ii mm Friday, October 27,1961 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Three “The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If there fore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great that darkness! —Matthew 6:22-23. Even though it may be a little late to ■ experiment on dried flowers, there is . a new product on the mar ket now that is very satisfactory. This product has been tried by local people, and they have had good re sults. It is an admixture pf blue and white, fine, sand-like particles. Wlien it is saturated with moisture, silica gel turns white. This can be reactivat ed by oven baking until the blueness returns. Flower-Dri is available at depart ment stores, garden centers and florists. A half pound 'package is $2.95, and a five pound package is $6.95. The flowers are as nearly real as any method you may use for preserving. If you can’t locate this, order from Department 122, Plan- thbbs "Corp., Baltimore 1, Md. Calodiums should be dug for win ter protection. Keep them around 60 degrees. Most bulbs will keep in just dry sand indoors. Always fun gicide gladiolus before packing for the winter. Alyssum, saxatile, bleeding hearts. Oriental poppy, primroses and stock, as well as fever few, should be planted now to assure you of a color ful garden next spring. If your phlox have a mildew, start when it first begins and leaf ^ray with sulphur. Lavander is important in your garden for the gray so necessary to blend colors. Emily Dickinson is a beloved poet, and we have selected “The Snake” from her writings for our Buds and Blossoms poem this week. A narrow fellow, in the grass Occasionally rides; You may have met him, did you not. His malice sudden is. The grass divides as with a comb, A spotted shaft is seen; And then it closes at your feet And opens further on. He likes a boggy acre, A floor too cool for corn. Yet when a child, and barefoot, I more than once, at morn. Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash Unbraiding in the sun— When, stooping to secure it. It wrinkled, and was gone. Several of Nature’s people I know, and they know me; I feel for them a transport Of cordiality. But never met this fellow. Attended or alone. Without a tighter breathing. And zero at the bone. Tru-Tread Tire Co. U. S. TIRES Racapping & Vulcanizing 223 Craven Street ME 7-2417 Auto Radiators Cleaned, Redded and Repaired. We remove and replace. B & R Radiator Shop BRIDGETON ME 7-4504 Call JOE ANDERSON DRUG STORE for Reliable Prescription Service ME 7-4201 Call us for free estimates on local and long distance mov ing. W. W. Ormond ME 7-5470 Exid* BiHerles SANDLIN BATTERY VULCANIZING CO 125 Craven Street Generator-Starter and Regulator Rebuilding and Repairs You'll Find a Variety of Tropical Fish at Pittman's Aquarium 137 Middle Street For Top Tunes by Your Favorite Recording Stars YOUR TEEN-AGE MUSIC CENTER IS HAWKS Radio & Appliance Co. 327 Middle St. 3 low-cost wavs to have filtered. Iron-free water Service ^ Self-, service No equipmeirt to buy. We om the fitter; we do the work. As low at We own the filter; you do the regenera tion. As low as Home- owned You own the filter; you do the regenera tion. As low as Plus modest oalgfoM lottsliHloft cost- CALL MElrose famous Jbr finest water I GLEANINGS - (Continued from Page 2) Mr. D. N. Kilburn returned from a visit to Massachusetts on Friday night. Mr. W. M. Parker carried the first bale of new cotton to Kinston yester day. It sold for 12c per pound. Mr. Parker generally carries in the 1st blossom and the 1st bale. We be lieve Sheriff Davis beat him on the blossom this year. NOTICE: Farm to let in good state of cultivation, % mile from New Bern, between Neuse & Trent roads, stock, carts, &c on the place. J. A. Meadows. TOT TALK Mr. John Dunn, Administrator of estate of E. H. Windley, deceased. Sept. 1, 1882, The Steamer Tiger Lily will go into Bay River on Fridays until the completion of the New Bern and Pamlico Company. Messrs. S. H. Fowler, Bayboro, C. H. Fowler, Stonewall, Dr. D. H. Abbott, Vande- mere are agents of the Tiger Lily in Bay River. Ladies balbriggan hose 15 cents & 25 cents per pair. W. H. Sulton & Company. George Allen & Company, Cotton Gin and Farm