1, 1970 BELLES OF ST. MARY’S Rankin Wins SMJC Open. tt iii»f , Th Annual Golf Pen Takes Place to St. Clary’s "itorostcHl in -olf C?® ill P i “"’’1 I’i'ie Needles ^ii^s p,, „ 11 6 li 11 r s t wliere she i^°fessional rolf. 3rrj ^oll For 'i’lie Released 'll the Hie b^nilonr^. !t*iil’se department Hallatrli, Hin- S: ?ur %ei ^io^v Hallatrli, Hin- Nnr''i'e’Su Heasley, -Jane iifin l^ati i^ii''’ip«- Connie linhi'^yioii 'SaV,.;^itviei,i I- io,h|'j“ ,. - ’ ’ '^""Itla.s Durden, I’a ^ Ciiddenlniften, I)pi.’ .^iii'olyn Coiifthen- !'“"iS, Pam DeVere, n'HiirA h'’enters, laii '^liiss, ; ,^i*’ii'> Cranks, /Hll iC -o,s u - - - 1^^’’LiJ?ii ^'1‘1‘KoiT, Petty Ilon'i"'’ Iloldiiifi, ,1^e il’ilie K"*’,”’ i^liii'v Anne o'^il/.P ‘"'e A ’''''i""*- Alallery v^illv \>i^ie ■'^i'lslie Max- h^H’hi., “1, Svi*"-*''' ' ■^"'1 iMiii’ton, u H, stinehi,, |) ‘''■'lell, Mlizaln'tli 'ii'i I’l-"- .CHh 'cHtie'-A/^i’iives, Sydney l%\; |i«tt ^'H.^0,i' ll i‘ d o n, lOllen ^lallinojs, Alarv an‘,.“Tay- W.*’, '*ii''.v Vander- W'i'i'i ’• ’"^"^ii" ^VIlitl'- - Kitty Wil- CUT SYSTEM —PRO (Reprint March 29, 1963) Editor’s Note: Not too long ago, St. Alary’s put in a new cut sys tem. Eyeryoue was excited the first week or two, but now we have become quite blaise’. The following article is being reprinted in order to show, in a double perspective, what a great imprpvemeut our new absence system is. A few weeks ago, a petition to the Legislative Body for installa tion of the cut system at St. A'laiy’s was tabled after discus sion, because the Legislative felt cuts by our present system were better for the students. It seems that there are many “pro’s” in this issue which could be considered before the idea is forgotten. It is our understanding that with the cut system a student is allowed a limited number of cuts (for instance, one cut per semester hour in each course, with no lab TENNIS IS BIG IN SIGMA-MU NEWS l_ Q0 .C Mary’s Golf Open tI April 24th, ihis gQi 1 bvidge Country Club. ‘1^ Rohi ''^®iii *^°i'®il bv vr’'°iii'.ii^iiie>it was spon- that' +!,■’■ b’isani, and it is hop- '^’^Hlonp 6vent will be an an- A^*' of tin’ ®^iibes Bankin, the win- '^Peii, year’s St. Mary’s Golf trn.!v ^ G'ophy to keep. An- Mth the at St. Alary’s eii it ^ach year’s win- ??Hcl, Gi-aliam came in tr ’’e witl , A ortlungton, fourth, a ® thin p ® a Golf Banquet at ^ ill the"?" P'^Mici- Ar^H , tournament. Of''*- Ajiril 22nd, a member Professional Golf On Saturday, April 25th, foiu members of the St. Alary s tennis team participated ni the -■ • State Intercollegiate P e n n i s in Ch.pel Hill Brett Elebash and Jo Ann Peacock play ed doubles and went to t^e sen finals. However, they lost to p Ltlf^wSe^^FoiXJud^ Appa- S„ Appa..eh«. Sdf Harrison anti EU.n P«t™l; nlaved singles, winning then hrst l^miH Lura DuPont from UNC- CH won the finals in ®^ against Ellie Jones from UNC-G. The tennis team had a match on Thursday, April 30th, at Salem College. On May 4th, they' play a home game with Wake Forest; on Tuesda.v, Alay’ 5th, they^ pla.y UNC- CH at Chapel Ilili. They ivill play another away game at UNC-G on Thursday, Alay 7th. The AIus have won both softball games so far. The Sigmas, how ever, won the swimming contest. Sigma-AIu tennis matches started this past week. Also, the archery tournament started April 27th. The Letter Club Banquet is to be held on AVednesday, Alay' 6th. Representatives at N C. State Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament. H ">e Wo ’^"1 ’ Hii,i A, ^''bins ’‘"'■Nliall Y oimg. Pnll for the third Tbe noil";;, aepart- (piarter m f'' j:. yiargaret Am- ,ne.it ^"""Indrews. Roberta brose, Mary An n Bine, Bets.v '^""‘'^Kathy Byars, Lindsey Miu on. Coppage, Enuices Capehai t. n Harriett P"/j,ie Dofferniyre, Sally Dillard. >'0 j,qeetwood, Amy Durham. Ma^^ Ekky Cathy boltz. J-. (;-nnnie Ha". Foss. Roll.v B ‘""‘j^pnes. Sherme InJa .Mill., ;T" !"