i-. 1 imn ! are lare "ruit pies and i are B. ems new and ever ick- den lay- ring De- lent heir be- rser s to ired 3Ut- stir fill- low :ing rore ale. I eel. Ifof 43 lge« )U. Umpires iiicic's ii line line a baseball player should walk when an umpire’s call }:ivs a^ainsi him. I he lirsi ihin^! (o undersland is ihat ihe umpire is nH going lo change his call. I'he player can lell the uinp whal he thinks and then go on about his business. I'hat should be the end of it. Whenever I thought a bad pilch was called on me. I would caadully avoid show ing up the umpim in I'mnl of 40.(NX) people. Instead. I would i^pick up some din. step back out of the butler’s box until 1 was next hi Ihe umpire and sa>. *1 thought lhat pitch was low.* The ump would say. 'Well. I thought it was a strike.’ And that would be all. Why dwell on iU The call is alread> made and he’s mH going to change it. Even if he wanted lo change Ihe call, he won’t because it winild make him hnik bad. So whal did m> strateg) accomplish? Nine times out of 10. when lhat Name pilch was made in ihe scvenlh or eighth inning. Ihe call would go III niv favor. .Some people mighi call it reverse psychology. All I was doing was irealing the umpires like Ihcy’rv human beings. And. fur that maiter. as long as we have human beings doing anything, they are going to make mistakes It's easv to point a linger and use the umpia' as an excuse for not get ting the jt»h done. Plavers say the umpia put me in a hole.’ or the um pire look a pilch away frmn me.* I didn't believe in pointing lingers. It waN up lo me ii lake care ol myself. If they called a bad strike on me. 1 .ilwavN fell I had ivvo mom left. The only thing that really bothered me was It the bad call was on a third strike. riles Mire didn't pay me to gel thrown out of ball games arguing w iih an umpim. The closest 1 came was on a called third strike. The ump didn't like my protest and signaled me out of the game. Whal he forgot was ih.ii 1 was the last out of the game, and it's impossible lo throw a player out after the game is over. Now and then I’m asked about using instant replays on close calls. I am against it in baseball and have misgivings about it in fiKiiball. If we had it in baseball, games would end up lasting live hours instead of two. In hHMball. fans see a uiuehdown and have to wail l.*» minutes before they kiiitw whether to cheer or not. As a fan myself. I'd rather see them .idd more football referees to catch the close plays and drop the long replay delays. Ill Hank \jr4in in Ihr l»p home run hiller of all lime wilh 755 homers. \ member of haNebjIlN Mall of fame. Hank is \ke president of the Atlanta Braves. '968 PV E>io*'ai Services Eagles WEST CRAVEN HIGHLIGHTS — SEPTEMBER 29, 1988 — PAGE 5 From Page 1 "We finally put two games back to back, but I was dis appointed in somethings in the first half,” said Jordan. West Craven ftimbled twice early in Ihe game, once four yards from the goal line and the second lime from their own 29. Jordan credited the offensive line. "I thought we played better than we did against Pamlico.” said Jordan about the West Craven defense. Led by three in terceptions, the Eagles were able to