BELLES OF ST. MARY’S February 10, 1961 Second Semester Scenes LETTERS TO Second semester of the academic year of 1960-61 contains a variety of activities which differ greatly from those of the first semester. The two outstanding activities of this semester are the May Day program and the election of student body, class, and club officers. The whole student body participates in both of these events. May Day is an annual event sponsored by the whole student body the first week-end in May. This program gives the parents and friends of the students a chance to visit the school, faculty, and students and to watch a talented performance. A variety of dances are performed in honor of the Alay Court. Every member of the student body works in the production of this event, either by directly participating in the May Court or the dances or by indirectly participating in the technical aspects of painting scenery or the recording of the musical scores. The elections are of primary concern to the student body; these are especially important to the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman classes. The outcome of these elections determines the leadership of the next academic year. Each student’s careful consideration of each nominee and every vote cast is imperative. This careful thought will aid in a more effective organization of school leadership. Besides Alay Day and student elections, another major concern of the entire student body is the selection of new courses taken up in the beginning of the semester. Often students go blindly into courses at the beginning of each semester with little idea of the real course material and only the title of the course as a guide. The Belles staff wishes to help the student body in any way it can with this difficult problem. To aid the students, each issue of the Belles this semester will contain an article featuring one of the elective courses offered at St. Alary’s. This issue contains an article on the Art Department. Another feature of the Belles this semester will be the “Letters To The Editor”. These will provide a column of interest to all. The Belles staff hopes that students will express themselves on any phase of St. Alary’s life. These letters are hoped to better portray the interest of both the students and the faculty. Paper Drive is Great Success for Holt t * This is an urgent plea! Barbara Brittain and Anna Cay Henry are in dire need of any old newspapers, magazines, or any kind of paper which you, the students can con tribute to them. A^ou see, recently they have both developed a great desire to have lots of reading ma terials (newspapers, etc.) all over their room. In fact, the Juniors in Holt be came so interested in trying to make these two girls happy in this respect that for a month they, out of the kindness of their hearts, col lected old newspapers and maga zines for them. Finally on the night of February 1, while the two were visiting in Penick, the Holt- ers led by charitable Alary Larsen and Robin Pleasants filled 201 Holt (the two girls’ room) with the col lected reading materials. Upon returning to Holt, Brit tain and Anna Cay opened the door to their room, switched on the light, and much to their sur prise, their room was filled to the brim with the collected j)apers they so loved. The expressions on the two girls faces were joyous and jubilant ones. To phrase their de light in the words of a Holter: “It was well worth our effort and sac rifice just to see the grateful and appreciative expressions of Brit tain and Anna Cay!” THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Each year the subject of spon soring another soft drink vending machine is brought up by one group or another. The chief hin- derances to this plan are either the apparent lack of space, or a rumor that I have heard, that the Coca Cola Company has an exclusive franchise here. However, Airs. Cal- ahan has assured me that Coke does not have this franchise. The reasons that another type of machine is needed are numerous. If Coca Cola were in competition with other drink firms here, they would be forced to put in King size bottles to meet the competition which a monopoly does not afford. This would offer the student more for her money and perhaps ulti mately lower the cost per drink. “Variety is the spice of Life.” Why should we settle for one ma chine that offers only one type of drink, when other companies have machines that dispense three or four types of drinks, in bottles larger than the present dispenser. Such a company is Royal Crown Cola, having Orange, Royal Crown and Upper Ten. The Pepsi Cola Company has another popular drink and Tropicanna Orange Juice is the favorite drink of many stu dents. As anyone can see, the possibili ties are endless and could get out of hand. Perhaps, if an interested party could find out the majority preference of the students and faculty, a limited number of ad ditional machines could be in stalled. There are a number of jjossible locations for the new machine. Certainly neither Holt or Penick basements are over crowded. Per haps a machine could be installed in the gym. Another convenient place in Smedes would be in the day students parlor. I think action should be taken immediately to secure another drink machine for St. Alary’s. Dear Writer, The letter concerning a variety of concession machines has come to the attention of the classes when deciding upon money making proj ects. The Coca-Cola Company docs not have “exclusive franchise” at St. Alaiy’s and a change to a different beverage comjiany is possible. A number of machines would be impossible to install be cause of a limited number of elec trical outlets which can only sup port a limited number of appli ances. But, a machine containing a variety of beverages from dif ferent companies is ])ossible. For more information see Aliss Jordan. Such a machine can be obtained through the Student Government if not through popular vote of the different classes. THE BELLES OF ST. MARY’S Published every two weeks during the school year by the student body of St. Mary’s Junior College. Entered as 2nd Class matter Dec. 7, 1944, at Post Office, Raleigh, N. C., under Act of March 3, 1879. Sub scription $1.00 per year. BELLES STAFF Editor-in-chief Carter McAlister Assistant Editor Cleve Fletcher -Yeics Editor Lii Lii Ridenhour Eeature Editor Recky Elmore Social Editor Hadley Morgan Alumnae Editor Susan Poe Cartoonists Frances Holton Sally Stevens PhotOffrai)her....A7^N Cameho.x Bowman Exchange Editor Stuart Austin Head Copy Reader Joy Hicks Headline Editor Sophia Pike Head Typist Anne Benson Business Managers Betsy' Lynn Forest Williamson Circulation Manager Ruth Bowles FEATURE STAFF Ann Baskervill, Jane Brooks, Almira Bruton, Anne Burwell, Cornelia Hines, Elaine Graybill, Nancy Heath, Betty Lynch, Nelson Pemberton, Jo-Ann Ro- chow. .Jean Stroinan, Cecile Thebaut, Charlotte Thorne, Bitsy Wingfield. NEWS STAFF Cookie Arthur, Susan Becton, Mar tha Pat Bell, Gene Birdsong, Frances Douglas, Alexa Draxler, Susan Harris, Frances Jones, Martha Rose Lambeth, Marguerite McKee, Sally Quillian, G. G. Saunders, Louise Thornton, Dee Tillery. TYPISTS Chasie Allen, Robbin Causey, Mary Brent Elmore, Betsy Holland, Martha Ann Martin, Buzzy Miller, Suzanne Miller, Ruth Mills, Lane Norman, Bob bin Pleasants, Ginny Simmons. SOCIAL Mary Richard Oliambers, Susan Keel. Edith Kellermann. COPY READERS Ann Farmer, Jackie Polk, Barney Walker. CIRCULATION Carol Ashley, .Jackie Baubitz, Said Harper, Anne Moore, Mary Peyton. Marcia Sawyers, Dade Wall, Betty .Jane Wands. MAKE-UP Ann Niemeyer, Sally Stevens. CARTOONISTS Susan Ehringhaus, Prances McLaua- han. THE GREEN HOUSE Sincerely, Carter Mc.Ylister Nasturtiums to exam grades, qualitJ' points, and various other un- pleasantries. Orchids to Germans, Mid-winterS. Fancy Dress, etc. Lilies of the Valley to Jodie Jones- Sweet peas to the new Juniors. American beauties to Arden and the May Court. Snap dragons to snow that snows u® in and not out of school. A gardenia to Gay Davis and h®* staff. -A Y'enus fly trap for the onion-huiS ers. A Jack-in-the-pulpit for Anna Cay- Daises and buttercups to poor ® Trudes in 211 Roper- Sour grass to Anne Turner and 1'®’ A in Psychology. T F E A A