SOUTH \ BAPlTSr W Ridgecrest Reporter _ FRIDAY, December 9th 1921. Our Slogan— ••Take Yarn STATE PAPER and SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST for Baptist News of 18 Other States” Published Weekly at Marshall, N. C. and Knoxville, Tenn. , I The Southwide Baptist is independent and privately owned, hut has come to the kingdom to serve Southern Baptist churches and institutions. Southwide Baptist is synonymous wiih wide- awake Baptist. CONTENTS “Spilmanographs” each week by B. W. Spilman, President of Norti Carolina Baptist Convention ‘‘This and That, Here and There” by Frank Willis Barnett, editorial staff Birmingham Age-Herald ‘'Meditation,” each week by Bartlett A. Bowers, pastor of Broadway Baptist Church, Knoxville “Southside Pulpit,” each week by. James Edward Dillard, pastor of Southside Baptist Church, Birmingham, and Chairman of Ridgecrest Bo^d ‘‘British and Canadian Notes” each week by F. A. Bowers Editorals Cream of Thought by Amos Clary News-Record Book Reviews by J. E. Dillard THE SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST Is $2.00 per year. Act on the Impulse to-day and send a one dollar bill for six months subscrlp tion. H It Is lost In the mails notify us and we-will send the paper anyhow# A subscription to the SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST Is the best Christmas present for a Baptist.