I I8f ^'ebruary 28, 1947 The Belles of Saint Mary’s idvisf- studf', Anniversary Song” , “Guilty” Are Top : Tunes of the Week on. HOli au,. 'OB^! l)l ek-f' C¥ iiiki’’ 5'' ni«' "’ill •Ju remember 1 ” «\ pof fee 11f GL af' ef tiii'’ ; ‘'''■ aif'\ tf"1 ‘■eiiditi, g('i' i I , v« V, on of “Cariiioso.’ “‘'Shn Monroe Asain Monroe again makes “Gife Can Be Beau 'eiit J’ ll''i if: A o+fstyle as she plays, o^'l^els “Laura,” “And the oo„i„ ^nia:.” “Bodv and ^0„li kor *'*® Classic Sltle m'^kgb never hear oies froj^^ jbie soU,+;n„4.; i„ thos from^+r^® scintillating melo- opera “Carmen” by album just Swarthout, Thes^p''Hl^ Licia Alban 'tar, ren^j^i^^®tropolitan Opera Vf°t: the arias are etor. ® °ri twelve sides for SAINTS’ S ALLIES top songs of the Aveek Son and “Anniversary o, which are both wonder- lic At recorded by Artie Shaw for soH* ‘ ^’^leraft. The Shaw orchestra is . tlif- ^ good as ever and is fast making Avk*^ At name for itself under the . ?n«f- ‘ti^'^oraft label. Mel Thorme'and iat't 0 Mel Tones do the vocals for 3ff; '“ese two hits. 1 % V d ‘‘Albums of Popnlar Songs ae!!-^ r ^^tetor has just released a rnif^ tit] 1 ' ‘'^'^^gtin Monroe album en- ry cbi^i Special. It in- ‘ *■ 8ef V old favorites as “I’ll 1)„ toil In My Dreams,” “My -^re Getting Better All the Ch’. “Lream.” And on Co- Ilariy James’ trumpet by - forever recorded on Avax ^'ar iiits^'t/' blade up of eight of the tlig 1 “‘"t made the James band - - 6*i>t in the couiitrA'. EverA’one album called All Time mi es by Harry James. The “One O’clock and 1”n iviade Me Love You,” «iauy others. y,., j, ‘Cncle Uenius’ “‘■’‘.i movie “Song of the d rec-O). 1 Beneke has chosen to le ^aid’^ tor Victor “Uncle Remus f i ^on„ >j M “Anybody’s Love file familiar tone of the .®*^b Miller band is easily ^ bzable on these recordings. Rayines Even Better Haymes sounds even bet- pi*' ter pj _. 1 "t tVina.^^. bsual singing “Searching b‘'' i athei. ,• Lecca records. On the yl'i and V ^® ®f the platter is “Years if and fA®^^'*^ Ago.” Earl Hagen d‘: •‘^aiootn Jenkins proA'ide ^fayiop ,®ackground music for the ‘es Amice. 1 s J America, Take It AAvay **be flbll goes Latin Avhen ^'’>16}- husband, Desi v...“y doi n '"uno. A'oeal for the uio.” 'y bCAv samba “Carnival in I ktor ^^’® bllmr side of this *®1 rpn'i®®.®^‘'f Lesi giA'es a very e arrangement is excel- ti ’ and +1. cAc ' ininvA*,® ''’beals are done in Gable Monroe style. !)■ * biini.scent Melo(lle.s ^H-tiiAA ’ ^ recorded an album f®®rds Qi ^*^'’®rites for Capitol lalent' ^®, ®1ioavs a great deal ainr- '' REMEMBERIA^G Eresliman-Sophomorc . . . Valen tine’s Day . . . first Civic Music Con cert . . . Araie’s jokes . . . basketball tournament . . . Edith Hamilton getting pinned . . . dateless Aveek- eiids . . . eating Sunday dinner at the Colonial Room . . . listening to radio serials . . . peroxiding hair . . . knitting and playing bridge . . . Helen Mardre and the Peon Club . . . Miss Duckett . . . phone calls from Chapel Hill . . . cold March AA'inds. NOTICIK'G Tavo Aveeks haA’e come and past; Noav only tAA'eh'e more ’til the last. Saint Mary’s girls haA'e really been around, And AA’e do mean places other than uptoAvn. Last Aveek-end CHAPEL HILL AA-eiit nearly crazy; IVith half of Saint Mary’s there, no one AV'as lazy. Fraternity pins went from hand to hand IVitli each neiv number of the band. Ann McCallum couldn’t decide AA’hether to keep her pin or gwe it back— Just remember, Ann, there is nothing that a Phi Gam Avill lack. All the girls that stayed at school all AA'eek lYondered Avho Avould come back Avith a pin—“Demp,” “Sadie,” or Dot Leak? The Hill was really as busy as bees— Girls Avith everyone from KA’s to SAE’s. By Avay of a little bird Ave ha\e just heard That the DKE House burned doAvn; but of course that’s ab- surd! Musette, “Sibbe,” and Aurelia said tlie Zete’s were damy; ^ Ey the way, did you see ' Coop s' box of candy? Barbara Goode and Camp agieed the Kappa Sig’s Avere best— “Butch,” too, put them above all the rest. Although it’s all over and past. The girls agreed this Avas one Aveek-end that would last. WASHINGTON AND LEE had it’s “Costume Ball,” And “CroAv” and Gene Rose got the call. .