7-!. May Court AND Marshals Chosen Honor Society AND Legislative Body Introduced -^BELLES./- OF SAINT MARY’S VoL. I, No. 11 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLIHA April 1, 1938 newly organized honor society introduced Wednesday morning, March 23, Kate Spruill announced the f gSce Hary’s Lnor Society, the Order of *e C rcle bmce Christmas several students, with Mrs. _ru Miss Spruill, have planned this ’■eXO^^^tionary stepjo^ ward the improvement of school ^ ment of high ideals in scholarship and citizensh p, present the organization with this P^^P®®®' circle symbolizes unity, so the purpose o I- „^„moii£ tion shall be to promote a spirit of .^Xnt! the students and between the faculty an oprvice hy the cultivation of high ideals of ^®®7ents Gtizenship, and scholarship, and to assist ^ „ in finding their place in school life and ac ivi , Members for the honorary organization o shall be chosen from the Senior, Junior^ snail be chosen from the benior, dumui, - ‘ and Business students who average a t 1 better, and uphold the high ideals of the s s stuaenis wuo avciogv. • Setter, and uphold the high ideals of the society. A ao time shall the number of members exceed twenty, one-third of which, mostly Seniors, shall be chosen i the fall, and the remaining two-thirds, mostly Juniors, in the spring, in. the sprine*. -.r* o iii At the beginning of each school year, as j. iss PJ^ did last WeLesday, because the order is not eomplete y organized, the president of the Circle shall explain to the student body the purposes and objectues organization, the honor of being a member and tne method of tapping new members. Old members s a tap the new members on a specified day by p acing a circle of some material in their hands so that on y those persons know they have been tapped. The names of new r» iTntil after initia persons know they have Deen xdpptju. ^ of new members shall remain a secret until after initm' ^?n, which shall be held on a night designated by tlie Circle. Aftov +1.Q ppremonv. the old members wnich shall be held on a nignt aesigu^ncvi Circle. After the private ceremony, the old members wall form a circle on the back campus in front o Molt. One by one the new members shall be brougnt into the circle and when the service is ended, the mem- oers shall walk single file around the campus by Mrs. Cruikshank’s house and in front of Smedes until t ey have made a circle, completing the symbolical meaning 01 their name. ineir name. , •fis the chosen leaders of the Saint Mary s stu en IT 4-1,. 4 .. i,„,.„ 4->iannpd their me cnosen leaders oi tne oami j 4.1, • ^®oy, the members of the Circle have planned their organization to use their influence for the best interest fhe school; to encourage scholastic excellence among ihe students; to promote a spirit of cooperation between Me faculty and students; to instill in the student body Membership in this organization is the highest honor that can comd to a Saint Mary’s student. The charter members have established these high ideals and intend “ follow them through. The Circle is not a social order; a girl wins her membership on her own individ '“LTdenis are invited to watch this inUiation, but are asked not to come out in the yard while it is in progres . STUDENT-PACULTY LEGISLATIVE ASSE5IBLY On Tuesday morning, March 29, Mary Louise Rid dick announced the definite plans of a legislative assembly, to be called the Student Faculty Legislative Body. As the name imp les, 1 aim is “to promote understanding and cooperation be tween teachers and students and to establish for us and our successors the common feeling that the govermng of this school is the duty and responsiUhty of every student.” Accordingly, the body shall consist of seven faculty members and fifteen studeiA members ihe faculty members shall include the Dean of Students, the Assistant to the Dean, the Honor Council Adviser and fonr faculty members appointed by the President of the school. The student members shall include the President of the Student.Body, the Vice P^®®^^®^* the day students, six class representatives elected by t respective classes, the editor of the handbook, and the claL presidents, who are to serve as ^cto members. Thfs is to be a legislative body, a body designed o consider and pass upon proposals tendered by the stu dents to their class representatives, ^ la not another Honor Counoil.. !.» in the us; to promote a spirit 01 .. iacuity and students; to instill in the student boay feeling of responsibility for the welfare of the sclioo and a spirit of service and leadership; to consider and discuss problems of the school and to follow an estab- ished plan toward cultivating fellowship among students. Honor Uouncii. it is nuu a .l.^ students’ voice in the 8°'’®"’?"^®''*° ten for W ii The legislative body is a logical step te^J^ard _ ^ uerfection of a government “of, by, and for the stu- Lnts.” It was not so many years ago that we were 1 /xifilxr hv jm executive department, the Presi- governed so ey y judicial department, the Pnimcil was I;on added; but the two depart- Sn" ».re s.Al «p.~ted b, an intangible barner. They 7““Ij„tion of the Wo w.e needed in IrpSseTs lo make the law. by wh^ we are governed, balancing and ehSing each other, and working “Bother toward a STanTn™J^.‘nd7repa«bk%«r™^^^ life of every student.