n- 1971 ietl ; ;tO«j jr nitk r-4^ Belles Lf ' OF ST. MARY’S ^^^XV^NO. 3. "ilLEIGH, NORTH CABOLINA October 20, 1971 ,. 3pd Mrs. B. field “^'^'CATION CEREMONY: (Left to right) — Dr. Pisa ,gg. Lawrence S. Rankin* *‘='s'>n, N. C., parents of the late Mrs. John W. S. Davis, Dur- ha?'?’Gastonia, N. C., President of Alumni Asso^hon, M ®asurer of Alumni Association; Rev. H. • Presentation Of Holt On October 6 the presentation of the newly remodeled Holt dormitory was made in a tribute to the Alumnae Association. As their annual project, the alumnae provided funds for the renovation and refurbishing of the dormitory. At the brief ceremony alum nae, trustees, friends, faculty, and students were addressed by Mrs. Lawrence S. Rankin, Jr., alumnae president, and Dr. Frank Pisani. Three memorial rooms were dedicated. The first, established by Mrs. John W. S. Davis of Durham, was presented in honor of her father and mother-in-law. Council Claudius Dawson and Mary Schuford Davis, class of 1910. The second room was dedicated to Patricia Jervis Litchfield, class of 1959, by her classmates, friends, and family. The last dedication was established by William C. Overman in honor of five generations of Overmans at St. Mary’s. The presentation of Holt was held in conjunction with the Alumnae Council Meeting. Student Volunteers combined efforts of Mr. Wilgv pf ben Tench, the principal at »ow p ^®n‘ary School, 12 SMJC girls are Srairi in a "guest teacher” pro p school. ®^*errio one-half hours each Friday academic classes at Wiley are Stoiip ’ and the school’s sixth graders ro Sitls special interest groups. SMJC *ap ^ eonduct the classes in such areas '’eice ri art, dramatics, modem dance, jj| ®”'^e and gymnastics. 'vith ® J'-> and an art teaser 1 in the program says, “The aji(j Several of them came up to ''ot lg|. p n me their regular teacher would ^^ein (Jq set up or talk, which we let ■pjj able, ‘■-p/®achers’ reactions were quite favor ”^a>r, teacher who was in our class,’ said teally yery helpful. She said everyone ^®°rts to ‘'ae giving of our time and bla' ®^*^ work with these children. ^°t of times a teacher can- aacfigj ry, a child simply because she is a ^ause hg ® child shys away from her be- aachgj ber as a disciplinarian. Student the bke babysitters. They play aetiery,” ‘^""dren and add a change of invob l^^^gram continues, other SMJC h.'^anha are Beth Almy, Mary Boddie, Su« Kathy Klein, Karen Lay man Lowry, Debbie Riley, Lydia CONGRATULATIONS ! n YOU LIVED THROUGH 1st QUARTER — ONLY 3 MORE TO GO! already involved. new cold cuts The new Cold Cuts have been selected r , They are: Elizabeth Shaw on the ■ ! Martha Blalock playing the sand spoons, b’®™ on the washboard, he! melodious grater, Betsy- Mary Gui j^nets, Lydia Swartz play- Reeves rvrth the Castanet^ y ^ r"* F«\™ pw™ S"’S> „ The new Cold Cuts played for the first ‘%"£playS“affLSty°F^ties and spe- NEW COLD CUTS: First row, (Left to right) — Carolyn Welfare, All Ward, Lynn Lacy Jones, Emily Dockery. Second row: Rooney Fulghum, Martha Blalock, Mary Guill, Helen Harrell, Lydia Schwartz. become leaders in^TKeir coin= munities.” 3ademic Dean President of academic affairs. Becoming interested both in more challenging work and in returning to North Carolina, he came to St. Mary’s. “I’ve known about St. Mary’s all my life,” commented Dr. Miller, “mainly from past dat ing experiences.” Although he has no personal advisees, he says “My job is to help the students graduate. I’d like to help everyone.” Stated Dr. Miller: “I really enjoy being a dean, but I wouldn’t want to give up teach ing, either. I am thoroughly en joying every aspect of St. Mary’s.” SMC Thespians To Present Play by Tonia Bryan, II Tryouts were conducted for the first Drama Club production of the 1973-74 season at St. Mary’s on Aug. 28-29. To be performed the week of Pather- Daughter\Day, the fall produc tion is Sandy Wilson’s “The Boy Friend,” a delightful mu- sical about a girls’ finishing school in France and their love life problems. Set in the 1920’s it is filled with the music and dancing of the time. Cast as the female lead is Catherine Blankenship portray, ing Polly Browne. Karen Rose is the fussy headmistress of the school, Madame Dubonnet Maisie, that “Madcap” schooL Siri, is represented by Lena Johnson. Other characters dude Hortense, Leigh Raynor; Dulcie, Sugar Bry^jj. Lady Brockhurst, Janet Davis! and as Tony (the Boyfriend'' Roy Dicks. 'The cast also eludes Coco Pollard, Beca Bitty Don Key (a noted Raleigh i ent) and members of the choj The production is directed Harry Callahan, with nu supervised by Michael Bulk The president of the Di Club is Mebane Ham, vice p_ ident is Sugar Bryan, secre® is Karen Rose, and Cath Blankenship is treasurer.