The Stanly Baptist Volume 1. BIG LICK, N C, APRIL, 1914. Number 7 EARLY BAPTISTS Jesse Sowell was elected Chm., was their first pastor arid served county. Rev. E. P. Harrington IN STANLY Job Calloway clerk and proceed- for several years. ui- ed to organize a church. There Again Poplin’s Gr'ovri planted. , This church ^ established an (Continued from last month.) were twenty-three male and for- an arm at Union Grove arid in at Barbee s Grove imd on Some members did not believ'e ty-four female members. Many 1885 it was organized into a September, 24, lo°l> if "’as or- in this missionary movement of these were from Davidson church with the aid of Silver gamzed into a church by a pres and in some churches they county. Springs. W. G. Morton was the bytery composed of W. G. Mor- were in the majority, so in 1832, ' This church seemed to hav'e first pastor. E. 1. ‘-Hamngtmi, G. A. Bear Creek, Freedom, Meadow' been very energetic, for almost Ebenezer had established an ^ ^ Creek, Cold Water, and Pinv immediately it established an arm just west of the Yadkin M. Barbee and Robert Hinson Wood withdrew and formed the ai™ just West of the Yadkin Narrows and in 1884 it was con- ordained deacoiy. Rev. Anti-Missionary Association River, now the eastern part of stituted a church by the name of ^ • G- was the first pas- which they called Bear Creek-Stanly, and on the 17th of April, Yadkin Mineral Springs by a tor, followed by E. P. Harring- Primitive Baptist Association. 1836, Benjamin Lanier, Peter presbytery composed of Elder ^h. G. A. Huneycutt and other.-p An exact copy of the proceed- Owens and John Culpepper were Bostic. It had sixteen charter There vvere thirteen male and ings of the oi-ganization is as called upon to set apart the members. In 1886 its name was ®^Kht female members. Ihe follow’s: “On Saturday before hieeting place as a church to be changed to Palmerville. church now has 54. the first Lord’s day in October, called Ebenezer. The following Again Ebenezer had planted Barbee s Grove A. D. 1832, in consequence of members constitutd the church; an arm about four miles down arm at Log Cabin school house the United Baptist being broken Mark Jones, Michael Fesperman, the river and in 1854 it was con- and in 1889 it was constituted by the introduction of the mod- William Solomon, Laban Carter, stituted a church called Liberty into a church and^called Cotton- ern .schemes and inventions of Alexander Kirk, John Smithy Hill, with ten charter members, by » the Modern Missionaries, we, a Wiley Safley, William Palmer, Rev. D. H. Carter was the first of Elders D. S. Morton U. A. committee of the original Pre- Elizabeth Ingram, (Colored), pastor and Washington Russell Huneycutt, mid b. G. destinarian Baptist, convene.i Lucy Safley, Susana Carter. La- was the second. In 1884 the Rev. G. A. Huneycutt vv as the with the church of Bear Creek, vina Smith, Cynthia Ingram, church was moved about a miie first pastor tiMlowed by H. b. (Montgomery county, now Stan- Louise Kirk, Nancy Talbert,^and and its name was changed to Mofton, /“ompson, U. b. Iv countv, N. C. ) in Octoter Francis Kendall. They adopted Anderson’s Grove. Since that Hathcock, E. M. Brooks and C. vvhich meeting vvas opened bv’ the covenant of the Welch Neck time the church has grown rap- J- Black. Ihere were seventeen singing and nrayer, after which Association. idly. ^barter mem eis. we proceeded to form a union bv That these members did not Returning to the mother . ^^i-s church s lust the letters from diffsrent churches always have the best of feeling church again, Kendall church river from Old River then represented, expressive of toward one pnother is shown by established a preaching point at church. Thus the influence from our principles in the doctrine of the following record: After a Friendship and in 1850, after a Itocky River chuich had made the gospel as follows: lengthy discussion about eivpell- series of meetings by Revs. Sol- the circuit ot the countv • Bear Creek—Elder Ezekial ing a member for a trifling of- omon Snider and B. H. Carter, The mother church Gar- Mortoii, M. Howard, and J. Lam- fense the motion was put before it was organized into a church, bee s Grove, jviineidi bpimgs bert. the church and one of the mem- It was not long lived for a large disbanded in 1900 and almost Cold Water—N. Corzine, A. B. bers voted against it. Then, and part of its members left in 1851 imrnediately Barbee s Grove es- Corzine. and A. N. Corzine. there the leader of the aflirma- to organize a new church several tablished an arm there ana m Freedom—Elder J. Jones