Engines. Eastern Carolina Marble Works, Joe K. Willis. Improved Roof Paint, R. A. Rich ardson. Roberts and Henderson, General Insurance. Leonidas John Moore, Attorney at Law, opposite the Gaston House. William Lorch, General Merchan dise. Dail Brothers, Wholesale Groc ers. Union Point Steam Flouring Mills, J. A. Meadows. James Red mond, Grocers & Provisions. C. B. Hart & Company, Crockery & Glass ware. Gaston Saloon Wines, Liquors & Cigars, James Campbell, Proprie tor. L. H. Cutler, Dealer in Stoves & Hardware. Dr. Edward Clark, office, Hancock Bros. Drug Store, corner Craven and Pollock street. Residence old Chapman house, west end, Neuse & Craven streets. A. R. Dennison, cotton seed meal. First class hand made brick for sale on hand at Man- well and Crabtree’s lot, between Pollock & South Front street. C. Simpson. Ocean House, Beaufort, N. C. Thomas S. Martin, & Mrs. W. C. King, Proprietors. N. S. Richardson, Book and Job Printers, W. F. Roun tree, Family Grocers. Alex Miller, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. S. A Churchill, Dealer in stoves & Hard ware, Middle street, next to Dr. Duf fy’s. Charles H. Blank Wholesale, Grocer. T. A. Green Wholesale House. C. E. Foy, Wholesale Grocers & Cotton Factors. Vacation notes by L. C. Vass, Dan ville, Va., August 31,1882. Editorials by K. R. Jones and A. B. Farquhar. (Copied from old newspaper col lection of Mr. and Mrs. Tull Richard son, Bellair, Craven county, N. C. When we consider the primary teeth, there are several factors which come in mind. First of these is the age of the child patient. Naturally, for the younger patient the primary teeth will serve to chew the food for a longer period of time than for a child ready to shed his primary teeth. Then, the younger child will need the primary teeth to save space for the permanent teeth which will come in later. - , When the primary teeth are lost early, we find that when the per manent teeth erupt they are erowd- ed due to movement of the remain ing teeth. Even when space maintainers are constructed to keep space in a par ticular area, it has been noticed many times that there is a mal-oc- clusion among the erupting perma nent teeth. This, in spite of the fact that every resource available to the dentist has been used to cope with this problem. A third factor which must be con sidered and which in many cases is a very vital one is the esthetic- or psychologic factor. Often times when children lose their primary anterior teeth too soon they develop a feel ing of inadequacy because they don’t have teeth while their playmates do. Especially among girls who get a feeling that they don’t look right and develop a complex which is difr ficult to handle. If a child loses swne anterior teeth as they are learning to talk, they may develop a speech handicap which may be carried on into adult life. When we consider that most of the dental problems in adults can be traced directly to defects which started in the primary teeth, with all the discomfort, pain and expense associated with them, we can be gin to see just how important these “baby teeth” really are. Mirror Mirth WOODROW MOORE'S Supplying Indoor Comfort With Hatting and Air Conditlaning Now locatad 318 First St, The S. B. Parker Co. Ike London tells the story of the bishop who had preached a fine sen. mon on married life and its beau ties. DIXON BROS. NURSERY Glenburnie GROWERS OF FINE TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS Two old Irishwomen coming out of church were heard commenting on the sermon. “T’is^ fine sermon his Riverence would be after giving us,”said one to the other. “It is, indade,” was the quick re ply, “and I wish I knew as little about the matter as he does.” One thing Adam and Eve couldn’t complain about was how much bet ter things were in the good old days. Some people never take advantage of their friends because they never have any. Advertising is the art of making people think they’ve always wanted something they’ve never heard of before. The man who enters a bar very optimistically often comes out very misty optically. ME 7-3397 Lennox Comfort Craftsmen 4Mi CENTER Downtown New Bern Your Center for Fine Fashions > . I / A . :h (I li •>* # '* ■/f