stop the Patriots until the last series of downs. But it was the second-team defense the Pat riots scored on. Kip Bryan, who caught three passes for 54 yards, also picked off a Homan pass. Joel Brown and Craig Coward also picked off errant Patriot pas ses. Coward’s theft set up Bec- ton’s S4-yard scoring jaunt two plays later. “I was real pleased with the secondary’s work tonight, espe cially the three interceptions,” said Jordan. The Eagles held the Patriots to just one first down in the first half. West Carteret pick ed up four first downs in its final, 73-yard, eight-play scoring drive. Mark Lewis led the Patriots with 114 yards, on nine carries, includ ing a 4S-yard run. West Craven led 14-0 at the half, with Hoizworth’s two touchdown passes and Becton adding a two-point conversion. In the third period, Monte Brown went in from five yards out and Becton picked up his rushing score with 1:38 left in the third period. On fourth-and-goal from the 1. Reggie Moore bulled over for the final West Craven score and Jay Gaskins added his second extra point for a 34-0 margin. CLAillFIEDi Tmivi nm imm Rislwt-Tirfs fMURg Tjrft bMts-Jlf*ra|8 FmrMn-IosI PmWts-rartft WME IT «MRTHIS WisiCartifil I I I |_| WaiterwM. I I I) ;_J4 W€T WCR I 17 75-171 $»^377 » U1 1M-3 la-M M7 l-l M 27 Ml 4-45 Holzworth From Page 1 W. CRAVEI — IffM rrMn IMtwvrtli 71 aats (riM MM) Itt W. CUVEM — iKtoB Irani Kolnrortli 72 pi» llictsa nn) 7 M 2M W. CMVEI — Irm S rna (kick laiM) S 41 3rri W. CMVEI — IkIm 54 ran (Caskins kkU 1)1 )r4 W. CRIVtl — Moan I ma (Caikint kick) 7:24 401 W. CAITEin — Hantarna II mis Iran LatalH (aa kick) IM 41k. coach Clay Jordan. Jordan was pleased with the block, but was not enthralled his sig nal caller threw it. He was overheard telling Holzworth on the sideline to play like a quarterback and not like a linebacker. Holzworth, not including Friday’s performance, was fifth in passing yardage. He completed 10 of 34 attempts in four games for 174 yards. Adding Friday’s figures, he has completed 15 of 44 attqqipts for 300 yards, three touchdowns an(i two intercep tions. Congratulatons to Kevin Holzworth for being selected the winner of this week’s Flying Eagle Award. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAPING The Town of Voncoboco it in Ihe procou of cloting ovi ife SmoN Ciliok Community Oovolopmenl Block Grant 85'C>7103- Robort Woter Tank Condrvetion. Thb Ecomomk Devolopmont Grant's octivi- li«s indudod o Qront to Iho Town of Von* c«bora to construct on devotod woter storage tank, os wel os, kind oequtsiKon; ond Kinds for project odministroHon. The precedii^ octivities resubed in Roberk expending its Vonceboro facility, the purchose of odditionol equipment ond new job creation. The purposM of the Public Heoring ore to: (1) provide on over^new of the pro ject's gools, objectives, and actuol accomplishments; and (2) to receive citizen comments on the project. The pub lic Heoring will be held ot the Town of Vonceboro's Municipol Building ot 7:30 PM on October 11,1968. Written com ments received by 5.00 PM on October 11,1980 by the Town Clerk will be consi dered. Jimmie Morris, AAoyor P.O. Box 306 Town of Vonceboro, North Caroline 28586 9-29 lie Just received-childrens jeons, acid woshed and pre-washed, girls jeons- yoke with pleats. Denim skirts in acid wodi and pre-wash. All sizes. Childrens 7-14 $8.75 Also odulls in 3 lengths. 