Page Two THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, February 2, 1973 , .. - . . .j.. . • jj> j {. ^*77^ Washington Report — By — CONGRESSMAN WALTER B. JONES The week ending January 27 was one which brought for many emotions of Joy and relief over the case-fire an nouncement as weil as one of sadness and sorrow over the unexpected death of former President John^n. On Monday, January 22, the Texas Congressionai deiegation had a reception honoring the Dean of the House, Congressman Wright Patman which quickly changed from an occassion of happiness and feilowship to one of sadness and shock at the unexpected news of the death. As to the Vietnam peace treaty, although approv^ by all, several Members of Congress as well as members of the press are approaching the action with a de^^ of caution and a “wait and see” attitude. I am witling to accept the President's word that it is a peace which he had sought and a “peace with honor.” The case- fire lifted the burden of the tongest and most unpopular NAT DIXON NURSERY - GLENBURNIE - Growers of Fine Trees, Shrubs and Plants war the United States has ever fought. One lesson which I hope this nation has learned is that we cannot alone police the rest of the world and should be ex tremely careful of com mittments and foreign en- taglements in the future. Many of you have written expressing interest in Congressional reforms, the method of selecting Commit!^ Chairmen and members of conunittees. So, in attempting to change the former system, this year the Democratic Caucus adopted a system where those nominated for Chairmenship as well as every member of the various committees could be challenged and voted upon by both the Democratic Caucus and the full House. Strangely enough, those who were advocating rigid reform insisted on the secret ballot method of voting for or against each Chairman as well as the Committee Members. This, to me, defeated the very purpose of reform and I voted for an open ballot so that all might be recorded. In spite of suing the secret ballot, all Conunittee Chairmen who had been nominated by the Ways and Means Committee suc cessfully withstood all challenges. Again I was placed on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee as well as the Committee on Agriculture. Also, I have again bran selected as Chairman of the Sub committee on Oilseeds and Rice. I treasure this appointment for among other items, it has Jurisdiction over legislation concerning soybeans and peanuts, both of which are becoming increasingly im portant to eastern North Carolina. The House Committee on Agriculture contains 21 Democrats and 16 Republicans. On the Democratic side, I am now in fifth position from the chairman in seniority. The main effort during the week was the naming of com mittees and the organizing of same to the end of passing multiple functions attending resolutions governing the same, the death of President conduct of the various com- Johnson, and a most important mittees. announcement of peace, it \Mth the Inauguration on proved to be a very full week in Saturday, the 2^, and the Washington. Zaytouh’s Cabinets WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM MADE CABINETS Ills QUEEN ST. - PHONE d3S>S3BO New Bern. N. C. JOHN ZAVTOUN OWNER DILL COWELL MANAGER dotiEn. ^unexaC czHoniE, Ona. "The Home of Dignified and Friendly Service’ phone 637>3I8I 2201 NEUSE BLVD. P. O. BOX 2323 NEW BERN. N. C. 2SS60 p t mi ilfiiiiii mm 4111 (II 1 EACH WORKING DAY Over $263,000. That^s what we're spending each working day this year. That's what it is costing us to keep up with the growth in eastern North Carolina and to improve our sen/ice to you. It's the most we've ever spent. And yet, local service charges are virtually the same as they were in 1957. In fact telephone rates are lower in a large part of our service area. When you talk about it, one of your biggest bargains is right under your nose. Carolinalelephone UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM YOUR CHECK FOR $2.50 WILL BRING THE MIRROR TO YOUR MAIL BOX EACH WEEK FOR A FULL YEAR. "The UtHe Paper That Big Papers Quote. n