MERRY CHRISTMAS! "Tke Belles OF SAINT MARY’S HAPPY NEW YEAR! Vol. VII, No. 7 fc?" — ■ ^ RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA December 15, 1943 Senior Pageant Arouses True Christmas Spirit Emily McMillan Is Virgin Mary, Betty Barnes Is Joseph 'I'ho senior class presented the an nual (dhristinas ])ageant, “I’eace on Karth,” last Sunday afternoon at five-thirty. It was the story of the N'ativity told hy Bible readings and piuitoinime. Miss Horence Da\i- directed the production with the as- ''istance of Miss Geraldine ( ate uu •^Ir. liussell Broughton. ('harlotto Crawford as narrator toad Biblical passages from the pul pit which ‘was surrounded by_ u pines that all but filled the choir ot the chapel. In the first scene the pages, Betty ('lark and -lane (dari' ^'heshire, cleared away some of t le pines to nu-eal one of ^lary Pierco »Ioliusoii, who (lelivoio( *fie traditional nu'ssago to the ^|*‘'l’ fierds, portrayed hy Vidette^ Bass, liehectca Drane, Mary Virginia ^’I'eeman, Hannah Lyoii, ireiic iu iIcCanii, Mary AVest I’aul, Sal y ^^Hiusey, Sara Stockton ano I } 'leaver. In the second scene, some the Angels moved more pmes to '■Weal the Holy Family. The angels !'''re played hv Fanny Lee Brooke, ‘fi'tsy Bnrk(>, 'Fannie Cooper, Mar- *(ave't (leRosset. Pat Gwyn, Virginia Bart, iMary Lynn Lewis, Marv Vninerly, (iarol Talbot, and Betty '^iiislow. Fmilv McMillan poi !‘'a,yed the Virgin Mary; and Betty 'I’as th J osepii. (> journey th iVtr i„ ‘ •'ilia relief, and told d' I)).'"' Bin (Iripsholm on which hci ,^,other-iu-law arrived from a daP' c.oiieentratiou camii- Glut) Miss Haig Gives Very Fine Recital Mrs. Alden Plays Composition By Russell Broughton Miss Mary Ruth Haig gave a piano recital, the first faculty re cital of the year, in the auditorium on December 7. AIiss Haig pre sented her iirogram in her skillfu , g-raecfully confident manner which was enthusiastically applauded by her large audience of town friends and Saint klary’s girls Mrs. Doro thy Alden, violinist, with Miss Ruth H'olines Scott, accompanist, assisted during an intermission. Miss Haig opened her recital with Busoni’s arrangement of Bach s organ choral prelude, Awake, the Voire Commaiuh. Then she [) ayed Schumann’s Krei.'^lenana Op. /b. in three movements. This began witl the dashing Viraci.^mmo and was followed by Andante con motto .senti- mento. and the contrasting Atjegro motto appassionata. After an intei- odssion Miss Haig returned to plav the melodious Prehute >n h dtat by Rachmaninoif, and I>npromptu in F Minor hy Faure, a light, ex pressive selection containing many Sillfullv executed runs. Following this was Sumate from “Saudades do Hri7il ” bv klilhaud, an a])pealing Somh American^ composition in modern idiom. ^ f, Minor by Debussy, m which Miss I'lie third scene of the wise men, '•'’iiu ilrooks, Adelaide Butler and '•vleiia Williams, to Bethlehem, in ;•"■ final scene, doseph was wariied b’ an Angel, ))layed by ('aroline ‘«liuferro, to Hee'with his family •'•g.yi'L IXVISIBIiK ('HOIK SIXBn •lit' entire pageant was siipph ""‘hted hy Ghristmas music whicii sung hy an invisible choir. ' 'j*"h'isters were Foxii' ('larke. ImB.''’ ‘’'•'vards, ('lara Leigh Kemper ( or- Knott, Katherine Li'gg, M'"’"' ‘'‘ft'g, “Ghinkie” Martin, Ann Belt- Lib Shaw and Margaret V ms- P'G They sang many of the faniil- carols'and hymns that we alwa\s with (Miristuiiis. Porlia})^ most outstandiug, because ot beauty and familiarity, Snow Lay on tin' bPliile Shenherds Watched I heir Haig pmy concluded the sec jirogram -0(1 brilliant glissandos, Olid part in Pl'‘“ie She])herds hy Night,” “The First Noel,^_ ‘m.c Three Kings of Orient -Vim (iW'mt Night” and “Hark, the Her- ‘^'igels Bing.” /.Ii'iraeteristic of ( hopin limit in C Sharp Minor hy Ghopin gave the program a Miss Ruth Holmes Scott To Wed CpL Herbert Bird of her MBS. AliHKX ASSISTS Mrs Alden, accomiiaiiied hy Miss ■ Glazoi: Ballet and '"Schubert’s Friedberg. Mrs bv'iRl^sMl Bi-oughton This l,eautifuliy modal, clear-toned piece was one of the Scott phiVP'l Glazounow's (rand anh^ ««llet “Raymoiida Honda, arranged bj Alden’s next sclec- an -Irhi. written especially of the outstanding niimhers Kreisler’s Lichesteid. ^be last part of her program Miqs Haig played the hlude in m,/hV Lis.t, and Chopin’s A ■ F's7,(,rp Minor, with its expies ,re. emotioiml mmid and its rulmfos ...Utic of ('hopin. 