The University Student LUX ET VERITAS V-!. 4. No THE MATTOON LITERARY SOCIETY. By Joseph A. Jones The VaAoi n Literary Society extends a hearty welcome to all members of the Collefi'e and Theological Departments. We also appreciate the visit of any member of the faculty on any or every Friday eve ning. We feel that wfith the cooperation of every member of the College and The ological school and members of the facul ty we can make this year one of' the greatest and most-progressive' years''in tile history of this society. . ■ ‘ - Wo realize that the society is progress ing, In view of the fact that the mem bers are doing their bits to increase jnem- bersh p, power and interest within the so ciety, we know that the society is going to do greater woi'k. The new administra tion with Messrs. .A, W. Waddell and L. L. Blakeney as President and Secretary re spectively has already shown success.' In the effort to stimulate interest the Presi- ident hos -authorized each member to wear the society colors, “white and purple,” on Frielay of each week. The programs ren dered in ' ur meetings are very interesting. We I'.now that the performers as well as oAi'"'s present are benefitted by being critici."-cd by two men, both of whom have an eye of scrutiny and an ear which is very attentive to sound and technic. Each performer receives constructive criticism. In the fall election of officers the fol lowing men were elected: A. W. Waddell, President. E. A. Evans, Vice-President. L. L. Blakeney, Secretary. J. A. Squire, Assistant Secretary. A. A. Jones, Treasurer. Wm. S. Brinkley, Chaplain. R. E. Jones, Sergeant-at-Arms. AV. W. Jones, Critic. II. L. Marshall, Assistant Critic. J. A. Jones, Reporter. JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY, CHARLOTTE, N. C., NOVEMBER, 1927. Price 10 Cents. EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF JOHN SON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY. Ninety-six teachers of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County have enrolled in the Extension Department of Johnson C. Smith University. The work of this Department is conducted by the Division of Negro Ed ucation of North Carolina. The State Department of Education re ports that the teachers of this community are showing by their interest in the ex tension courses that the minimunr profes sional and academic requirements for ele mentary school teachers throughout the country shall be surpassed in North Caro lina. The elementary certificates of class B, held by teachei:s of this section have been changing rapidly into grammar grades and priinai-y certificates, classes B and A. As we remember that the latter eertificates signify that our teachers have done W'ork equivalent to three and four years beyond high school training, we are forced to admit that North Carolina is making progress in the teaching process. The efforts and enthusiasm manifested in the extension courses by the teachers of the State have been responsible for the adoption of Negro History as a course of study by the State Department of Educa tion. We are all proud of this work of achievement, and we are certain that our children will learn more about the Negro Race as a result of this course. .5^ m President s Thanksgiving Proclamation JTnder the guidance and watchful care of a divine and beneficent Providence this Country has been carried safely through another year. Almighty God has continued to bestow upon us the light of His coun tenance, and we have prospered. Not alone have we enjoyed material success, but we have advanced in wisdom and spir itual understanding. The products of our fields and our factories and of our mani fold activities have been maintained on a high level. We have gained in knowledge of the higher values of life. There has been advancement in our physical well-be ing. We have increased our desire for the things that minister to the mind and to the soul. We have raised the mental and moral standards of life. AVe have had the blessings of peace and honorable and friendly relations with our sister nations throughout the world, disas ters visiting certain of our States have touched the heart of a sympathetic nation, which has responded generously out of its NOTES By A. AV. AA’addell, ’29 Ihe A. M. C. A., under the leadership of the President, G. W. McKeithan, is mak ing rapid progress. The meeting held on last Sunday morning was largely attend ed. Mr. McKeithan made a brief talk in which he outlined the W'ork of the Y. M. C. A. He stated how the “Y” had been handicapped at the beginning of the school term, as the former Presdient did not re turn. Since the “Y” has made some ad- 'justments with reference to the cabinet, the Y. M. C. A. is in a better position to make this school year a successful one. The Young Men’s Christian Association now has ffer its_, Vice-President‘Mi-; James A. Squire... Mr. Squire is a very energetic' young man, and has always worked hard’ in all forms of Y. M. C. A. work. ' ' ‘ ’ Through 'the interest of Dr. H. L. Mc- Crorey the Y. M. C. A. has been given a A^. M. C. A. room. Dr. McCrorey has al ways been interested in the work of the “Y” and is constantly present at the meet ings He has made it possible, with a little work on the part of the members of the Y. M. C. A., to have one of the best “Y” rooms in the State. This is a new feature that has been added to the Young Men’s Christian Association here. The room will consist of a store in which school supplies will be sold to students at reasonable pric es. This room will be one of the great cen ters on the campus