l^eceraber 3, 1943 British Youth ind the War British youth is upholding the noble precedents set by then forefathers. The 'British Informa tion Services in a pamphlet ealled finlis/i Youth Answers the_ tall ^^lls of the part English children playing in the fight for victory. •Uong with the adults of their coun- 'fy they have been mobilized to tiovote their time to the war enort. f'liey are rvorking in homes and fac tories, in bombed cities _nnd on farms. They are using their school time to be educated for victory arid their leisure time to work for vic- tory. Many boys aird girls operate in touth Service Corps that are par s t'f the Home Guard, Civilian Defense ttnd Air Eaid Protection. They are ?iso undergoing pre-service training it! the Air Training Corps, Army ti'adet Force, Junior Training Corps, ®oa Cadet Corps, or Girls’ Iraining f-'orps. In addition to these war ®''ganizations, pre-war societies o Jong standing such as the Gir 'Biides are contributing their enorts. But the major contribution of the tfritish Youth has been througu •^%age, farming, and other not-so- ^l^naorous work. Thousands o The Belles of Saint Mary’s Saint Mary’s girls rallied to the citv of Raleigh’s appeal for dona tions of old clothes to aid in the Greek Relief Drive. # # * Ann Skinner and Jody Flana gan, ’43 (Bus.), of E.C.TC., vis ited Saint Mary’s on Iriday, Ao- veniber 26. # * * Names of the pages for the Se nior Class Dance on December li were drawn last week: ipry Dickey, Pat Darden, Betty Nutt, Mildred Parker, Shirley Goode, Georgia Murphy, Mary Gilmei Cocke, Betsy Long, Alice Jones, Lucy Seaman, Margaret Martin, and' Jilay Bunn. * * * Miss Adelaide Winslow had Miss Peggy Hopkins as yiest m her home in Rocky Spuntfoi the week-end of the 20th. they at tended the Duke-Carolina game at Chapel Hill. ^ * Patsy Rodgers has returned to school after undergoing an ap pendectomy at Rex Hospital. A^vage, 1 arming, auu tjrjjg Granddaughters glamorous work. Thousands o |jg„uii work on the Sain , , school boys and girls helped make ^ook which they publish possible England’s share m the Sicil- at Christmas. 'ail victory by working on holidays ■ ^ g Ehringhaus was . foe at her home on Fairview hostess at nei ytarv’s Road to a group of Saint Ma y girls on fViarv Bell- If Uo« 'Sa% Magrudei, J®^‘c.toektoii, Cacie Robertson, Sara ^^ockto , Taliaferro, Virginia Wilson anu Nanev Wood. * *' ji. ik CAMPUS NOTES -i- V iciui y uj vv vfx — ''dthout pay in Royal Ordnance *®pots. The British children are ^Tle to an active part in the war ettor "Ten they reach fourteen. At tins J'me they are legally allowed o J^avo school and are entering the kght for victory and the peace wliicli Tey are helping to plan.' Like Poetry? ox 15EIXG A AVOMAN ky is it, when I am in Rome give an eye to be at home, . J^t when on native earth I be, ”y soul is sick for Italy? ‘V why with you, my love, my , lord, I sjiectacularly bored, > ®t do you up and leave nie-|—t lei ®m-(>am to have you back again . Dorothy Parker ®ntre Nous, the newspaper pub- f'od bv the various French f^ses, iiuule its first appearance day before Thanksgiving, tbi^ was the first of the year ami theme was (piite natural^ Front now on i ^vill apjtear monthly- l‘IAX() ni'X’ITAli , (From P. L) , ^'^Proniplu in F Minor Taiire (from “Saudades ,/lo Milhaud in .1 Minor Debussj f'/'oi Adagio (from Ballet “R..- ' - ril >ri(‘ 0(*ll litJC 1 t Russell Broughton -.V^ '• Ivreisler \ lennois ^ Dokotiiv Au'EN ' Liszt Amy Warner, Peggy ? Clara Leigh Kemper went with £ Geraldine Oate to the ISO Sunday, November 2L ^'^Pturiied to their original ‘^"'■firaftei imviiig additional squads att Wednesday training m " ^ jjt their these velv for a few “SA.itire school ivill ;;:;rni,c co„n,c;iiiy.. Mrs. FranWn St Oto Clark - oco ®“\“-o7orn«.Sh?'vit'i; C iPt* composed of Mary rpjie be.xtet, coi i Fox Clarke^ M gj^ Ferguson, SMI ^he and Gwen Hug g^^^^^^ay tTc;() Saturday ui,^n afternoon. I) flat (Uii Sospiro) — i,ig sevcir ■'"rnr /r ,,harp M'""'’' , of illness. '‘a-zo hi C sharp Minor...J l'opi Hood ”."i: A'AStS"a.'ho.