I . % ] If the Stage Coach staff and the weather.don’t get together soon day to have pictures tdcon, tho whole school is going to go on ^ 1 ^ then thL thrao ttaa has «iat aftsrroon beaa "clcsad'’, everyone has It roinodl The, last tine that the date va.s doam-.taly dooiUed upc , - «tooic» ' poor sho-^rs ov^-%ot drosseo, top the:;r pi^:u^^and veto ready ?.n ,a niserao3.o (■’a’iaaljR, but at; rhq la.o’c r.>nate tte ^ We’ro v^onierjjjg: if tlicy’rb over goxrg to bq 'fciltqav •• ; ". _ , _.„.l (iJditor^snotb: ,ThoyBe^h.tqd fat- tMa^rdayif .it.doesn-t -ainii . .. Evoiyono is goiiig'oxound in a daze tiioso days. Noy not oxatos o- a c^'^e^ have- (th/sciallor ha;S, goodness knows) of tnoso inr3aze.are -those boon askod to Miq-^inters at Cat'olina^ Daviaso';'*, gta^e, etc., ctr. I'nr of the t.Lr.io to 'cono." ihe othe" hahf are r.;opJTv;; aicm.vi, 'iov+ pho'have 'r.nlc)’to see if they Iiava 'ajc invi.tation. 'Hien thtro-aro a few o.. vs ^ t no hopes but dejuctodly accept our iot. ThQ.„Schcol Life nonbor of caiing out'about ^0 • February.' If yob.'have any oc'ntributions of news that you want put. in, gt.. - . . to a tenbor of tho a.- If you wanted t.o sbo sons cxcitenent,’ i^fvod^t^ tte InovrsnroX Eahl. h nholo siov of V,b>ytnb;£osV.'i>ohd So sponsor, and others who t/ero just going wore aftiost onix?nr.ff.xj,-o.^^.. flcwprs and drosses atjd all? Done ';ne k/Uj. v- chh*--u:> w ■ s ji’^’ki>r gaJs‘ .notj'.ors car'.o t.p to gst then until two on a yiiursday nighti - But Oh .ny, rho sioepy yatn^ anu ^ . . . in class next morning: " ‘ ‘ *' Orb of ms nost interesting sporlcers whan wo Inve had to a lo^ t'ak"on^°^^ovn ' student body last night. She is a Eoroan, Hrs. Induk Her ^ be odheation, Cliri'stian ori)6rioncG, end work was ^ l^^iL hunorous ncury a day e’er St'. I.iary’s forgets this changing. 15-^_ K^rea that she hopes anecdotes. Did you know that by her x&oturos on rural werr to get norc'.cows to holp her village people? V/ouldn’t It bo groat IF; :■ ;it would otop ^nlud—.-.The-teachero they Sdll^od^ ploh the -, actors frors our hur.ible nidst., Sprrng vac.i'>. on ooat.t.- noir _ -n • trr.-^'.-^Tr^n -ind -rotumod to school With.a nic0 What ymng lady wont south for Claristnas vaoctxon ina, red s'unburn? ' \ This afternoon iirs. KLonan again entortalnod wj.ti one us poor starved creatures feel cxobod.togi-y i.ap-- ooid prosidont-, sally London Foil, ikrcyHaupto, -i'/..acytoana table- Lsistod !,lrs. KLcmb in or ,m.ouia wo shiysoooa_nar.r f'^ to snitch delicious nor cols of food fron.tUx; oc o?.wi?--u'vmycnej * wonderful ttoi», .rqxl wo. giro yen our gvntofux tnames, hrs. iixonan.