» ®eUesi nf Volume XLVIl, Number 5 May 1988 An Overview Of The Master Plan By Caroline F. Stephenson For the past two years, I have heard a lot about the Master Plan. I have heard how great it is and how beneficial it will be to Saint Mary’s when it is completed. Other than this, I really did not know a whole lot about the plan. So, I decided to ask some of my peers what they knew about it. After talking to several people, I realized that to most, the Master Plan is some vague pro ject to make the campus look prettier. Exactly what is the Master Plan? I decided to go all the way to the top for the answer, so I made an appointment with Dr. Clauston Jenkins, who is the driving force behind the plan. Finally I was getting somewhere: Dr. Jen kins was more than happy to talk to me about “his baby.” He said that on his first tour of Saint Mary’s in 1986 his reaction to the campus was that it was “run down and in need of extensive repair work." So, upon taking office as the new president. Dr. Jen kins instigated a project that would re vitalize the campus. To get his ideas on paper, an architectural firm was hired to “create a plan that maximized land use on Saint Mary’s 23-acre campus.” What the firm came up with was the Mas ter Plan. Dr. Jenkins explained that the three main objectives of the plan are to (1) create a better environment for students and faculty (2) assure the future of the old est buildings on campus, and (3) attract new students to Saint Mary’s. T0 accomplish these goals the plan prop oses a shift in student life. The present stu dent union building would be converted into a fine arts center. A new student union would be built between Cruickshank and the gym, and a student quadrangle would be created behind Smedes. The Infirmary would be housed in the new student union and a parking lot would replace the present Infirmary. The plan also proposes the con struction of a new dormitory and a new classroom building. An entrance court and additional parking are proposed for front campus where the circle is now. How soon will all of these changes be made? “There is no set year for the comple tion of the plan,” said Dr. Jenkins. The total cost of the work involved in the plan is ap proximately $12,000,000. So the plan prob ably will not be completed right away. Parts of the plan have already been completed, like the restoration of the East and West Rock covered ways and the renovation of third floor Smedes last summer. More work is planned for this summer with the interior renovations of East and West Rock and the creation of a Chapel garden in front of and beside the Chapel. SAINT MARY’S COLLEGE MASTER B-AN RALtIGH. NORTH CAROlfNA vtwni is•.«.' S'' s . iSSSv A('« S *1 . ’ • ‘ f ' ■ ^