% Belles OF ST. MARY’S S^£f;^XXlV, NO. 4 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA November 13, 1970 ST. MARY’S GROUP CONCERNED DRAMATICS CLUB AND ORGHESIS Wira EI^IRONMENT ECOSM Organized BIKE-IN The D,.ma,ks club is pu.dug on Orchesis will present a halle, ten tan,” Environmental Concern Or- Clad in jeans, jackets and otner three one-act plays, the 17th and 18th dition of The Litdest/IwgeZ on Mon- has been formed at St. assorted paraphernalia, six St Marys f this month. They are: Not day night, November 23 at 8-00 callld purpose of this group students along with fourteen stu ^^ough Rope by Elaine May, This P.M. in the auditorium. The cast is warn ECOSM) is to make people dents from NCSU, led a Bike-In p ^ ^ Condemned, by Tenn- as follows: of the crisis of increasing de- from the Bell Tower at NObU to Williams, and The Lesson by r ...j ^ n ? tn, S envlr^ent^nd [£ city hall on Mondsy. Novemte Eugene Ionesco. Ut,U„ Angel Shng Dawson rhisk^ I 8 patterns of humans 2. rhe Br'^-Iir These plays are all comedies and nte eeper Gail Perry Ioud wastefullness. The ECOSM (Environm the evening will be entitled “An Eve- Ciiardian AwgeZ .Connie Brooks ay IB:30 on Wednes- Organization o ’ piLmative to ning of Black Comedy”. Black com- Messenger Ann Suhline i--n-gs, usually in Mr. Tates interest in cyWng s - altmnative to ^ ^ - m . motoring, suosequciui^ & vocative. One laughs at them only ^ ^ aid Mrs. Hobbie the proun’s ad- pollution. to realize that at the end, that which , Celestial Choir TipJ’ lienee and’technology can . ‘^U^f/aJeoTpanied by was amusing, is no longer so. Marsha McElrath Helen Harrell reev I^^^^Eines, but cannot run ing the i j,jg instructor Those appearing in Not Enough Tucker Cynthia Warren Jre B^'^ess of nature. Na- proceeded to present Rope are: Barbara Olschner, Mr. Mary Harper Suzanne Ishee erself been able to cleanse at St. i ary gouncil meeting. John Tate, Jr., and Eauren Jones. Martha Wentz man"w It^waHvell received by the members -pj^g ^ast of This Property Is Con- The littlest angel is a little boy "■onment Man bis of the council, and referred to the ie^ned is Elizabeth Graham, and who has gone to heaven. He was ndt ^nd atd?uderbefortTnvthing Law and Finance Committee. Betsey Berger. really happy there and was always ^0 done.” ' The petition, bearing 256 names. Those appearing in The Lesson ting into some mischief. He was first k- • r asked the city to provide bike routes Carey Husbands, Cynthia ^PL^PPy because heaven didn’t have the “R'l of ECOSM (ijEoueh less traveled areas of the ci y, Molding, and Mike White, N. C. trees to climb or places to swim for n b T originally sched- designate sections of streets on University student. because the proud Archangels Lot postponed thoroughfares for cyclists and -ii t ■ o ic oidn t understand the needs of a tuden7,7"^^"’^ 2 because of rain. I""'" SeTcyde racks in the city. ^he plays wdl begin at 8:15 on httle boy. Finally his Guardian Angel >d. wf Lom St. Marv’s and State to proude bicy ^ ^Be 17th and 18th. A1 students are came to the rescue and asked what In tB^s or walked to the Capitol. ^ °r Ettlest angel wanted that would H ithey picked up litter HoDOr Wcck To Bc is most convenient for them. make him happier. The littlest angel stino ; ■ ^ Ee participants were pro- ~ i ^ Lim of a box under his bed at ^'bted pollution. They izoni, •.ttittt «mini-i-aT-rv *home that he wished to have. As eans .p^t that there is no alternate -rUg vv^eek of November fo'-20 as NEW ATTENDANCE soon as he received the box, he be- car k transportation other than , „ designated as Honor Wf /.y POLICY ANNOUNCED the best behaved little angel in th; etc., and they hope to Student Governmenk Monday ,v f j r :^’’eatioS''use^j Tuesday ‘.Ee ^“all° students St. Mmy’s funcdonrwL Tnnoi^Led i • ^0°" the glorious prediction of the 1 ka®®ts anTlinp/'f'^^^’ “ ,mrs c?