1 he bill fitting Senior Class Gives Annual Mid-Winters Decorations Represent Merry-Go-Round (.'hristmas gaiety truly abounded at the senior’s annual Mid-wintei Dance last Saturday evening, _ De cember 11. The gymnasium, mirac ulously transformed into a lively carnival scene, depicted a merry-go- round with Santa Glaus riding prominently along one side of the wall in a niulti-colored chariot. Margaret Winslow, ('hairrnan of Decorations, ably assisted hy Kath erine Legg, Betsy Burke and a large eommittee of co-oiierative seniors are to be eomniended for not only achieving a wonderfully realistic illusion, but also for conserving jjajier so neceissary to the war effort by using the hack of last year’s decorations. Guests were greeted. as they en tered the gymnasium by a receiving line comjiosed of Betty Barnes, Betty Pldwards, Airs. Cruikshank, and members of the faculty. A figure climaxed the evening in which the following took part: Betty Clark, Chief Dance Alarshal, as guide, with Bee M bite; Betty Barnes, President of senior class, leader of the figure, with Duncan McCrae; Ellen I'rench McCann, Vice-President of senior class, with Billy Johnson; Mary Louise Alar- tin,' Secretary-Treasurer of senior class, with Nick Long; Betty Ed wards, President of Student Body, with Alayhery Bass; Sally Ramsey, Vice-President of Student Body, with John Ilallett; Virginia Hart, Chairman of Hall Council, with Ran Overbey; Hannah Lyon, dance marshal, with Thurman AV^illiams; Carol Talbot, dance marshal, with Dick Bailey; Mary Fox Clarke, dance marshal, with Archie Booker; Katherine Legg, dance committee, with Junie Peel; Alargaret A\ ins- low, dance eommittee, with Clai- boiirne Smith. climax. For her encores. Miss Haig chose ('lair de Lane hy Dehussy and Prelude in- C Major by Prokoffiev. W. Tucker ahli'P««‘^^^ ■s. A. „. I^octors’ Daughters Tuosda> f'nf love of God and fellow-man ’’ nf liumaii life may not 1 this vicious war '^"'onnting to .ji'iO, were pi o- ‘'“d to her for China relief. term exams—Jan. 24-28. more -peace on Ceremony Will Take Place At Ft. Riley, Kansas, Saturday Aliss Ruth Holmes Scott left Tuesday evening for Ft. Riley, Kansas, where she will be married on Saturday afternoon of this week to ('orporal Herbert Allison Bird, son of Air. and Mrs. Murray R. Bird of Raleigh. Aliss Scott, daughtei' of Air. and Mrs. Irving W. Scott of Kingston, New A^ork, is a graduate in piano and organ of Syracuse University, and, with a Alaster’s degree in Alusi- eology, of the Eastman School of Music. She i.s a member of Phi Kapi>a Phi, national senior honor society, of the American Guild of Organists, and of the .American Musicological Society. Miss Scott is known to musicians in Raleigh as Director of the Raleigh Piano En semble, a member of the Board of Directors of tlu* Raleigh Chamber Music Guild and a (annmentator on its programs, and an officer of the Raleigh Alusic Club. CPIj. bird gkaduate of OBKBLIN Coi'iioral Bird is a graduate in violin of Oherlin Conservatory and a student of Louis Persinger in New York City. At one time a member of the staff of WPTF, he is known throughout the State as a violin re citalist, and as a member since its organization of the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra. In Raleigh, Corporal Bird was a member of the Board of Directors and a with the Raleigh ('hamber Alusic Guild and a memher of the Raleigh Piano Ensendile. Prior to his in duction into the army in 1942 he taught violin and piano and con ducted the instrumental ensemble at Saint Alary’s School. The marriage will be solemnized in the North Chapel of thfe CJavalrj- Replacement Training Center at Ft. Riley. After a three weeks honeymoon, the bride will return to Saint Mary’s to continue her teaching. in characteristic fashion ®T.f;rb’r.,c .Ms Cln-i».ma, IMS ^ Altlioiip i cannot forgot ita graver sigmfi- with spontanc . anniversary of the birth of Christ, the caiice in ° (.indar year, is particularly a time of .hope, of irrcatest da} in ^ ^ ^ ^ fraiinw-nmn. Thus our earnest prayer is that •n nf human mo may nuu ho made in vain; that throughout the sacrifice o clipg to the concepts the near future become a . • tv -inu that our world mtiy m of Chnsnamt} ,^^ emhodiment of the true Christinas spirit of ,„„,c J’ Will to Alcn.” ' Saint AIary s Student Body Glee Club and Orchestra Give Joint Concert Saint Alary’s Orchestra and Glee Club presented a concert at 7:30 last night in the auditorium. .After the orchestra, under the direction of Airs. Dorothy Alden, played Sailor',s Song by Greig, Ave Maria hy Bach- Gounod, and the Hungarian Dances d d- 6 by Brahms, tlie Glee Cluh, under the direction of Aliss Geral dine (late, sang the following carols : Moel... Dorothy AIcLeinon' 0 ,Te,m So Sweet, arr. hy Johann Sebastian Bach (See P. 3, Col. 4)

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