficient, for the simple reason that all graduates have not been trained for the teaching profession. Some are trained for insurance, others are trained for engineer ing, journalism, real estate, banking, ex-, porting and importing, marketing, etc. These as well as those trained for teaching should be placed. Y. M. C. A. NOTES By D. A. Costner, *27 The Y. M. C. A. still serves as an in centive to a life of usefulness and right eousness. We are still anticipating a new Y. M. C. A. room. How long shall we be kept in sus pense ? _ . , ,, - , SSre. v-rkis.'—:-n'- Un the third rfunua^ reoruai^ we a song service. On February 27th Mr. Charles White led in discussing, “Does College Life Weaken or Strengthen Christian Faith?” March 6th a very good program v. ,^ : rendered by the Ciceronian iLterary Sod- ety. The week of prayer was observed Mch. 6-13. The principal speakers were Rev. Prof. Booker and Rev. 0. E. Sanders. March 13 Dr. G. E. Davis brought a mes sage which was no exception to all his work,—good. March 20 Rev. H. M. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church, gave us a burn ing message. March 27 we had a musicale. The out standing numbers were a clarinet solo by Mr. Shelton Long; vocal solos by Mr. Ben jamin Brock and C. H. Byrd; violin duet by Messrs. Adams and Jones. April 3rd we had installation of officers- The officers are: Mr. Z. A. Dockery, Pres ident; Mr. G. E. McKeithen, Vice-Pi'esi- dent; Mr. Gilmer Franklin, Secretary; Mr. J. L. Hollowell, Assistant Secretary; and Mr. C. H. White, Treasurer. The ex-administration under the guid ance of Mr. E. L. James has done good work. Among other things it operated a movie for the benefit of the students dur ing the winter. We take this opportunity to thank Mr. G. T. Butler for his services in making the pictures successful. As a loyal member of the Association he freely gave his services. We thank Mr. Williams and others who did anything to make our program a real ity. Man is king or He is eirher con quering or being . riiuered, vanquishing or being vanquishe; every minute of his life. Everybody and • verything is either pusher or pushed.