for news, as it will con tain periodicals and some of the leading papers. This will be a stimulus for stu dents and at the same time acquaint them with the happenings of other schools and with current events. We hope that more students will join the “Y’ ."nd help in the program for this year, in order that we may show our ap preciation for these facilities by making this year the banner year for the Y. M. C. A. abundance. In continuing to remember those in affliction we should rejoice in our ability to give them -relief. Now that these twelve months are drawing to a close, it is fitting that, as a nation and as individuals, in accordance with time-honored and sacred custom, we should consider the manifold blessings granted to us. While in gratitude we re joice, we humbly pray that we may be worthy of a continuation of divine favor. AA’herefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, do hereby set apart and designate Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November next, as a day of thanks giving and prayer, and recommend and urge that on that day our people lay aside their usual tasks, and by the family fire side and in their accustomed places of public worship give thanks to Him who holds us all in the hollow of His hand. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. SENIOR EVENTS By Thos. A. Jenkins On the campus one comes in contact with certain boys who have gained among the students wonderful influences, leaderships and outstanding positions in extra curric ula activities and if a copy of “Who’s Who’ at Smith were read it would be found that many of these boys would be listed as present seniors. But for fear copies would not be distributed soon “AVho’s AVho” among .the Seniors will be' in the next edition of th,is paper. It is I'umored that the class- is anxious to meet any team in the sehoqj. on the. grid-.. iron in a post-season, game., ..Whether, it be the Freshmen or the rvarsity, victory seems sure to come. There are,- at least, ,_s,even’' letter men to depend on and - then, some more. - . ... Our friend Jones must..-^be., solving some social problem secretly,- for. he is ..really keeping the campus boys guessing and the city folks wondering. We miss our old friend, “Jim” Pope much these days. We are sorry he failed to return' this season. A cei-tain Senior is said to be visiting a certain section of the city just about as often as the writer who lives therein. We are sure it is either Alston or Perry. In a discussion of the Demiurge on a certain highway a few nights ago there were different opinions as to Plato’s view, but when the Lincoln Light Four” capsized all w'ere with one accord saying, “All works are good.” This trip to Rock Hill will al ways be remembered by Scales, Foster, Belton and Scott. L. M. Massey can always be seen going toward First Street when he is at leisure off the campus. Since he is never seen else- W'here we are compelled to wonder. Joe Davis w-ould be pleased if some one would give him a little advice as to where he should spend the coming holidays. Pop says come on to New York. THE THEOLOGICAL CORNER By C. H. White The Theologs of Johnson C. Smith Uni versity have a wonderful opportunity that greatly benefits the recipients of it. It is natural that we are thankful for the same. This opportunity enables the members of the Theological Department to receive both theory and practice in their course of training. The Theological Department feels proud of the fact that the following members of this Department have received and ac cepted calls to supply the pulpits of the following churches: Mr. H. 0. Walker, ’28, is supplying Ed ward A\'’ebb Memorial Presbyterian church at Mt. Airy, N. C. Mr. A. E. Fortune, ’29, is supplying the Second Presbyterian church at Lincolnton, N C. Mr. S. C. Van Landingham, ’29, is sup plying the Presbyterian churches at Mor- .ganton, N. C., and Marion, N. C. Jv'Ir- J. Ij. Brewer, ’30, is supplying the Presbyterian church at Darlington, S. C. Rev. J. C. Corrothers is still supplying the flock at St. Peters A. M. E. Zion church, Gastonia, N. C. SCROLLERS. By C. Cardosa De A^ane On Tuesday evening. November l-5th, the Scrollers .Club had its first initiation of new members for the year. The number of students at Johnson C. Smith this year is greater than ever, and out of this num ber -w-e have selected some of the best. There - were- five who pledged allegiance ■to th organization: namely, Boseboro E. Jones, William Little, ' Edward- Jenkins, M. AA^. Wise, L. L. Blakeney. They sho-vv wonderful- possibilities ‘ of becoming good workers.- Our motto is: “We weigh men, not count them.” As a new enterprise at Johnson C. Smith University, the club has already mobilized its forces to work wherever duty necessi tates. It is this organization that acls as a feeder to the great Clan, Kappa Alpha Psi. Activities of the Scrollers’ Club are progressing favorably under the supervis ion of Dean J. H. Alston and Prof. T. S. Jackson, who are veteran representatives of Kappa Alpha Psi. In the event of a formal initiation in the near future, great things are anticipated. Organization signifies cooperation, a working together for the perfection of cer tain ideals. It was solely from this idea, that the Guide Right Movement was orig inated. The Scrollers Club and the Guide Right Movement bespeak the foundation on which the noble Order is so firmly es tablished. The officers are: T. A. La Saine, President. Osborn L. Wilson, Secretary. A. S. Brewer Assistant Secretary. E. M. Pressly, Treasurer. P. R. McCorkle, Sergeant-at-Arms.