January 13, 1961 BELLES OF ST. MARY’S SENIOR SAINTS SAINT SALLIES CLEVK FLETCHER Town: Winston-Salem, N. C. ^air: Love that “crease” Eyes: Ask any bulldog- Always Seen: With clips in her hair Always Heard: “I made a terrible grade” Eet Peeve: “How’s Paul” Favorite Frat: Well, uh. Sigma Something-at one time ■'^hibition: to be a . . . secretary Eobby: Building muscles Etopia: SOB ARDEN FORES Town: Southern Pines Hair: Fluffy “fes: Spider-like Always Seen: Emptying trash cans Always Heard: “Cuss, excuse my language” Het Peeve: “roomie” not shutting the door avorite Frat: not choosey Ambition: To do away with her 2 P fakes Hobby: setting fires fopia: her own business desk LUCY TORI) Own: Winston-Saiem ^air: here today gone tomorrow yes: half closed jways Seen: Combing hair Always Heard: I’m in iove (this p Week) Peeve: Ruth and Betsy knock- p on the waii 'avorite Frat: DKE??? Ambition, to date a DKE Hobby: Vices opia: University of Okiahoma PATSY FR.ANK Own: Pensacoia, Fla. g,air: Everywhere! .'Os: usually closed .."’ays Seen: Late Always Heard: “Ya have a bottle of p Cough syrup?” p t Peeve: Breakfast A^"oi-ite Frat: USN pmbition: to make Jean sloppy t}°oby: the Infirmary Sbia: Princeton ARCHER LEE HANNAH Town: Richmond Hair: Good Luck! Byes: Lined and curled Always Seen: knee socks and shet- lands Always Heard: “I can’t believe shed do that!” Pet Peeve: 7:25 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Favorite Frat: Mu Epsilon Nu (MEN) Ambition: to be fat Hobby: growing fingernails Utopia: “Carry me Back to Ole Vir- ginny” SALLI HARPER Town: Walterboro, S. C. Hair: Turns gray overnight Eyes: About that color but not quite Always Seen: Bouncin’ around Always Heard: “deah gussie!” Pet Peeve: Three fellows, Chaucer, Spencer, and Milton Favorite Frat: Kappa Sigs any place Ambition: Who has time to think about that? Hobby: Playing it cool. Utopia: A high point .JANE HARRIS Town: Seaboard . . • Where! Hair: Two-tone blond (?) Eyes: Just eyelashes Always Seen: Chewing gum Always Heard: “Y’all know what? Pet Peeve: People who ask too many questions „ , Favorite Frat: Sorry: sew on Satur- day j Ambition; “2-4-6-S, I’m gonna gradu- Hobby: Selling cigarettes Utopia: out ANN.A CAY HENRY Town; Asheville Hair: always there Byes: constantly shut Always Sdf WhTdid’^/take that course? ^lUHtTFra^-‘The nearest Parish AiiiblUon: To get out of that course! Hobby; Playing el Toro TTtnnia: Finlandia flickereenoes Jap .ST.VTE THE.VTER TE 2-6140 8—“The Pacts of Life” doming soon— “The Grass is Greener” A.MR.ASSAdor theater Ja,, TB 2-6404 “Girl of the Night” 12—“Sundowners” Coming soon— “The Captain Table VILLAGE theater TE 2-8151 Jan. 5—“All the Young Men Coming soon nvpr” “Please Turn Me Over December 17, 1960, found St. Mary’s bereft of all her Sallies. Every young thing had left for home eagerly anticipating a series of gala parties. En,joying themselves thoroughly in Winston-Salem the 21st w^ere Ginny Heron, .Judy Merritt, Lock hart Folin, Sara Broadhurst, Mar ty Watkins, Mary Lou Liipfert, Iletsy Kalkurst, Betsy Dunn, Gigi Saunders, Bobby Watson, and Cleve Fletcher. Winston has been known to have a good party and this one came through true to form. After Christmas several towns in eastern North Carolina held their annual parties. Seen adding to the festivities in Goldsboro the 26th were Muff Nabers, Marguerite Howard, May Boney, Lover Daw son, Ann Benson, Rosemary Adair, Sophia Pike, Betsy Eagles, .Joy Hicks, and Chasie Allen. In some unknown fashion, eve ryone was ready the next evening for the Kinston party. Seen grac ing this affair were Betsy Eagles, Erwin Parrott, Ruth Bowles, Had ley Morgan, Sara Broadhur.st, and Rowena Brinser. After two days rest many of the same people flocked to AVilson on the 3()th. Present with not oven a hint