BAPTIST MESSENGER—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924 MT. RUHAMA BAPTIST. The pastor, C. M. Roberson, will preach Sunday (November 16th.) The church work at this point is moving along in a very pleasing way. They have one of the best Sunday schools in all that section. The Women’s work is making fine progress. The campaign objects are being taken care of, and it is a joy for them to give to Missions and benevolent object. Those on the sick list are Brother D. IJ. Abemethy and Mrs. Drum, (Paul’s) mother. W'e hope to hear soon that they are better. WHAT HAVE WE DONE? A PIONEER PASSES AWAY Burial at Olivet Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Everette L. Martin died at Longs’ Sanatorium, Statesville, on last Wednesday and was buried at Olivet Baptist church Thursday even ing at 3 o’clock. Mr. Martin was a brother to our townsman, Mr. Wade Martin. He was a faithful member of Olivet church, having united him self with the church in 1915, and ■ was a, faithful member till death.’ He leaves a wife, six children, fath er, ten brothers, and one sister and a host of relatives and friends. Our hearts go out in sympathy to the bereaved family. Those attending the funeral from Newton were: Mr. and Mrs. Wade Martin, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Drum, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hilton, Mrs. A. L. Ervin, Mrs. Roy Drum, Mrs. C. D. Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. John Goodman. The story of the ancient Israel ite is that when the tithe of his flocks was taken, the sheep were placed in a pen and were let out one at a time. The tellers stood by the exit and every tenth sheep as it passed out was separated from the others and marked for Jeho vah. This marking was done by a rod in the hands of the teller, the end of the rod being previously dip ped in Vermillion. In this way originated thep roverb, “passing un der the rod.” In one sense all pass ed under the rod, but every tenth member of the flock received the stamp or sign which marked it henceforth as devoted to sacred uses. The d^sh of the vermillion showed that it had been set apart for the service of the Lord. Trollinger Shop Millinery, Hosiery Newton’s First Exclusive Ladies Shop. Style—Quality Phone 298. Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear. On the Square—“Dealing Square.” The Peoples’ Store STANDARD GARAGE AND GENERAL REPAIR SHOP J. M. (Make) Cline, Lee- Ga briel, C. E. Hilton, Proprs. Just Bring Your C!ar Along, Boys, All Kinds. PHONE 81. NEWTON CAFE Extra Good Things to Eat- Just to Suit Your Taste. SELLERS MASTERCRAFT Sherrill Furn. Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 84. NIGHT PHONE 278. TVISCHlSTUt FOR THE BRIDE OR WIFE CARVING SETS, ROASTERS AND SILVERWARE. Do your Shopping for Gifts this week. See our window of Gift Suggestions. ABERNETHY HARDWARE CO. PHOTOS QUALITY, SERVICE, AND SATISFACTION FRED SCOTT 20 Per Cent Discount on All Portrait Done Before November 25th to Avoid Xmas Rush. Over Freeze Drug Company WARLICK IMPLEMENT tO. Newton, N. C. Farm Hardware, Roofing, Building Material. Catawba County’s Largest Dealer in Farm Machinery. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK NEWT ON, N. C. Remember us when you have money and we will remember you when you have none. GARVIN FURNITURE CO., FURNITURE OF QUALITY REASONABLY PRICED TERMS TO SUIT EVEh/ONE PHONE 24 NEWTOiv, N ABERNETHY MhuvtAhdE CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, SPORTING GOODS. BUILDERS’ MATERIAL, PAINTS, MILL SUPPLIES, AND FARM MACHINERY. NEWTON, N. C. PALACE BARBER SHOP The Up-to-Date Place of Quality, Service and Comfort. For Ladies and Gentlemen, U’R NEXT. L. B. BEAL, Proprietor, PHONE 326.