10% discounts on oil winter coats except de nim ond acid wosh. New shipment ladies foil sweoters. Dixon's Service & Clothing Store, Hwy. 17,4 miles N. of Vonceboro. 244-1225. 9-15,22,29 3lc Men's and boys hunting clothing in oil sizes, sweot shirts in oil sizes ond colors, jogging suits ond welding shirts. Dixons Service & Clothing Store, 4 miles N. of Vonceboro Hwy. 17. 244*1225 9-15,22,29 3tc WILL RAKE and fall cleon yords. Call 244-0912 9-29 lie FOR SALE-1986 Ford Ronger pickup-4 cylinder, 5 speed, 52,000 miles $3500 firm. 244-0912. 9-29 lie "$5,000-$4,000,000-Bett Rotes. First and Second Mortgoge Loons to 30 yeors. Pay bills, business, Toxes, Etc. 9AM-6PM Re fused by others-lry US! (703) 981-1011" 9-29 Idh DOUBLEWIDE SPEaAL-3 Bedroom ond 2 Full Boths-Complelely Furnished For Only $19,995.00. Coll Bill Jockson ot 756-4687-Johnny's Mobile Homes-316 W. Greenville Blvd.-Greenville. 9-15,22,29 3lc A Cleon 12x48>Center KilcKen*2 Bed- rooms-Only $395.00 Down ond Pay ments ursder $138.00 Per Month Set up on Your Lot. Coll Bill Jockson ot 756- 4687-Johnn/s Mobile Homes-316 W. Greenville Blvd.-Greenville. 9-15,22.29 3tc U S ^S'AI SffrViCf STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION I 1 TITLE OF PuSllCAtlON A: HtST i«;.vr’( t'iGHii'"HTs ) rncouENCTOF issue WLFf.LY 0.N li.i'RSOAY.S ^ i N' ' 2 DATE or FILING I r ■ lo-n-ftH A NO OF ISSUES r»UBLlSHEO ANNUALIV 52 B ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S7.J6 I B & R RADIATOR SHOP I 118 "C* Street, Bridgeton, 637-4504 One day service. Rodiolors cleoned, rod- d4d ond repaired. We remove and re- 4 COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION (SrrpW CUf County St$tO ond /IP Cotfpj rNol ptinitt, POST OFFICE BOX 404; VANCEBORO. NORTH CARCinA 235(16 5 COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS Of THE HEAOOUARTERS OR GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICES OF THE PueilSHERS (Not pttntoni POST OFFICE BOX 1738; WASHINOTOh, NORTH CAROLINA 27B®Q $ FULL NAMES AND COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF PuSlISHEA EDITOR ANO MANAGING EDITOR iTNN (totn MUST NOT to bionki ILrSHER iNomo and Comptoto MttJng AddfOtit iSHLEY B. FUTRELL, JR.: POST CEEICE BOX 178«: WISHIRr.TON, flORTH C/'ROlIRA ’XfiRO EDITOR iNamo ond Comptoto ttomng Addrottf t'lKE VOSS POST OFFICE BOX 1783; WASHIHGTOJi. NORTH CAROLI’lA 27SP9 MANAGING EDITOR iHomo and Compiata Atatttng Addtatil HIKE VOSS POST OFFICE BOX 1788; WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 27889 OWNER (If oom^'d e, aco’PO'Ot'On ti name onttadd/eu nmit be Hated ardo'lo i/n/nnr.jre.'y thereunder the namet andadd'eaes ot Hotkho'der% own.rtg Of ho'dng t percent or more ot tota amount ot ttock tl not oeinted bv a corporation, the names and oddreuei ol the >nd fduai onmen mutt be g een. ’* oimnedby aoanr*enh-p ot othet unincorporated hnn .« name andadd'ett. as teed at that of each ind-eiduai mutt be g ren It thepubhea iron -tpuf^-ihed by a nonpiolit organi/ai’on, itt name and add’ttt mutt be ttated I (Item mutt be compietedl FULL NAME FUTRELL NEWSPAPERS. INC. ASHLEY B. FUTRELL. JR. