NUl.IEIffi III. TEIE GRAPEVINE Novei'.Ior 19, 1936» Below are listed the firms which at this date have taken advertisements in the STAGECOACH. Let’s rememter. to pathonize them in preference to any other firms: Brantley & Sons, Cinderella Shoe Shop, Thiem’s, Cranford Beauty Shop, Lewis Sport- ing Shop, -Wyatt & Sons,'-Prank’s Beauty Salon, Fallon's,. Briggs’ Hardware, Poole’s EeaUo3’- Shoppe, Taylor^s, Jean’s Alfred Williems. Ann Vftialing {to someone talking loudly in the hell): "Don’t talk so loud; you’ll wake up the Lilrary." ■ For- the first time this year Saint. I.!ary’s girls went down town to church. That was real excitement, especially for those who show,off their "Besta" togs, ■but those of us who suffer in silence from fal3.en arches and other mental weaknesses groaned as we thou^f of the high heels--we would have to parade in. But parade we did,' fearing that we looked like a.cross lerween the orphanage asylum and the blind school, yet hoping the passers-by-would, in one way or another, dispel our fears. Of course we were impressed with Christ Church, but even more, so. by the new minister. •Here’s hoping ve make another pilgrimage, in spite of fallen arches apd other imped.imerte, soon. Although the critical attitude is rare with us, we m.ust admit that we have seen more military looking parades than the o-ne -^loh saunoered cy "the campus on Armi-^tioe. Day. ’Vhat wo mean is that the 'co^^s lacked, a certain precision even hhbre they got abreast of the Cump-as, but when t,h3y saw the h--3ckey team i.i .full regalia, they almos-c executed a sq-aads-loft at double tame right before^our ®3^es. If they^^ had, thes.' probably would have learned aciixtning about hocky st.i.cks tho3^ never know before. JUST-nitGIl'IE: St. Ifery's. without ivey on Its,walls; Chaps^ without Snuggles; Miss Tucker without Mrs. Hodges; Qlarico Baile3’- without all the ahs-ivers; Beverly ■Vann tallying in a whisper; Muiry Wood Winslow .saying "Ica6nht know" Becky...Dayis with out her curls; lir. Guess without his cigarett be-twe;5n classes; tte Libro.iy without seniors; English N wi-thout parallel reading.; St Mary’s girls with nothiiig 'to do; saying exactly v;hat you want to in class just once, out loudl Christmas vacation is. j'ust four weeks frcrni this, Saturday. Nobody likes to think tho gloomy day of December 19 is .caaliig, end we don’t like to bring up un pleasant subjects, but we feel it bur staunch duty to warn 3^ou so that 3-0U mry kraco yourself for the shock that must cone. ■ Miss Lalor: ■ Cuba, on this schedule you have 36 hours in your day. Cuba: Yes, Miss Lalor, but I get up early. Why are seniors getting so many little "curtain lectures" these days? II they don’t kno^/ V(G’ 11 just remind them’th-at if on the second ol June they expect I0 be alumnae, some'intense studying, especially in -English, had better get under way. Just a word of consolation to those girls vho sent to the Fall Germrms: Love is like on onion— You taste it vn.-th delight. But afterv/ards you.wonder Whatever made 3’-cu bite. Exci toment' in HoltJ Only the Soniors are in on it, tut the vi-ole school feels and hears it., and will continue doing so for the next tv:o weeks. The ^senior Dance will be on Docomb'or 11, and-every senior has ;icquii’ed,. among other bagatelles ar^ trivia, a new gown for the occasion—^goJbgeous-velvets, satins, and tafietas Imng In every closet .^nd swelling-■ cut go irg mails tall .of frantic invitations to: eligltvlo malos, ’’Jfmy’l-cinor," "black velvet with pink bows," "John or Tom," "more bids," and a good mc.ny more provocative snatches of conversation float and simmer aboui: tho rarely deserted hall oi" Holt. ■ ■ It seems Mr. Klcman received a commons to appear in aourt in Faxnrvilie, Virginia, on ilonday I'-st. Imagine cur relief v/hen we learned he went just as a witness and has rotvirned-B-afely. to .our fbld. Eu,t. if you want, a quick .opinion .ol Virginia justice, see lir. ELonian. Alarm clocks that -,;ake- us up with sweet music or gentle reverberations are no longer rogai'ded ao nev/-fangled inventions t'orthr' of pctice. We- suggest that the. sdrool a-ttach miniature calliopes^ to the.-radinters wo. we ma3' ^;e brought to a half conscious state before, tnose that got inbo steam pipes begin thei.r early morning ,-anvil c,horu.a, rianisslf^O/' *' . ,. ■ ■ ’ Did we groan^Vlast week as the members of the class eased dewn the steps? ii;