.U. 1:1 ^^999 Ju. „.trX JLi BLUE RIDGE BAPTIST. Wm. M. Lee, Editor. VOL. 3 NO. 31 HAT»TI,ST CHURCH : I’reacliiiig every second and fourtlii ^Sunday, morniiifj and evening. Sunday School lO A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday eve. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH : I’reacliing every lirst and third Sun 'day morning and evening Sunday School 9:30 A. .M. Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening.^ Rev. J. H. Tabor, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Preaching every third and fourth Sun day, morning and evening. Sunday Scliool 9:30 A.. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eve.^ Rev. C. W. Robin.son, Pastor. All are cordially invited to attend^ these services. DEVOTED TO RELIGION, EDUC.’.TION AND TEMPERANCE. NORTH WILKESBOKO, N. C.. MAY 14, 1903. The Lewis’ Pork Baptist Association-lNo. 1. The reader will desire to have some out line, prior to the organi/.atioii of this body, foiicerning the precedent evangelization, for mation of churches, their union into delib erative bodies, their ministry, their fellow ship and the authority to which they were ■.|"ithpred and orgauivod. It is beyond a question tha.t as early as the ;iiitnmn of 1834 thi> chnrclu-s that two years afterward met at the Lewis’ Fork church he- gaii to agitate the question of its formation for this is matter of record. The Associa tion however was not organized until the 30 day of September 1836, and, when organized was named for the church where it first niefc. P’or .more than si.xty-four years prior to 1836, however, the gospel had been preached among the settlers at the head waters of the Yadkin river. Its confluents, including both prongs of the Lewis’ Fork, with Eed- die.s Eiver,Rra ingEi\er, and the New Elver country beyond the Blue Ridge; and, even the Holston river country, must be includ ed in this early work. This would oblige ns to refer to the years 1771, 1772 and 1773 an era of planting and suffering without a parallel in the settlement of the American Colonies, an era that was training the men who in September 1781 armed themselves into one concerted determined and patriotic campaign and turned the fortunes of the American revolution by the destruction of the Enemy at Kings Mountain on the 7 day of the October following. Men who for days lived on a morsel of stale bread and through rain hail and,.the .snow of theYellqw Moun tain, some on foot and some mounted, final ly sett.ca the question of Religions Liberty in America and probal)ly the world for it is working that way. Two generations pass from view from the“'settlement of the Monn- ti^pountry and its first promise for Christ bel^e this organization was affected. Why was it delayed? And after so many years what brought the churches into this union ’ How long did the union continue? What kept it alive while it continued? W’hy should it ever have had an end? What purpose did it accomplish? W'hen it cea.-ed did its prin ciples and the hopes of its fonnde-s cease with it? Some of these questions are easier to ask than thev are to answer, but finst of all, we must make the attempt to account for the delays in this organization. In order to do this it will be necessary to gather a few frag ments as specimens to get at the beginning. Brethren who have other and kindred tradi tions either oral or written will speak for themselves concerning the troublous period prior to the Regulators war, and the follow ing ordeal of fire mentioned by its partici ■ pants with borrow and handed down to our generation with shrugs of the shoulder and tears of the face It was a war against ihe ancestry of the present happy people of the upper Yadkin and Mountain districts. When Bishop Spangenbiirg was selecting the Wachovia Lands from the Quaker Mead ows 'o the White 'I’op in Ashe county upon the return of his force he’ow the mouth of Lewis’ Fork at the Mulberry Fields he hap pily found a few white people. This was in December 1752. 'I'he name of the family wag Owen a Welchman by country. He had fettled there the spring before. Morg-an Bryan had taken njiland at the Mulberry Fields Out as yet had not settled it. Here the Bishop and his party rested, cared for their sick, thanked God and took courage. The cause of the migration to this lovely land was incidental, and formed part of a plan,—man’s plan fii’st, God’s plan in the end. To salve the mystery would require ns to go into the details that would explain this part of our current history. Morgan Edwards in 177.5 writes of the dispersion that occurred from the Cape Fear river west ward, including the Sandy Creek, Deep riv er, Uwharie, .Jersey settlement and adjacenf communities, which emptied a Baptist pop- nlation of many hundreds to the westward as far asthe Ilclston river. The re.»nlt 'f the attempt to put the Flnglish Establi-sin^ mentand its compulsory footing on .