,.,v t ■IT- .{ Volume 1. BIG LICK. N C.. JULY. 1914. Numher-iO. I'he above is a cut of the West^Albemarle Ba-ptfst Baraca Class. Th's is one of the beat, classes w^-.ever saw. We could not get all of the- boy-s present, but have enough of them'to to make a fair-"showings;of the class. There were about twenty-five .absent when this was-made. Broth'er O. D. Caudle is president and A. L. B'sirley- soa is their enthusiastic leader. . " ' '■ " •-! >' to those who .are wasting thair lives sinoking poisonous cigarettes. Boys, do you khow"|t;hat The^ ar'4 the ‘ntdst degrading thing we have aroan'd-\i^^> If you could see the' evil " they hijv; ' done, "you surely , w9ul.d,^ot smoke any more.' They will destroy your physical body' arid rifia'ke a wVietsiifiof: your soul." I advise you>.tci' abstsiri , from this dreadful mOristeri. ! '-;] H i' " May God gjide .and, direct u.s through all our lives, "is my humble oetitioji. ... ■' . . . . . BRADIE ‘^.- BU^LEYSOI^.''' Bloomirigton.'j?.'^. • - • • * ■ ' ■ Our- Meeting" With ’ th^-tChadwick *:Churth at Cfcariotte'.- ( -:i." On Monday after the first Sunday- in June, we went To Charlotte to aid Bro. J.'C. Gillespie in a meeting ot ' days at the Chadwick church. T 1^0 • ; been there "before, so, it was a great I pka'sure'to • retdim'•■fob I had 'many j friends in mirid that 'l wanted to see I again. We began iN'uiday nightJ-Th-.^ ting was good from the begfniriT*'.' .» . e'/. • did not. have s'.;eh a .stir as Vv-e _ meet; I- . ■ ' ‘ , I We dii Ol R BASIS OF APPE.VL. _ wrons' wlth the basis .of our-ftppeai. • the Bible jays, t-o .shun the .very ^P‘■ sQ^netimes sebr^ut a genuine revival. rcy—“••VC Tl,t-rfm.-c.h-=.c-.rrrcd ifi. ^.■■-K'finai.'ShJ-ni. , liqung.ni.eri -.gerisrallv think piorp of^ ,„teting. .aiuF when ,\ve called worldlv things tlian thej ao of, sp.irit- ypgj.^ jg anytliirg; if;responded ual things. I think we dught t'o think ugjjlv. It wn.s great to be in the pre- g-!l By Rev.' J. "J. Bea ‘‘^kdLBut' first" gave the it own bv when we should have asked for a life. ’ V,’y ha\k" been getting our churches and Suriday. schools bn-the "honor r-oU, "when-we should have beeiv asking for the consecration of the lifts of- them tb tile" service cf God. "Brethten, G d Wants vou, not voar.', and -vour g'ft yourself into the plate fi'."5t.''"I thlfk -^g- ,,-g„h while, .when, it fitly there is such a thing as serving "the.the consecration -of vouri Lord by proxy with your money, but .j.-fk j,- Him .aiitf a-’fibe'ihl pefi.cent- of - ...... you can not serve him with yma4.monr,-'.As su'g.gestedtby this wha.t he yyapts. fo and be j’r.st What-li-i; ey when your "heart is far fronr HAn. t^xt, P want us to make, three; great wants to be. He can be a criminal or seLves.,^to the Lord, and. unto us the. wiij^cf. God."'tll Cor. 8:5). . ' Motive is everything "\vith'-God. Put more 'an4.speakl.eps, bp.t aiyiibys tfiirk. paratory prayer 'me;tlng.L’’^hey were the Tight- kpi.d cf, thip..gr,. .,._I haye. sQ.u.).irispiflng. ’ If thtTy. '"a'?e "kept 111 seen toys .rcc.^ntly. yylfo r would '.taki Ged’s name Iij^ygin and,doiarid say many mp.re; tliii"[ks thpy. sho.ul-d not. They say ’llial’ they cannof. ejuit it. I say they, cap.. ,j A bqy: can, d.'i ju.st Y oar g' ft is rif no value until-.yem . give Him , yburse-lf. . 'Yoii' c’ati. -fiot atgne for a la'cli'of lo'.^ bV" fin ir.cfsaSe of gift?. This an" ag^ Cf "mofiey 1. Give ourselves to tlie L:rd.' 2. Give ourselves fo the laad- ers''"in the work by the wiil->of God." k? - Jrake 'an offering that will do giving. Men "are poufirig-ogt .tlie-tr -^i.e'diti to.such consecration, money by the thouifind's Into every , ,jf ourselves to the Lord, kind of charity'thit? can"m'ajia any. smaller riiatter cf the money of- e.xcuse at all for fin appeal. .They w li, takes care cf itself. " tkt'tgararoti.. aflyr-teiling e’lurcs-piay do. W^heid tjiep} ip'tha little- Sijijfiay'. school ’ rouir.s ’at" the rear "of the. rostrum. Vr’erw.'uld somar times, haye the ,rocrn full. .The .earhC!ffii’!!