Number 4 THE GRAPEVINE 3 December 1936 22 red noses lined up on a frozen bockey field last Tuesday and 22 pairs of logs trotted up and down its length until they were severely chapped. From the first bully on, it was anybody's game, for the Sigma’s, in their "rod pinnies", and the Mu's pushed the ball everywhere except into the goal. A small, benumbed and bravo cheering section yelled vociferously until their tonsils'collapse'd from the strain,' oven though the game ended in a C—0 tie. Then in a throe-minute,,extra period, with but one minute to plhy, Lib Parham, a Sigma, broke through to make goal and win the game^for-the'SigmaJls .1-0. iVe took time off botvv'oen Tire drills Sunday to have a honost-tc-goodness fire when the lodvGs (though not all of theml) ivcnt up in flames. 'If Miss Tash had not used some v/ell-remombored Girl Scout tactics immediately, vvc. might all bo living in pup tents pitched hero and there.on the campus. Burr-r-r-r. Wouldn't the hall teachers have had fun? Nov; that Christmas is just around the comer, all the girls have decided to let the past be bygones if the boys will just remember the present, in a big wayl Miss 'ash solved the problem of how Saint Mary''s girls shall spend their leisure tim.o in the future when she suggested that we get a Badminton set. V/hon this _ ^ ......... equipment will come we don't knov.'-, but we are all anticipation and the faculty doesn't to be far behind us. And for those v;ho are not interested in any other sport, there will bo a Hiking Club. Of course v.'e could hike down town when »;e go, but we prefer to pick our time, place, and companions when we get the urge to commune with nature. You kno'.;, versus and a bottle underneath the bough and all that sort of rot. It did us no end of good to see Betty Gaither well again and back at school last woek for a visit. iVlr. Joe Kloman's visit to his parents last v;eek was quite .a treat, to us, for visi- .( .tors are few and far between, especially such e. nice one. Do come again, Mr.Klcman, To The Honorable Mr. Santa Claus North Pole, V/herever That May Be auntie dear: We, the little gals of Saint Mary’s Episcopal Institution For Females Exclusively, wlish to tell ycu what we.want most for Christmas. There isn't a nicer present in the world than a fraternity pin—you know, Santie, the sweetheart kind. Lots and lots of years ago v;e asked for curly-hcaded dolls; later for our first pair of stockings; and. later s^ill for our first lipsticks. You'll have to admit that we have done pretty \;ell ’’.vith those and other gifts you have passed our way. There for o, we arc now asking you for this pin (though you know it’s not our first.') and since you read minds well ’.;g, wont say -..'hich ones. Honest, Santia, you've got to see that we get it 'cause cn account of we’ve dene all ./e can ('..liick we think is pretty good) and (whisper) the outlook on Ufa is still kind of futilo. Just pin it on our pillo\/s and wo’ll do the rest. Thanks a lot, Santio darling; wo still think you're faithful even though we ki.nda suspect ether people aren't. Red-cyedly yours,' Saint Mary's Gals (so far!) Thu. Latin Classes are offering a reward of one year's subscription tO' the Grapevine to the first person to decipher the following inscription found on what appears to be a tombstone: C T 0 T I E M U L E S T 0 Ru...anber that game, "Button, Button, who's get the button?'" Well, it's still being played—every Saturday night, only the^study hall boll is being used instead. Fi gure that one outJ An orchid to (Mr. Tucker and the Little Store for the Life Savurs. (Mrs. Marriott for that marvelously different and delicious dinner last Sunday. With Thanksgiving and all its fun rcemcrably over and overybedy back at work, Christ mas is just in the offing. So accurately are the days until the morning of tho 19th being coun+ed that nn ambitious cub reporter just informed us that there are only 418 hours until then. But worse luck, just double that arii add by no moans n mil lion, aioi ycu’ll knew when wu'll be right back here.’ I'.' . I