^‘"‘fflcers The Monday November 5 by Dr. Pisani. of Gods son Jesus Christ came. ' 1 ^kes j idnes for commuters i SGA oftice • . .n be c j i - i Then the angels began to prepare el^bie ’fe^ bike racks. Mrs. ^d Friday morning chapels will t. dents are no Hnger required to their gifts to the holy infant. The fadl V *ere are in- j^ected toward the subject ot non d events such as musical re- littlest angel had no special talent to 'll not bi“f" bikes that people ^^qil the prograni 8‘'f" ^ citals, drania productions, and per- create a magnificent gift as the other '^ortatin Vestrv d u r i n g Wednesdav nigh formances by the dance groups pre- angels were making. But he thought ECOg ' chapel. In the Assembly Thur^ay rented by different departments of his most precious possession, L 'ards^g^ plans to decorate bulletin SGA officers and ^mde within the school. Box. On the special day, the Littlest ■cssinc, m^""^Pus during the year on honor and wnat Body However, apembhes and chapel Angel placed his gift before the . foiuoenk 1 "^rit pollution and en- and to Sk savs that she services are still required as are night- Throne Of God. He was a little Ce j Tbe group President Pam Uev B time lectures and concerts by people ashamed and tried to sneak it away. >h of g,provide for the collec- hoj^s ^bat the^roden ^Bo are invited to come here by the The Hand of God passed over the banop newspapers and extra wit t m ^ order to make it >c 00. gjggj-^g ^Bich was to be pre- Pets ®"^b hall. The news- ness and r f Dr. Pisani stated in the Weekly sented first. It stopped over the box '^Panie^ Ee used again by paper a meaningt that The optional policy of the Littlest Angel, and the box retur^/'^d the coat hangers will , presupposes a lively community opened. Inside there was a golden »»aiil '““'P-;;’ PS Honor Code Oath T’ 7 Tt ECO T JS scheduled to n ,,^jersmnding of all ^Bis place need to be supported '^b te round stones and a tooth-mark- ^^deter„g;I PU?f‘?'‘™"T L Honor Code iinphes I ^Beir work appreciated. Those ^d leather dog collar. The Voice of 1 nrp should bc used and that the j,p]jold the highest these events are enriched ^lod boomed out, “Of all the gifts of b'^ss, ^‘‘‘^*:ices to prevent waste- pledge personal integrity tn sharing in the various phases of all the angels, I find that this small '"bcr ^^mester, an evening life at St. Marys, an B'fe offered at St. Mary’s.” box pleases me most. Its contents are oti. be invited bv Dr. Mor- f phase responsi- ^Be Earth and of men. and Mv Son K M ' \t7for helping others to hve up to Born to King of Both. These are '• Accident, “a new tUstandard. ^ov- SAGA Plans tbe things My Son, too, wifi know ‘'*'‘Oninem^r”‘^'^'^F‘'P^''' ‘’bout the As a member of J my Thanksgiving Dinner an ove and cherish and then m- n‘Litcholv A 1 ^ ^ -Uities of student governme the dining room, the annual Thanks- c , , ,1 E 0, B°'y Accident giving dinner will be held. The meal Suddenly the box began to glow ^barlott'*^ flf Sf. ^ ay- j^gt be served in the usual cafe- with a blinding brilliance. It rose in is '^svillc, Virginia 22903 teria manner. It will be served buffet ^ great arch and came to rest over ^EE rcE^P^-’r is published by INI^IDE • • • ^ candlelight atmosphere, the stable where the holy infant was ’ aiirl l^^’-'clent Cnimril nn Pollu- />Ji * ' Mr. Currin promises turkey and ham born. The lowly gift of the Littlest 'T;«Ei:r:rg -"rs ti, "XS.:! s.i.s please. DETHLEHEMir their com- an lie affairs. ;ed both in 'ork and in h Carolina, iry’s. b St. Mary’s mented Dr. m past dat- no personal “My job is ts graduate, ryone.” r: “I really ean, but I ve up teach- oroughly en- ect of St. pians it Play fan, II inducted for zb production sason at St. 18-29. To be k of Father- fall produc- "ilson’s “The jlightful mu ds’ finishing nd their love in the 1920’s, le music and e. male lead is ship portray- Karen Rose istress of the Dubonnet, icap” school^ by Lena haracters Jjj Leigh An,;, sugar Bryaa.J Janet Davis’jj e Boyfriend)! cast also jj' d, Beca 1 Raleigh tg of the chor is directed mui :hael BulR »f the Dra am, vice fan, Secret md Cathe] •easnrer.