\meri can soil. T1 e narhes of the.rigners of this Res-ula-' tion moved from Oha’tbam, Mooie, Ron ' h, Guilford, Alamance,Davidson and even Row an and Davie and a. e distributed in the Mountain districts In some instances not a ve.stige of the old stock was left behind and congregations that here the Sandy ilreek field then numbered nearly a thousand in aggregate membership were reduced to —16. It was estimated that 150u families were driven from their homes n the *| e: country to the regions beyon 1 I I ^ Mountains in 1771. I hey safer retreats than were,:: g Messer and Merrill i 1 i I There is reason to believe, matter received fTom tr It ization went hand in ha vDu IViDll UJlilO tion. Elder Andrew Baker in 1772 or 1773 with the assistance of Elder Eli Cleveland a surveyor of Ashe county sat as a Presbytery and organized the O d Senter and Old Fields churches doubtless torn in the revolution which followed. In the Old Fields church was the Scotch family of Faws, and the sen ior Eligah Calloway, shot and badly crippled in his efforts to shield and aid Benjamin Cleveland a fevv years afterward. Rev. G. W. Greene in his excellent article printed a few years back entitled “The Baptist of the Ip- per Yadkin Valley,’’comes close the subjects of my sketch. He refers to the age of the Kings Creek church, of Beaver Creek, Lew is’ Fork and “the church at Brother Mc Neil’s” (New Hope), as branches of the older bodies further dnv n the Yadkin. The or ganization of the Kings Creek church must have occurred as ea’dy as 1779. Beaver Creek, Lewis’ Pork and New Hope commu nities had preachi-rs preaching and “The church at Brother McNeil’s” renders it cer tain that the McNeils, McGlamerys, Cleve- Isitid.s, Yates’. Lewis’, Fletchers, Judds and many others vqel! known by name to this day in (har. (^jnntrj'', liad a hody-of baptized be lievers in thflrRiklst. The relationship of ali.these names^renders it beyond a question. Delicacy here bids n.'; close an interesting subject. " ? V-W. II. E. Greensboro, N. C. c. wore • \ t. : alrbongh it is 111 that evangel- ith this migra- An EXperlance Told. Dear friends attend while I relate, The story of a sinner great, What chains what fetters bound my soul. When blindness from my mind did roll. A sinner yea how great I was. 'I’o great to see with mortal eyes. But light broke in upon my soul. .And did my inward eyes nnfchl. A t early age I saw I’d sinned, Against a kind ard heavenly friend. Then Oh what grief what anguish too, What could I say what could I do. f tried to pray but all in viiin. But still I’d try and try again, My sin.s like, Tiionntains ’round me stood. Tears from my eyes fell like a flood. Wiiat more to do I could not tell, 1 ‘bought my soul was bound for hell. I then resolved I’d try to pray. What time on earth I had to stay. Sometimes niy heart was humbled down. Anil I would fall upon the ground, And there implore the God of love, My grief and burden to remove. Thus all my mourning turned to praise. My si'u! burst forth in joyful lays So filled with happiness and love, I longed to reach that home above. I ' bungl I ne’er would sin again, i'j aded neither death nor pain, .iminsb'n: SR and ft’- . ‘*“(i , f Ll ■ ' i fyr r>»- ... ere* f V. -j- ^ - c An^ .' tiatK.e tben fill'xl mj . ”J was grace the Savior did impart,), ’Twas grace ’twas grace yes wonderful grace, That caused me seek His wonderful face. Now sinner dear I do entreat To seek the Savior at his feet, He will be found of those who seek. He’ll ope the door and yon he’ll greet. Come sinners to the gospel feast, The. table’s spread for every guest. The spirit and the bride say come. And whosoever will may come. Dear Editors:- Please publish this article in your little, but powerful, paper if you consider it worthy of note.