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS £.Q.B0X 1788: WASHINGTON, NC 27889 P..Q.B0X 1788: WASHINGTON, NC 27889 ■ ST -IF ^OSOS won lixGExon ' ^Fr;t.Rl’>ES rrrA«r« aia none, ao ttatai -HQUt COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS Onr,AS’/A»iciss Au '^rrctAl MATfS fSpcrion Aft 1 OAtM onfyl . -Y •» .V..-I ...rovs Chock onai III Chongod pvbIHho* mutt lutmil oiplanotkin of chango irnA iA'i il*f«nvtr I TO rr’fS'as; f . ■ , s AvfMAr.F NO OPiEStACH .1 OiJRiV, POtCIOiNCt V VON’hS AC»| A, NO COPIES 0» S.NGlE ISSOL Pt/Bl-'sHEONtABEST TQ Fl'NuOATE A TOTAL NO COnS iNe) P>««s Wexj Jill 1«16 • WAIOClACVLATlON 1 SAlIt TMROllCM DCAIINS AN0CA«S>i(«S STAEIT irtNOOAS ANOCOUNTCA SALES 71 79 i MAIL SueSCAiPtiUN 1791 1716 C total WAiO CrWCLnATrON iS»>" e' rc«f *-« fCdl 116? 1776 0 FATE DiSTMiluTiON MAti CAAAiEN OW OThCA MEANS SAMPLES COMPilMENTAAf ANO OThIW FWEE COPIES - - 1 TOTAL CHSTWlBUTlON iS«" e'C •’-AO. 116? rtf F COPIES NOT OiSTWituTIO • OFFICE USE LfFrOVlA UNACCOUNTIO SPOUlO AFICA PftiNTiNO J':0 II” 1 AEfWPN FWOM NEWS ACINTS - G TOTAL F'lM? t-ev'VrwvW 'Ll" A. 2019 1916 I I certify lhat Ihe sletemenis made I me above are correct and complete . I SfGNAruAr kto tittt ot toitoa PiTtUlMlP •i;t>ArfSS NEW RINSE-N-VAC Steom cleons cor- pets cleoner ond keeps them cleoner lon ger. Rent ol PAT'S FURNITURE CO., 244- 1628. tf A 1989 14x80 Fleetwood Home with 3 Bedrooms ond 2 Full Baths, Colherol Ceiling, Frost Free Refrigerator, Stereo, Totally Electric, ond Fully Furnished For Only $15,995.00 Plus Tox ond Title. Coll Bill Jockson at 756-4687-Johnny's Mobile Homes-316 W. Greenville Blvd.- Greenville. 9-15,22,29 3tc 1967 MGB. Needs restoring or u: $200. 927-4968 or 927-«68. 1986 FORD ESCORT 2 Dr. 2 door hotchbaeV; o/c; excellent condition $1,000 ond take over payments. 927-4968 or 927-4440. Caprara From Page 1 sgiving — a practic^ayT""^" “The kids were not lo excited about practicing on Thanksgiv ing,” Jordan said. “Nancy got together with some other parents in the community. They fed our 50 kids and coaches Thanksgiv ing dinner. We had a feast. I’ll never forget it. It was something special to the kids.” Jordan said the families of his coaching staff were all close. “There is a competitive atmos phere here,” Jordan said. “But, we’re all real close. “The kids think the world of! him, he has a rapport with the kids and relates well. That’s the main thing he means to the prog ram —in addition to his coaching expertise.” Jordan says he turns the de fense over to Caprara. “I haven’t called a defensive play in seven years,” he said. Jordan said Caprara volunteer originally to help out with the junior varsity team when his son began his football career. “After a year, we saw a need to move him up.” Jordan said. OAKS APARTMENTS, Vonceboro, Now taking opplkoKons Ibf 1 BR oportmonH. Fooluras include wol to wol corpet, cen tral oir ond heat kHchen opplioncet, on sita loundry. Office houn 8 om-2:30 pm. EHO 244-1588 ufn • • cents lb. 7 om-7 pm. 6 miles N of Vonce- bora, Hwy 102. Wheot Sirow $1.25 per bole. Oosed Sundays. 