358 Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XXI, No-. 2 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA October 17, 1958 SIGMA-MU CHEER LEADERS HEAD RALLY R- - I.,.— Mebane Dowd, Xancy Wall, Ann Campbell, Susan Poe, Maiy Ann l*owell. Singers Selected The Glee Club, directed by Miss 'd®^aldine Cate, meets on Monday ^^gbts from six-thirty to eight. The allowing girls have been selected - ■ **-6 nave Dceu ao ^Aeinbers: First Soprano: Flo An- Bonnie Brinser, Linda Brit- J^shl ^I^ry^Ann Dmkey, JDargan The traditional Sigma-Mu Rally was held October 6, 1958, at 9.30 p.m. The rally initiated new girls into the athlkic association. Sig ma and IMu cheerleaders led the group in several cheers; afterwards punch and cookies were served in the gym. !>■ - R- — Ron 1‘ittnian, Xan Bailey, Connie Fisher. 2nd row Betty 'Vnn Wbiteburst, Georgia Cobb, Ellen Rose. 3rd row — Carolyn Hariis Ad i Ellen Hoell. ’ ■ « The first two Sigma-Mu sports will be soccer and basketball. For a successful year the Sigma-AIu teams request the support of the entire student body. ton^ .^.-hburne, Dorothy Guest, Rebecca ines, Mjartha Ann Rose, Linda 'onias, Dee Dee Wallins, Irene eldon, Elizabeth White, Janet j'^ggs. Second Soprano: Virginia AOon Sarah Arnold, Toiipie Camer- Judie Grumpier, Bea Foote, Heath, Judie McCormick, Anne Powell, Susan Purdy, panor Ramsay, Vicki Rothrock, izabeth Trij)lett, June Waldon. h, Tricia Armstrong, Diane anton, Anne Brinn, Caroline Can- n. Snr,u..g^ Cobb, Faye^Faklen, in, Committees ^^Madwoman” To Play At Su Mary^s Orchesis Taps Announced At 7 it ruye x ctiviu arl)ara Fletcher, Gail Goodwi Green, Cynthia Hubard, vr^^bio Parrott, Eliza Southall, Wall. Bi- which meets with Dr. I ®'^g^hon on Thursday nights be- ‘^'^■tldi’ty and seven-thirty, p 'ides: First Sojirano: Martha er ^Jaddison, Ellen Walk- Mo Andrews, Irene Weldon, - arty Pierce, Mary Dale, Frances avis, Elizabeth White, Toppie Bl Anno Stinnett, Sally ackiuon, Sally Bruce, Betsy T ow. So]>rano: Sally McClure, vatherino McCormick, Betty Lat- ’ ^^"anor Ramsey, Cornelia IMay- Tuesdav, October 1, 1958, eleven girls became Orchesis members at a secret night meeting in the gym after which a small party was held in their honor. . . The new members are iricia \rmstrong. Celeste Barnette, Top- pv Cameron, Madge Gregory, Betsy Xichols, Erwin Parrott, Carol Ann Thadlock, Jane Teague, Alice Wil son and Betsv Vow. All the girls are’new at St. Mary’s except for Betsy Vow. , , • w Orchesis is composed of eighteen members and their instructor and odvisor Iklrs. Bailey. This year the group is smaller and more select. They meet eveiy Tuesday after noon for two hours. In the first hour business and other ^ matters are taken up. The remaining time is used for exercising and dancing. er, Julia Ann Hunt, Patricia Pad gett, Lou Hoffler. Alto: Cynthia Hubard, Dana Borden, Betty Wright, Pat Exiiin, Frances Holton, f^Iay Eason, Menirie Mosier, Coro- line Cannon. The Dramatics Club will present its first play of the season Tuesday niglit, November 25th. The play entitled “The Aladwoman of Chail- rnilrl Giraudoux will be LrUllQ iV160Linff directed by Mrs. Nancy Stamiey. O Considered one of the best broad- way plays of 1948, “The Mad woman of Chaillot” is expected to be a great success at St. Mary’s According to Gilbert W. Gabriel, a Aew York critic, the play is a morality play, immorality play, farce-fantacy, tragi-vaudeville, a super-Saroyan dipped in corrosive sublime instead of strawberry jam, a ‘Green Pastures’ in white face . . . and, in addition thereto, it is John Bunyan goosed by Rabelais into a large laugh. I stick to my popguns: a great ]ilay.” ginia Gee; Anne Edens, Elise Brice, Mebane Dowd, Martha Ellen Mil- Dr. Flower Com. — Chairman, Dana Borden; Maiy Jane Pember ton, Agnes Lawler, Jane Smith. Cruicifers — Anne Wright, chief; Jane Gray, Pat Litchfield. Servers — Luanne Hobbs, Jane Wright, Acolytes — Chairman, Pat Villas- Georgia Cobb, Ruth Whitley’ Nancy Compton. The Altar Guild has had two meetings this year, the first one at Dr. Guerry’s house, the second one in the Chapel. Dr. Guen-y and Aliss Bason explained how to set up com munion. Two girls will bo respon sible for the eight o’clock service. These girls will also be responsible for changing the hangings. The committees are as follows: Linen Commitee — Chairman, Bet ty Lou Beales; Sara McMillan, Lee Newby, Bottle Ann AVhitehurst, Betsy Brodie, Kit McLeod, Nancy Compton. Brass Com. — Chairman, Nellie Holmes Ballou; Jeanne Moye, Sally Alarcotte, Rhett Wes ton, Mary Ann Powell, Ann Camp bell, Jen-y Lovelace. Silver Com. — Chainnan, Betty Wright; Sally Blackman, Sally Bruce, Julia Oliver, L. A. Hobbs, Joyce Batchelor, Blair Aladdison, Eleanor Bullock. Book Com. — Chairman, Vir-