^1-1 j “Crow” had to be a Dutch girl and Avear shoes of AA’Ood; She said she danced as best she could. . Gene says she fell so deeply ui You’d think she Avas a cloud fioat- ing aboA’e. The girls who dated the boys from ST \TE Still remember the Engineer’s Ball and their cute dates. Joan and her SPE Avere decked out right, . , From Saturday night til early Harriott, Margaret Lee, and Hob by said it Avas the best dance there had been. And did you see their cute men? Mid-Winters at State are next in line. I believe this Aveek-end is the time. IIoAv could Ave leave WAKE FOR EST out? That the dances Avere good, there is no doubt. Peggy Swinson, Nellie TrusloAV, and Mary Leah Came back giA'ing Wake Forest a grand ole cheer! There are so many dances taking place That to see Avho can get the most bids is a race. Edith Allison couldn’t decide Avliich to take. The Deke, Kajipa Sig, or the Zete. With round number four coming up, “Bee” has the pin; The Avay it goes back and forth is a sin! Y’est IViiig AA'itli its usual pace. Keeps looks of surprise on poor “Ebo’s” face; When “Bones” Jones Avas inspired. And as Don Quixote Avas attired. With garbage pail upon her head. She scared poor “Ebo,” Avlio quick ly fled. On plain old knitting “Lidy Bet” lost her smile;' Take our advice, “Lidy Bet,” stay aAvay from argyle! Jeannette Boaz just sits and knits one, purls three. Of course, that’s a mistake as any one can see! “Weddy” and Jean can knit socks that stand the test And socks of a pretty color are made by Lucille Best. Page and Marian Guess think WOODBERRY FOREST is really grand— Could it possibly be that certain man ? Conger, “Libby,” and “Beau” Wish headed liomeAA’ard Avay And it Avas grand just to sit and play. Betsy Siler remains true to her Sigma Chi iVnd promises to loA'e him till the day she dies. “Sande,” Peggy PoAvell, Nancy, and Mary Anna got a call from the sea. And did they have fun at AN NAPOLIS, oh, golly, gee! Seniors, the day for Tom Jones is draAving nigh. So give out Avith a hearty sigh. Read on, brave girl, let the pages turn. For the life of Tom Jones you must learn! Orchids go to Miss Davis’s play; It Avas the be§t Ave liai’e seen in many a day. Seemed as if all of Raleigh came to see the girls perform. And there Avasn’t a light left oil in any dorm. Noav before Ave leave and run aAvay, Note this as our final say: Spring vacation will be here soon. And then comes the second of June!!! Many Certificate Art Students Plan To Continue Study It is alAvays interesting to dis cover hoAV many people outstand ing in a field Avill continue there. Investigating those art stu dents Avho are Avorking toAvard certificates, this Avriter found that of the 14 certificate students avIio Avill graduate, only 3 at present have definite plans of going any further in their art. Alice IlendeiL son expects to go to Parsons in A"eAv York, Avhere she Avill con tinue in some phase of commercial art. Cynthia McCaAv has applied at the Rhode Island School of De sign, Avhere she Avill continue the study of interior decoration Avhieh she has begun this j^ear. Mary Craig Hunter hopes to get into the Richmond Professional Institute, Avhere she Avill major in interior decoration and continue art his tory and museum training. Ann Lanier, Ann Jones, and Gene Rose all plan to go to regular colleges, but they do not expect to giA'e up their art complete^'. .ruiiior Certificate Students Of the juniors Avho Avill receiA'e certificates, Logan Vaught is the only one Avho definitely plans to go on AA'ith her art. She hopes to go to Parsons or some other school in XeAv York. Molly Williams plans to desert the field complete ly next year if she can get into nurse’s training instead. If only Ave could look foiuvard a feAv years 1 Alice Henderson might be doing ads for Vogue; Cynthia McCaAv’s name might be knoAvn country-Avide for her OAvn individual decorations; Ann Jones might be draAving floor plans; Ann Lanier spending Aveek-ends in the country sketching. Who knoAvs Avhat fame the art certificate stu dents of 1947 may make for them selves? Miss Haig^s Pupils Qive Piano Recital Miss Mary Ruth Haig presented her piano pupils in a recital in her studio at 5 p. m. Feb. 27. The folloAving girls took part in the program: Cynthia McCaAv, Bristol, R. I.; Eleanor Hope NeAvell, Orlando, Fla.; June Fleenor, Charlotte; Ann McMullan, Edenton; Mary Gene Garrison, Raleigh; Clara Justice, Marion; Nancy Hobbs, Raleigh; Betty Beal, Greensboro; Roxie Ann Walters, Raleigh; Virginia Leland, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Jean Craft Jenkins, IlartAvell, Ga.; Betsy Tom LaAvrenee, Ra leigh; Mary Louise Jeffreys, Selma; Mjwa Jarosz, Graham; Emily Fisher, Raleigh; Julia Ann Perry, Raleigh; Mary Nelson SmitliAvick, Louisburg. Give to the Red Cross

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