—L. C. B. D. W. Lee, Associate Editor oiid Monog; WEEKLY, 50c. A YEAR. Teacher primary class; C. Tucker Teacher card class; James Phillips Singing Master. With Respects, R. M. I'. Prom Riverside. To the Baptist,- Haviug notice! an article in 'a late issue of the Baptist, from Benfield, relating to something 1 had wr^ten to the' Baptist, March 26, regardifrg the reports made a- gainst CarollJohnson, I wish to say to the author of said article that he has entirely misconstrued my meaning rela^tive to Mr. Johnson’s healing power. I did nob mean to infer that I believed said reports, hut if they were true how should we judge him? I do believe that if the Christian people could exercise the proper faith they could heal the sick by prayers and the laying on of hands. For this is promis ed them in the New Testament; and I will say in conclusion that I have never found in the. Scriptures yet where miracles were to cease with the apostles. 'Ve are having prospects for the best Sun- dav school we have ever had at N^w River chniTh. I am glad to say the interest is the greatest so far that I have ever seen, with both old anl young. We are having a flue attendance and a large roll of scholars. Oijr officers are as follows: B. F. Wilcox Super intendent; C. Tucker Asst. Supt,; R. M. Phillips Secretary and Treasure; J. 8. Brown Teacher first bible class; B. F. Wilcox Teach er second bible class; Sarah Ann Phillips Gontentment. Contei tnient enters largely into the, mak ing of a truly gentle character, and the sen timent should, therefore, be cultivated. 'Peach your boy and girl to consider the sur roundings of those person.s less favored by fortune than themselves, and not those of people situated above them if yon wish them to be eontented. If a youth wishes to at tain to such a peaceful plane of existence let him think how much more he posesses than he really needs, and how much more nnhap- py he might be. Notbing eonld be truer than these words of Addi.'^on: “For this reas on, as there are none that can be prcperly called rich, who have not more than they want; there are few rich men in any of the politer nations, but among the middle sort of people who keep their wishes within their fortunes, and have more wealth than they know how to enjoy. People of a higher rank live in a kind of splendid poverty and are perpetually wanting, because, instead of ae- quescingin the solid pleasures of life, they endeavor to out vie one another in shadows and appearances.” The young should he taught that to hfe con tented with their belongings is to possess the greatest riches. It is related that a wealthy and eccentric man once built a beautiful pal ace, iind h^id an inscription cnlover its sn- ' pAid itivu me ciu. ij) nih -4 WO”’'! ■ .’iveri to ,M‘V One who would sav he was jien,;e(?tly contented. Years passed anef no one applied for the palace; but finally a man lifted the great knocker and said he claimed the edifice, as he was perfectly con tented. The owner, however, replied: “If you were perfectly contented yon would not want my house,” thus effectually disposing of the claim. A young man must leain to take what good comes to him, and not strain after other things which are diflicnltof attainment, and the loss of which would make him unhappy. Contentment, whether with much or little, will smooth many rough places in life and bring happiness out of misery.—Recorder. Trom Banner’s LIk. Dear Editor,- On Monday, the third day of this month, little Claud, the three year old son of brother Lee and sister Emma Blair, of Ban ner’s Elk, pa,“sed away after a week’s serious illness. We extend our heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved parents and brothers and sis ters of the little one, and would comfort them with the thought that he is gone to that beautiful home beyond the skyes. He died with a song on his lips, but in heaven he will sing a new song, go dear pa rents do not weep, for he has only gone be fore and heaven is nearer now than ever be fore. He was laid to rest in the Mt. Calva ry Cemetery to await the coming of Him who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Wishing yonr paper much succfss, I am yours f«'r good works, Mrs. R, F. Marshall. Too true! Professor W. A. Wright, Dean of the De partment of Liberal Arts of Grant Universi ty, in a chapel talk before the students the other day, said, “I am going to say some thing which I have-been wanting to say for a longtime. It is a little hard, but it must come—I haven’t much hope for the future of the young man who persists in the habit of smokmgeigaretts.” Brother, do you hear?

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