«ehec.usc inji ’ The Circle collected fifty cents from each student recently to buy Christinas boxes for boys in hos pitals ill North Carolina. The project was undertaken through the local Red Cross in Raleigh. ^ # Evelyn Ann White, former day student at Saint Mary’s, visited school several times last week. She is now a student at Converse. ^ # ■Twenty-one Saint Mary’s girls spent Thanksgiving in Rocky Mount. * * # The Canterbury Club received orders for almost $50 worth of Christmas gifts. The commission received will begin a fund to help send a mountain girl to school. # * Jane Peete spent several days of last week at her home in War- renton on account of illness. * * * Miss Elizabeth Bason spent the week-end of November 20 at her home in Burlington. * # * Rev. Mr. I. Harding Hughes ad- .dressed the Kiwanis Club in Hen derson on Friday night, Novem ber 26, his subject being The His tory and Significance of Thanks giving. Mr. Hughes also spoke before the North Carolina Sym phony Orchestra at the Sir Walter Hotel on Wednesday night, De cember 1. * « # Corporate Communion was held in the chapel on Sunday morning, November 28, for the men of the faculty, this being a part-of a defi nite program in the Diocese of Nortli Carolina. * * # Miss Harriet Bowen, sister of Mrs. Hughes and a former mem ber of the faculty at Saint Mary’s, spent Thanksgiving witli Rev. Mr. and Mrs. I. Harding Hughes. # # * Mrs. I. Harding Hughes re turned Thanksgiving morning after spending some time at her former home in Concord. * * * Jane Dille, a student at Saint Mary’s last year, lias been visiting Emily Williamson and Sally Ram sey during this week. # # The new hymnals, which were recently obtained by Saint ilary’s, were discussed in asseiiiblj' by Russell Broughton Tuesday morn ing. Mr. Brongliton explained with examples bow the chants in the new hymnal would differ con siderably from those in the old. The student body also sang sev eral songs, aceompanied by Mr. Broughton. Sf # # C. A. P. Moore gave a very in teresting and enlightening news summary in assembly last Tues day morning. * * * Mana Burnett and Sibyl Goerch gave brief talks in assembly Thursday on current history topics. MUS MUSCULUS sho did enjoy watching the girls play waterball the other Sunday night fritz freeman and francos rylaiider got kiiida confused i tried to help betsy burke write a night letter but she insisted on starting dear mother cousin elmer almost broke up church the other Sunday when he and the dogs ran across the covered way jean rickenhaker and bunchy smutney suggest that Saint marys needs more bushes wonder why freshman janie and i want to nominate jackie stoughton mr guess and miss ducket to saint marys all american football team i think its swell that the seniors are going to put on a Christmas pageant this year helena williams surely looked happy the other day jean brooks tried awful hard to keep the seniors from being afraid the other night ill the senior meeting you should have seen me trying to memorize a french poem the other day mrs smith finally gave up rebecca draiie and Virginia hart go in for scarves in a big way i had a grand thanks giving cousin elmer took me to his farm and gave me a real turkey dinner pinkie butler has taken a sudden interest in the camel city congratulations to all you honor roll and honorable mention gals sho am glad to see betty barnes out of the infirmary langhorii Carrington betty nutt nancy carter and marioii gaither were working hard last friday cleaning up was glad to see pat hassler back ruth hayes shirley goode and winston armistead got almost scared to death by a black widow raised and operated by ruth inoore i had a queer time at a percolating party in west wing last week when i was dribbling the ball down the hockey field i ran into cousin elmer and he hit my ear off i hid ill cleve steiihouses sloppy joe sweater one night and sashayed into five or six rooms for food well i must go now and get betty gaither and inr moore to teach me double talk TRADITIOXAI.. PAGEANT (From P. 1) have a part in the pageant by sing ing Oh Come, All Ye Faithful as they enter the chapel, and-Ilarl-, the Herald Angels Bing as they leave. Rev. Mr. I. Harding Hughes will have charge of the service at the State Prison here in Raleigh on Sunda.y afternoon, December 5. Later in the afternoon Mr. Hughes will address the St. Philip’s Church Y. P. S. L. in Dur ham. MISS RUTH GARROLE (From P. 1) complicated problems of our modern world. She has been invited to speak to the Classical Association of the Middle West and South when it nieet.s in St. Louis next April, tell ing how history and classical sub jects are as useful as the sciences. Dr. E. Y. D. Magoffin, the great archeologist, left a valuable set of slides and materials to Miss Carroll when he died last year. Two of the most interesting sets of slides are on “Flowers Through the Ages” and “Sweethearts and IVives of the Ro mans.” She promised ns that we mav see them at an early date.