April 1992 Paperweight Dreams Flowers Suspended in air like an eagle in flight. Colors preserved simply to hold paper in place. A life-like appearance unlike anything else. Unknown by sight, A cool, smooth surface, like that of an ice cube. When I close my eyes, I can hear a sweet melody Soft and gentle. Like crystalline voices of mermaids. Flowing across calm ocean waters. % attention endlessly captured. Leading me to wonder and dream. Was it a field of flowers where two lovers secretly met? Was it given in memory of a loved one? Or a symbol of hope and care? Endless stories flow in my mind while I try to Work, '^ery distracting but an everlasting joy. On my desk for me always to enjoy. Jane Singleton The Belles Page 9 After the Party Good times, bad times. Dreams between golden stars seem half melted away. He thought he had her fire held firmly beneath him. There was no one, except her. His world and himself, except her. Now he watches the stretch of road while holding the wheel steady through a deserted valley. The wind whispers her name. How lovely she looked in a yellow blouse, her chin nuzzled on the soft pillow. His head turned from her. He now drives to nowhere away from everyone. He is going to drive away her memory. Jenny Schmidt Ending This sharp emotion moves A solid black cloud through my eyes Pounding at my posture Grabbing every heartbeat My brain falls as a tangled spider web With cut strings Wavering sharp base notes deafen My sensitive ears Every piece of my cracking skin Turns to jagged rock Falling gradually Into a chasm full of nightmares Hurling waters rush stinging needles into my empty body salty and bitter I want to cry all of my salt scream out my lost voice blow every piercing breath Until My soul shines again Light Sun Life Lisa Furukawa Rn vrn Uit"’ -.S- Meg Tuttle Felt Tip Marker