946-5829. 9-22,2910-6 3tc Boiley Lone Apts. Vonceboro need op- plkoKons for 1-2-3- Bedroom units. Fi4l corpelirTg, central keot ond ok, etc. EHO Ph 244-1324 8- 25 9-8.15,22,29 1000 SUNBEDS TONING TABLES Sunal- Wolff tanning beds, SlenderOuesI Possive Exercisers, call for free color cotalogue sove 50%. 1-600-22B-6292. 9- 29 Idh TRUCK DRIVERS: Poole Tn/ck Line offers. .23 per mile to start to OTR drivers with or»e year of verifioble employment wilh one em- ptoyer. Yearty increases otsd benefits pock- oge. Drivers wilh less than one yeor experi ence riKiy apply os a Poole Driver Trainee or for the Poole Driver Training School. Apply in person. Poole Trx^k Lme. Oenriing Rood Exit. Dunn, NC {919-892-0123) or 501 Aumon Rood, Spartonburg, SC (603- 576-4554) 1-800-225-SOO0 EOE. 9-29 Idh LOSERS WANTED, lose up to 29 pounds this month, inches, cellulile. Doctor recom- mendedi I've lost 50 poLjnds. Incredible Fot Absorber. Coll Lour^ 303-665-7630. 9-29 Idh STEEL BUILDINGS 40x7Sx12...-.$3.43 sq. ft. S0x100x16.....$3.32 sq. ft. 60x100x16....$3.0S sq. ft. 70x100xl4.-..$2.90 sq. ft. 100x100x14-..$2.76 sq. ft. ALLIED STEEL 1-800-635-4141 9-29 Idh GOVERNMENT JOBS! Now hiring in your oreo, both skilled ond unskilled. For o list of jobs ond opplkotion, coll 1-615-895*7785 ext. J-)100. 9-29 Idh EARN EXCELLENT MONEY ot home. Assembly work. Jewelry, toys, others. Coll 1-619-565-1657 ext. T3410NC 24 hrs.(BM| 9-29 Idh DEALERSHIP LOG HOMES Your complete log home monufocluring company hos oil o Americo's finest lines, storting ot $9,675. Greet eomirrg potential, will not interfere wilh present employment, investment 100% secured by model home. Coll Mr. Lomont, loll free 1-800-321-5647. The Originol OLD-TIMER LOG HOMES and Supply Inc.. Rl. 6 -346 logue Rood, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. . . 9-29 Idh Buick Skylork Limited 1980. V6, 4 door, outOTTKitic, AA4/FM stereo/lope. Contact Cheryl Motthews, State Employees Credit Union, 704-873-1405. Statesville, NC 9-29 Idh VW Quantum 1983.4 door, diesel. Contact State Employees Credit Union, 722-9292, Wmstan-Solem, NC. 9-29 Idh Pontioc Fiera 1984. Block, sunfoof, oir, AM/ FM slereo/tape. Contact Groves Vonn, Stoe Employees (fredit Union, 638-3641 New Bern. 9-29 Idh MASTERCARD. No one refused. Regord- less of c redit history. Also E RASE bod credit. Do it lyoufsetf. Coll 1-619-565-1522 ext. C3410 NC 24 hrs. bm. 9-29 Idh FALL SPECIAL STEEL BUILDINGS 30x40x12..$4,650.00 40x50x12.6,295.00 40x75x14.9.675.00 50x74x14.11,485.00 50x100xl4.14.S'5.00 100x200x16.45,995.00 All SIZES, FINANCING AVAILABLE, PIONEER BUILDING SYSTEMS 512-389-3664. 9-29 Idh TMfN rOBEA PftOfESSIONAl •SCCHnART •SEGJIIECCPTIMIST •UECVnVE SEGIinAIIT S>oii locoirv. Full lime port ti/ne loom WFord proceturig or>a re- lotee secrerortoi tkiiit Home Siudy ond Resident Training Mari Smciy r •FIRIRdU All AVUUBU , • m PiAcamr asustaace 1.800«327*772a ^TNE MART SCHOOL j a Ovtuon or A C I Corp Registered Brohmon BuHi, 300-700 lbs. Day 779-3731 Night 772-5869 RoleigK NC 9-29 Idh We Budd On Your Lot. $200.00 down. No dosing cost. Pikes start mid 30's. Complete ly Finished. CoM our 24 toN free rsumber now. 1-600-532-0476, ext. 540. 