and tive declared unfellowship with miles south by the name of 1902, after a series ot me^ings Wm. Coley. bis opponent and the “congrega- Pleasant Grove. B. H. Carter conducted by Rev. G. L. Eudy, Meadow Creek Elder Geo. tion vvas dismissed but not in was the lirsife pastor and Wm. old Mineral Springs was ^cor- Little N Green and R Hunev'- order.” On several occasions McLester and Jesse Morton were ganized by members from Lar- ’ ’ members got up in conference the first deacons. Pleasant bee’s Grove and Big Lick that Pinv Wood C Hodee Henrv and declared that they would Grove started with seven mem- had left when it dissolved. Rev. Conner and Hodge. not fellowship with certain bers but has grown to 105 (now (J. L. Eudy has been pastor Then they proceeded thus: brethren and si.sters. t,i 4- ri . . « 'Iffpr^*^Tfendafl church 1. Proceeded to appoint Eld°r Ebenezer, following the font- Pretty soon Pleasant Grove Soo ohe nlanted Gebrge Little chief speaker or steps of her mother church, sent planted an arm at Big Lic^, had ee g ,, . ^ moderator and George Hodge out a band in 1866, of twenty- which was kept up during the an arm in P clerk. three members to organize a war and. vvas organized into a the _ county near^ . u -l aln 2. bn motion it vvas agreed new church of the same faith church in September, 1865, Springs and about the yeai l»o that the first meeting of the a.s- and order. They called this which they called Mt. Olive, but J|}j5V:u!|..%prings sociation be at this church (Bear Prospect. Thet; adopted ^ the a little later it w;as xhanged to "’hich^they ^ajled Sflvm bp^ ,/apiwi , known .how- next (1832) Elder George Little done. 0. Wilhoit from 1880-1885, and many members it bad ^t first to preach the introductory .ser- In turn. Prospect established p. G. Hart.sell, R. H. James, and but it is now one of the s g- lo^preacn tne introuucxo y ^ p^^achiAg point at Poplin’s others followed. Rev. A. C. Da- est churches m the county, hav- The Missionary Churches. Grove and in 1875, with tl^e aid vis vvas pastor from 1895-1908. ing In the year 1800 a preaching of some members from Silver The church has pown from sev- bp.s. point vvas established in the Springs, it was constituted a en to one hundred and forty, i^eir pastoi for ma J ^ northern part of Montgomery church by Elders W. G. Morton (now 225.) , ‘ what She (now Stanly) county, known as and L. A. Whitlock. Rev. W. G. Big Lick established an arm being satisfied " b what sue the Kendall meetinghouse. For Morton was the first pastor. It at Philadelphia, and after being had done o ‘ j r,n4*in 1879 thirty years it was an arm of was one of the eight churches an arm for several years it was an arm at f " church Old Rocky River church in An- to form the Stanly Association, constituted a church on Oct. 4, it was consHtuteU mio a ^ son county. On January 31, (Some say this church .sprung 1891. by a pre.sbytery composed by Elders Hari^n a. l. 1830, after a sermon by Noah from Ander.son’s Grove which of Elders D. S. Morton, I. G. nett, and G. . ^ ■Rpthcl Richard.son, Job Calloway got up was established by Ebenezer.) Hartsell, and E. D. Teeter. There the rnembers came fro . and made a motion that Kendall This church planted an arm were eight charter members, church in Montpime:^ y- Meeting house be. made a in the extreme western part of Rev. D. S. Morton was the first Pro.spect established a church. The, motion carried, the county and in April, 1884, pastor. at Canton and m ^ Saturday before the fifth Lord’s it was organized into a church A preaching point had been some member.s „ day in May. 1830, was set apart which they called Locust. The established in the western part Grove, it was as constitution dav. According- pre.sbytery was composed of El- of the county near a mineral church. It was es Creek) on Saturday before the same rules of decorum and ar- Big Lick. Rev. C. C. foreman Rev-^. B. H. Carter first Lord’s dav in November tides of faith as Ebenezer had was Pastor from 1865-1880; (j. as consmuuon nav. According- pre.sbytery was composed oi li- oi tne county near a miuciai euuii-ii. «-nrU nf ]y on that day Elders Ralnh ders W. G. Morton, Washington .spring and in 1870 a church vvas mainly through the enoris or Fi-eeman, (colored), Thoma sAl- Russell and S. M. McLester. e.stablished there by members Revs. B. H. Gartorana wm. len. and Jesse Sow'ell were call- There were twenty-three char- from Big Lick and probably ( ?) Russell. Rev. B. H. Garter vvas ed upon to act as a presbytery, ter members. W. G. Morton, fi-om Olive Branch in Union (Continued from 1st page.)