^rvi»g.^ Ellen Jm;- Ibrahim, latu ^ j^nn Alims, dan. Pam '\"'i l,.n,v Alarsha AIc- Alarguerite M" JoAnn I eo- Elrath. Susan , j , Ann Rees- '>*. I’Pf'rt Anne S-nteri man. Bn'"'' ‘.^mva Btieppnril ' Sue Sermons -1 y a- Sininions. Ebniin jjart leta Sledge. Or Debra Eeagne, Km Valone. Turner, Aim.' letter to editor EDITOR: I feel that the actions of many- stiidents during the senior recital of Staniiie Farish Avas uncalled for, and extremely rude. Not only' ivas this a concert, but because of the fact that it was held in the chapel, I believe that these students should have acted Avith a lot more reA'erence and re spect. There have been some misunder standing in regard to the last se lection. Alaiiy students could have thought that the last selection, be ing the “Fanfare,” Avas the jmst- lude. IIoAvever, the piece Avas NOT intended as background music to a lot of idle chatter! I hope that these students Avill become more thoughtful in the fu ture. Thank you, Student cuts) AA'hich can be applied either to OA'ernight absences, to unexcus ed class cuts, or to very short ill nesses. Extended stays' in the in firmary do not count against this quota. AVith the present system, a St. AIai'y'’s girl is alloAved to cut Saturday' classes only in order to take her allotted number of Aveek- ends, a system Avhich gi\'es very fcAv cuts. If class cuts Avere given, a student could use them to take longer Aveekends or to participate in extra activities. The same num ber of overnights could be used, and the girl Avould have the pre- rogath'e to combine cuts and over nights as she chooses, Avithout let ting her academic standards slip. College girls not responsible enough to keep up Avith their Avork Avithout constant supervision do not belong at St. Alary’s. No college alloAvs students to make up tests missed Avhen taking unexcused cuts; therefore, teach ers AA'ould have no problem and could assign Avork as they Avished. It Avould require quite a change to install this sy'stem at St. Alary’s, but isn’t change an integral part of progress? We Avould ask the Legislative Body to think this sit uation over again and perhaps give the students a choice along Avith a full explanation of all the limits such a change in system Avould require. If the cut system is so successfully' used at other schools, Avould it be impossible to introduce it at St. Alary’s? Sea Saints Elect President W\ r / -i-,: i "I Debbie Frank. Debbie Frank, a s o p h o m ore from Ahoskie, N. C., Avas elected president of next year’s Sea Saints. Debbie aa'us a Sea Saint her freshman y'ear, and is a Bea con member this year. As presi dent, Debbie Avill perform a solo number in next year’s shoAV. She is “really excited” and “is look ing foi-Avard to the coming year.” On April 22, the Sea Saints pei'- formed for the Board of Atisitors. Tliey had their annual members- only' picnic on April 30. heir com- in ,c affairs, id both in trk and in Carolina, ry’s. St. Mary's lented Dr. i past dat- lo personal My job is } graduate, yone.” : “I really an, but I e up teach- roughly en- ct of St. )ians t Play an, II aducted for } production ison at St. !-29. To be : of Father- fall produc- Ison’s “The ightful mu- s’ finishing d their love 1 the 1920’s, } music and lale lead is hip portray- Karen Rose stress of the Dubonnet. :»p” schooL d by Lena aracters Keigh Ami igar Bryaap lanet Daviaj Boyfrier ast also , Beca Bitt Raleigh , f the chor i directed] with nil] lael Buiie ’ the Dra m, Adce an, secret ‘d Cathe asurer. end)!