‘'Tf the b-'.'etSrl’n \"TaW "tiia greatest -I ever satv. i' T"hey i prayed in; the eld" lime way,- They "simpljl talked to'Gid.The pastor wat? very greatly hindered at the close cf fh« .lyeeting o.n account or being sick, and .J e'l.--' have their secretary- write . a check whiJe they go on making the money the check represents. Do these heart less ^"'fts count when" it comes to the work ^cf our Lord? The Lord ha.' been saying to all the agfis "ithfit "small gift with Gastonia, N. C. -A'MESSAGE to YOUNG MEN. I \vondes if-we yqung..men, ever a heart "‘behind "It think cf the way we are living in. this yoiing men. he can be a "hiari. It iS just as he chocses. I pref’er fo -bfe *a man. We hav-e too many- criminals now-. If you ■ will -go t6 tli8’'«'iaih" gang you will ste the effects.of 'siri; Boys, don’t do "anything- that will put y-ou there oh in'a •criminfii-'S' cail.--f'We all -have temptations thtiwri around us, - but -we'-m.tist net yield tp thern.-' We must y,, ^j,e truestyoky fellows flee frenTThem. •I -vvoi.ifd to God that h-ave ever lafioi'ed witTu^He helps every boy was a a Christian. ' That . knows.^Cist would Tfiake--lt so ■'nnicri'’better. AV 6 make a felloiv" enjoy hiniseir. then ■ would'hot'find fitripfes on so \v'e shall never forget‘'our stay .with Just a f2w words the Chadwick folks. - ' .. -, ... -i , the feeble condition of his’ aged fath er." Bro. Gillespie is one of tbe'-mos: consecrated ' m'en- wq o.Ver saw.- -"No 'Imore congenfal fellow-can. be found counts for more in Hii'sight than all world cf sin?'.- We- jufit go ,a.long the treasures of the’"rich,.;heartlessly through the world, n^ver g.ving a given, or put in that the donor may. single, thought as-to how we.shoulo receive the-plaudits of the public. > • live "or of the all-wije Godi. In some I fear that there ifi not much heart oases we are just stumbling-blocks for in a great deal of bur giviljg, ana others. • We should.lyatch and not be; hence no blessings of the Lord at- stumbling-blocks foe tRe others, We tend it. A dollar thoughtlessly given should always be true to our G'd, will surely buy food in the market to Another thing which comes to .m-y feed the poor, but will the money be mind is that mo§t of us-do not honai blessed of the Lord to the salvatioi, our parents as we should. Nearly of"the host? Does God make any dis- all of us do and say things that-cau-^e linction in "gifts? Has motive any- them sorrow. Now, my young friends, thing to do with the efficiency of an let’s watch these little things and.not offering? Does Gid count money hurt the feelings of the best friends like a church treasurer, in dollars and we have on earth, cents? No “To what purpose is the I will ask another question: Are multitude-of your sacrifices to ile, we doing our duty toward God? l saith the Lord.” I wonder if we have do say that most of us are not. We come to the altar with our offering just stroll around and lock armsi-wlth and foun^ it could ,be be received everything that we should noL Jf because we had come in a wrong it is the vilest kind of sin, we seem •sr ’*■? to draw nearer than we ought to. With Bo^Gsts growing richer as I have heard cf people saying that This is one of the most enjihusiastic classes we :ha"\'.e ever seen. They i»re fast as we I ojd they are, why does it was nq harm to step behind the "willin.g to do anything for the Master. There is more real consecratiop^ ip.^ the work of our Lord have to go beg- door and take a drink. It may not this class than we have found in any other. Miss Cora Parker is president ging? There must be something do you any harm at the present, but and Willie A. Greene is the teacher. They are the pastor’s helpers. The above is a cut of the West-Albemarle Baptist Philathea Class.