of dark circles under their eyes were Muff Nabers, ,Joy Hicks, Sophia Pike, Ruth Bowles, Hadley Morgan, Mary Aloore, Frances Douglas, and Ann Farmer. Greensboro had its share of Christmas gaiety during the Spin sters and 21 Club dances. Taking in the Christmas spirit in the Gate City were Lila AA’olff, Betsy Dunn, Edith Kellermann, Martha Rose Lambeth, Mary Brent Elmore, and Ellen Baer. AAhsh you could have seen AA’olffie’s escort. ^ Last, but not least, came New Lear’s and two parties, one in Charlotte, the other in Raleigh, two parties which are annually popular. Seen swaying to the strains of “Auld Lang Syne” at the Charlotte Country Club were Mary Lee Hinson, Ruth Bowles, lilrwin Parrott, Alary Richard Chambers, AAhnston Connor, Edith Kellermann, and Robin Pleasants. Flaving .just as much fun and blowing just as many horns at the Carolina Country Club in Raleigh were Dede Keys, Sophia Pike, Chasie Allen, Molly Cooper, Tricia Armstrong, and Vickie Coxe. Alary Ann Carter’s Christmas was made complete by the beau tiful engagement ring Ed gave her on Christmas Eve. Of course, all good things must come to an end, and they did. However, we can catch a vague glimpse of Spring Vacation far away in the mists of March. Sigma-Mu Continues Tournaments The basketball tournament is in “full swing” now. Before Christ mas the AIu’s won the first game of the tournament and then came back from the vacation to win the second game, beating the Sigma’s by only two points. This game was l)layed on .January 4 and showed effects of the Dixie Classics, be cause both teams were “red hot”. The third game, played on .Jan uary !), jiroved to be a real thriller, because the Sigma’s needed the victory in order to stay in the tournament. Of course, the AIu’s were out to win this game, because if they did, they would win the tournament. Plans are being discussed for a Student - Faculty basketball game. Also, plans are being made for a St. Alary’s-AIeredith College basketball game, and possibly for a St. Alary’s-Peace College game, too. Last year, St. Alary’s beat both these schools in basketball. We hope to do as well this year! The badminton tournament is still being played. The winner will be announced in a week or so. The tumbling tournament took place in the gym on .January 9 at 5:00 P.AL, after the Sigma-AIu basket ball game. Three faculty members were the judges for this tumbling tournament. Girls comiieted in dividually and in groups for top honors. Some of the stunts per formed were hand stands, forward and backward dives, angel stands, and many other extremely difficult stunts. New Year’s Resolutions Cookie Aitlmr: not to wear the same gray skirt and sweater every day. .lane Wands: to drive more carefully (she had two wrecks over Christ mas). Toler Yates: to lose ten pounds by the end of the school year. Mary Lar.sen: to make “Birdlegs” miserable for the rest of the year. Robbin Uleasants: to hold my should ers up. Erwin Parrott: to learn to enunciate clearly. .lackie llaiiblitz: to forget the “culls” in my life. Winston Connor: not to he in Char lotte next New Year’s Eve. Ann Martin: to be a good girl. .loanne Roebow: not to flirt. C,vnthia Anderson: not to lose my temper. Rosemary Adair: to never accept an other blind date. Retsy Nichols: to stop wearing false eyelashes. Can You Imagine? Lauson being quiet? All the petitions being passed? All the water fountains spouting champagne-eh Jody? Everyone passing Psychology? The Christmas holidays extending through June? No Saturday classes? Exam Week as Party Week? Seven day weekends? A good meal? Mary Richard spending a Saturday night at school? Forrest and Cleve not studying? Betsy Vaden not smiling? Alice Dupree six feet tall? 205 Penick being clean? 20 days for Brent? Ruth Bowles in the Library?