HAPPY holidays Belles Saint Mary’s School Library OF SAINT MARY’S SEE YA’ NEXT YEAR! RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA December 18, 1947 ^niors Present all'' liiti' ■sliil va'^ ,il«i (jOlf' oil' l-fll’ 'iiii* tion I! rill' st»' pcs' le*' fo'. all' til**' iri«'l it'!’ fiiii*. 1*1 all'' s I#' ti jei If'- ,V' In' H-i-' ‘p, ^ristmas Pageant, ^ace on Earth’ ^^iigcls, Shepherds, Wise iors ’ 1^"' llloly Family, the seii- tiice 'lii’ectioii of ]\Iiss Flor- toii ri^' Russell Brough- a,in J]‘^®™te,l “Peace on Earth,” the dia^pi , li^’istmas j)ageaiit, in the "'"lock Sunday night at 5:00 Tt iiaJ® ^^I'^'istmas story, narrated by ?cenp . ^ l^^son, consisted of four the tV 1 ^l^^®®3ge to the shepherds, h’ig y Family, Journey of the "arijph Bethlehem, and Josepl, to i' ' ^ dream to flee with !M fjSyiit. dopgj ‘‘'I'^iFuit body opeiii •1/1 p„ pageant singhi "U yj'and' Sa resp. (till * ^^^alston po h’illj ^thers ill 'Vet’ ^ Vao^J\iIesse ttian^ ’ p'aney Mar:. J'lly Lo. lo\v'^,,^'auces I Mar.ip I Students Represent School at Conference Accepting “an invitation to all students for A/i Adveniure in Ap plied Chrisfianiti/.” eleven Saint ilary’s girls attended the animal student conference sponsored by the American Friends Service committee and the X. C. Council of Churches,^ at Chapel Hill, December 7. With The Road to Pe 1947 theme, the co;g heard an address Presbyterian minii^ returned froi dis Glee Club Will Render Annual Christmas Performance Tonight ill' nter Logan Vaught^' Train, "111 Frei \Vn 1 ^ Lotobooks . • down to “Ti '^J,*“'Ming under aai|;'‘S mto 'i-ai/. 'ouiid . Oli press. atl'l ^Miio white, “Sni. "''fM >ls gold emblems b We . -1VV6” written on its -Whe ^ The M agiyu'er'^^yinp!^^ ;Ah«ih^’;^^,^i(;rb)ajit‘T^nkerf0rr; caught our atten4S)im*^l,7^l^^^ Sv Xavy-b^^l other documents, Suzuki^(‘r maiA|.^ lie iV^'lct^' .. .. . . J)a^rei^J)efrei;e,-7 Thomas JefiFersonV rQii^l^'al^-^ ygej.^ h^acted^ ' the yiittropoliW teeirycarsc^ aiiih-pt^n- sce ^le Freedom T^ain rop^, ^ ^ Enter” signs, aifd^ the Declaration ofAnypy^M^ iuijiortant oflicials, \ve^/ Then came the3''o/u^?A/t^^-a^d course of human evciits’'^,a_ eyes, and we found e nian- lanagcr of past six- ourselves enter ing the .-the Dill of Righis.J^x^^^\dc^^i^ ^ midst of a iirivilcged awe-stricken, we .*md(fei§*^^alizcd \ "K/f ■ess that-dn the iiext-TteE^^-^^colAs i W iVLi i-^-h^cla- '■11; \Ve*^ 1V76” written on Vo^i •'*»aerh.^,‘ hoi' '’'toi...’/'‘■'gloved from the welcoming 'passel elation, and, 'Miite,p.i’ ’^"dor the watchful eyes r!*‘d tlh. Marine guards, we Ti Ilf ■'Us i 0 first car ^ walls li.ul'l of d pel HoJ’alls al '*"“''"'Sp' 'lliii "■liipi,' ” ooiitainod glass jilates fi'at;,. .Were naiut(>d glass ious documents ■I’ perusing a manu- agna Carta and a We noticed that afi,„;‘,'"‘'’o painted pictures 'Me “Freedoms.” origimr _ - . _ dress and the Eind>u'ip(e mation. I'nusual and fascinating was an account of the first woman to sei\e in the American army, Deborah Gai- rett. Kcmembering our economics, we held uj) a line of smiling, impa tient rejiortcrs when avc came to a case of Bonds of Freedom issue(l_j>y the government from the date 1779. The Fifteenth Amendment and the Bag Psalm Book- then claimed our attention, and, as we reached the end of the third and last car of precious the Surrender documents of (See Page 4) jiapers akesDonation To Chapel Choir Fund ' Saint Marv’s YWCA donated .$50.00 to a fund which is being used for the |)urchase of new vest ments for the chapel choir. Mr. William (’. Guess, treasurer of the (dia]iel, wishes to expi-ess his thanks for the church grouj) to Lenoir Williams, President of the Y., and its members. The Y. also gave a Christmas jiarty at the iUethodist Orphanage for the younger children, Wed nesday. They gave each child presents and stockings filled with frnit and candy. .the Saint Mary’s glee heir annual Christ- nce tonight at 8:00 auditorium. The pro uder the direction of late, and idrs. L. S. he accompanist. ^ i-ned to Fayetteville yiig at the Veterans’ e Red Cross spon- id the Carolina y'furnislied trans program whieh losjiital, and ight: 'Praetorius Holst ■h-Wilhonskg Cain Rogers Maliliews . Pierpont ches, Old French Carol Davis Vild Bells Fletcher iliary Sponsors hristmas Party 'entertainment, and refresh- Itured the annual Christ- fty, given by the "Woman’s try December 14 in the par- 1. A. P. Moore read Dickens’ 'hristmas Carol at the beginning faculty and students were in- pted to attend any part of the party they wished. Every girl brought twenty-five cents for a Christmas offering, which will be used for world relief .as part of the Bishop’s Presiding Fund. Committees for the party were Lucile Best, Betsy Shephard, idary Cease, Frances Drane, decorations; .Dine Willingham, Beth Toy, invi tations; Xaney Hamel, Betty Mar- dre, Betty Foreman, refreshments; and Lib Burns, Daisy Di.xon, Aure lia Fulton, entertainment. Saint Mary’s Girl Presents Program Barbara Pope, piano student of Ralph Osthoff, presented the second in a series of young artist radio pro grams, siionsored by the Raleigh Music Club, Sunday, December 7 at 2 :45 o’clock. She ])layed the first movement of Beethoven Sonata in F Minor; three selections from Little Suite Bells Sad Acie.s, and (Fildren at Play, by Roy^ Harris; and ('hopin Xoeiurne in. F Minor.