9-29 Idh jlwElRY-ACCESSORY COMPANY IN- TERESTED IN MANAGERS AND SALES REPRESENTATIVES WITH HOME SHOW EXPEIENCE. EXCELLENT BENEFITS. PllUS GURANTEE AND CAR TO THOSE THAT QUALIFY. CALL 1-919-778-3031. 9-29 Idh Franchises ovoitable. Core to join us in o growing ond demanding heolth field os Amencons become more conscious of their weight ond heolth? Write or coH Family Diet Oink, 4145 Fayetteville Rood, Lumbertan, NC 28359. 919-739-8750. 9-29 Idh PIANO FOR SALE RESPONSIBLE PARTY TO TAKE UP LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON BEAUTIFUL CONSOLE PIANO CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-346-2450. 9-29 Idh 8.59 Acres wooded land for sole 2 miles north of FranUinton, NC off US 1. 20% down, owner financing. Coll offer 6pm (919) 772-5869. 9-29 Idh OTR DRIVERS: Homody Truck Line hiring ot 19*25 cents/mile.; offering 26-40 cents/ mile (short distance loods). Insurance & Conventionol Freightliners. Coll 1-600- 633-1313 or (804) 346-3888. 9-29 Idh GOVERNMENT JOBS! 18,037 to 69,405. Immediole Hiringl Your Area. Coll (refund- oWe) 1-518-459-3611 Ext. F 5609 NC for Federol List 24 Hrs. 9-29 Idh REPORTER for peidmont NC daily news paper. Experience o big plus. Write: The Doily Independenl-P.O. Box 147, Konno- polis, NC 28082. Send resume ond solory requirements. 9-29 Idh REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER for oword- winning semi-weekly newspoper. Serta re- surT>e to Steve Herring, Editor, Mont Olive Tribune, P.O. Box 709, Mount Olive, NC 28365. 9-29 Idh CLASSIFIED MANAGER needed in Lyn chburg Vo. 45,0(X) AM in strong classified morket. Good solory and benefits. Reply to Clossffied Monoger P.O. Box 1029 Lyn chburg, VA 24506. 9-29 Idh BECOME A TRACTOR-TRAILER DRIVER with Schneider Notiorrol Corners. NO EX PERIENCE NECESSARY. FREE TRAINING. $25,000 to $40,000 plus. Great bersefils, equipment, more. Chorlotte-bosed. 1-800- 334-1178. 9-29 Idh BIBLE ON CASSETTES NARRATED BY AIE- XANDER SCOURBY. MANUFACTURERS LIQUIDATION SALE. OVER 50 PERCENT OFF. IDEAL FOR CHIRSTMAS GIVING. FREE BROCHURE. BOX 850. HEMET, CALI FORNIA 92343. 9-29 Idh MEET CHRISTIAN SINGLES Locol/Wort- dwide-Phorve/Moil Introductions Test. Find Love, Doting, Morrioge, Meoningful Com panionship TODAY! Free brochure/Som- pies. Fast Servke. Coll 1-800-323-8113 Ext. 240. 9-29 Idh YOUR LOCAL SIN6ER DEALER Guaranteed Services Now At Our New Location LEONARD WATERS SEW VAC CENTER BoMn IM t toWw Conal S4S-1S8I Troln To 0« A TRAVEL AGENT TOUR GUIDE AIRLINE RESERVATIONIST S*ort locotiy Full wme port rtme train on live otrtine comcKrtea Horn* sruOy ona retiOeni frommg Firtoncioi ok) ovoiioCHe Job p'oee- montou'Uonce Nohonot HoaOQuortors- rompo^oC•oc^ FI ACT TRAVEL SCHOOL 1-800-327-7728 AccreOiFed Mempor NHSC HflUJflU American Heart Association ON SALE!!! from $469.00 Wonderful Waikiki irctjdirp loundhip Ur fiom Ihe Coost. 7 r^ils hotel ttorileu tips, morel Tottttp-- i-'iormatlon atyS ro'ervatlorur l-tOO-er'-'M 9 ath-5 pm eastern lime. Conn call 967-4600) Escape tt>e winter blues now! Bf SOlie OMASttnRfCr.NtS THC HAMS Of THIS NCWSmPm. yoUtt race;- e f 00.000 lllghl Ituurance fRSB

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