960 Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XXIV, No. 3 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA November 18, 1960 Jiary Oiristopher, AVinston Coniiei’, liiirney AA alker, Elaine Gray- '•1. Kit Kiclihorii, Anne Alekinney. Juniors and Underclassmen Elect Officers looks as if there are big plans for the sophomore and Fresh- classes. Kit Eichhorn, newly Pc ted Freshman class President, announced that one of the year- I’^'^jpcts for the freshman class 1 he the selling of hot dogs from ;;30-]O:()0 each 1‘ursday night. vice-president; Ann Hundley, sec retary; and Carolyn Prune, treas urer. Legislative body rejn-esenta- tive is Cathy Chandler, and Tay Ashford is the new Freshman Dance IMarshal. Tuesday and The soj)homore class, led by Bar- ny Walker, has been in the process of discussing ideas for money mak ing jirojects. Barny Walker, jiresident; Elaine jortl — Graybill, vice-president; Martha "■liich Temple, secretaiy; and Margaret >0 given by the Fresh- treasurer are the recently elected officers of the sophomore class. So]ihomore Dance Marshal is Nona Walker and Sally Stevens is legislative body representative. da ’ time, the freshman the^* In the process of ordering ■r rings, and are discussing plans fo: l>10r. f ;; givL-ii uy u lor the Sophomores. frei I'he nci newly elected leaders of the are in addition to the Anno MacKinney, Y.IF.C.A. Makes Plans Dot 'u' ^ ‘ niet Thursday, for 20. Y. W. C. A. officers rog. M'nr nre; President, For- .fo„ '' 'lliamson; Vice President, J^nyvault; Secretary and Leslie Redding. Dr. the orga organization’s sjion- inirpose of the Y. W. C. A., lielp handbook, is, “To ^^iristf'*^ needy and to spread diidonts"” ‘ unong the Tilt 1„.in-oject for this year will ' nsits by the members of the Y. W. C. A. to the Orphanage and the Blind School to entertain the children there. The members will also give both groujis a Christmas liarty. During exams the Y. W. C. A. will sjionsor evening services. As a moneymaking jiroject the Y. W. C. A. will sell St. Mary’s charms in the spring. In November the club will be in charge of two assembly ])rograms. The first pro gram was a speaker from the Blind School. The Blind School Band will present a musical pro gram for the second assembly pro gram. Nabers Heads Senior Class The Senior class of St. Mary’s is headed this year by Muff Na bers of Wilson, N. C. The other officers are Betsy Dunn, Vice- President; Becky Elmore, secre tary ; and Cleve Fletcher, treasurer. Ruth Mills serves as the Senior Dance Marshal. Each year the project of the Senior Class is the Senior Little Stoi-e. Since everybody enjoys eat ing candy or a snack, the Little Store is a very lucrative class ])ro- ject. Plans are being made now by the Senior class for the Senior Ban- (iuet, to be held sometime in De cember. The members of the Ban quet committee are Trudy .John son, Susanne Bowles, Becky Pe- trea. Archer Lee Hannah, Becky Elmore, Betsy Dunn, .Joanna Day- vault, Lucy Ford, Carlton Savage, Betsy Jjynn and Dede Keyes. Recently, the Seniors residing in Penick decided to go to a lot of trouble to do something extraordi nary for Friday morning breakfast. They named Friday, October 28, “Happy Friday Day” and all of the j)atrons of this occasion dress ed in their “Sunday best.” Jn order to celebrate in the highest fashion, the painstaking girls got up at 7:00 A.M. and before they left for then- grand entrance into the dining room, they had made their beds and cleaned their rooms. To the Seniors we owe our grati tude for breaking away from the monotony of week-day breakfasts. iMary Christopher from Tappa- hannock, Virginia, is the newly elected President of the .Junior class. The other officers are \Vins- ton Conner, vice-president; Jane Brooks, secretary; Cornelia Hines, treasurer; and Erwin Parrott, dance marshal. Serving as Honor Council Rep resentatives from the Junior class are .Julie White of East Tawas, AJichigan, and Courtney AIcDow- ell, of Charleston, S. C. Jane Brooks, Cornelia Hines, Marty AVatkins, Emvin Parrott, Mar- garet Glenn, Alartlia Temple, Robin Causey, Kathy t hanmer,’ Sally Stevens. St. Mary’s to Celebrate Thanksgiving Tuesday night, November 22, will arrive, and all the St. Mary’s girls will be in a festive mood be cause the next day will see every one heading for home. New York, or other exciting spots. We cele brate Thanksgiving here at school by attending a banquet. For this occasion we dress in our best and discard our “usual” attire. The Dining room also takes on a new look for the banquet. We dine by candlelight, and the tables and side boards are decorated with arrange ments of fruit. We have the tradi tional Thanksgiving meal of turkey and the trimmings. The festive mood is carried out m songs by the students to the faculty, cooks, waiters, and dieti cians. The Thanksgiving Banquet IS one of the special traditions at ot. Mary s, so let’s all participate to make it the best Banquet we’ve ever had.