NOTICE! Just Received A fresh lot of groceries of all kinds which we are selling as low "as any First class Grocery-man in Town. A big lot of FIRST GRADE Flour which we guarantee to give our customers satisfaction. Try some of it and be convinced. We can sell you as cheap as any one. We also have a nice line of Canned goods of all kinds just received which are all fresh and good—Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches, Syrup, Jellies, Jams etc. We ALSO KELP Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Lard and Anything ElSOyou need, so give us a call. We only jjwant a PART of your trade and we feel you will give us our part of it. REMEMBER we are your friend and promise to do all in our power to please and satisfy you. A Bi$ Lot of home-made Molasses just in. We deliver goods to all. We wantyour Butter, Eggs and Chickens at HIGHEST Market price. Yours for honest Dealings, WARD BROS Phone to us atj84. We are also special authorized Local, advertising and siibrcription agents for this paper. Don’t go to sleep when you are so near a fortune-keep on trading with Ward Bros, and you will soon save many a dollar. See announcement on last page. J^Some men are wise and do deeds, But none are so wise as the man wlio reads— This, That and the Other For the Anxious Reader, The Mind Invites Itself. when FLOWER Seeds 200 varieties. 2 packages for 5 c. Chicago Glee Club in New Era Hall to-night. Don’t forget—Bring your best girl with you. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw will preach at the County Home on the fourth Sunday at 3 o’clock, P. M. Every body is invited to attend this service. Mrs. Rev. J.F. Fletcher of Jeffer son, N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Absher, of this place. Mr. J. C. Parsons, Stanton, N. C. was in town Saturday. He attended the Teachers’ meeting Saturday. Don’t forget the commencement day of the Blue Ridge Institute, May 22, 23. A nice program is being arranged. Mr. L. B. Pierce of Millers Creek gave us a pleasant call last Monday. Bro. Pierce is working for some pre miums offered for subscribers. Mr. A. T. Lee of Summit. N. C. is sticking type in the Baptist office. Mrs. Dr. L. A. Hauser and chil dren spent Sunday at their old home at Dounaha, returning Monday. Mr. Jefl McNeil, lumber inspector for the Church Lumber Co., Roar ing River, N. C., gave us a pleasant call last Monday. Miss Ada Nicholson, Stenogra- puer Itji tlic apray Uoilou Mills, Spray, N. C., says: “The Baptist is a good little paper and I f njoy read ing it so much.” Mr. D. F. Shepherd, of Ready Branch, gave ns a pleasant call Wed nesday. Mr. Shopherd is a reader of the Baptist and ordered it continued to his address. Mr. C. M. Carlton, of Goshen, N. C., was in town yesterday on business. Thanks to Bro. R. M. Phillips, of Riverside, N. C.. for a club of sub scribers to the Baptist. Moral:—Go ye and do likewise. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ward returned yesterday from a week’s visit to Mr, Ward’s parents at Donnaha. The Childrens’ Day exercises at the Baptist Church last Sunday was excellent. The mite box offerings and general collection amounted to $68.05. A few dollars advance over last year. Bro. Reader, why not put in a few hours each W'eek soliciting subscri bers for the Baptist? By so doing VOu can obtain a valuable premium and be aiding in a good work. The class collections in the Sun day School at the Baptist chuch last Sunday amounted to more than $7.00 we are impressed that our people are a liberal people after all. \ All the members of the Wilkes County Anti Liquor League are requested to be present next Friday night. Election of officers and other special business to be attended to. Don’t forget—Friday night. Ice cream will be served after Lea gue closes. Some articles reach us a little too late for this issue. They will appear in next. Just send along your arti cles and we will gladly publish same at first opportunity. Miss Cora McNeil of Millers Creek, who has been \isiting at Rev. W. R. Bradshaw’s, returned home last Sat-- urday accompanied by her sister,Miss Minnie. They also attended the Teachers’ meeting at Wilkesboro, Saturday. The Misses McNeils are good scholars and worthy teachers in the county. With this issue Rev. W. H. Eller, of Greensboro, N. C., begins the History of the Lewis Fork Associa tion. Subscribe now and get the ben efit of all the History. It will be in teresting from start to finish. Mr. Thomas Spears, of Summit, N. C., passed away Wednesday, and was bnried Thursday. The fu neral services were conducted from the Big Ivy church by Rev. W. M. Lee. Bro. Spears was an honest, hard working citizen, beloved by all who knew him. Rev. J. N. Brooks, Sup’t, of the County Home, called in Saturday and gave us the following report as to the Inmates of the County Home; There are 17 inmates. Four of these have to be kept under lock or con fined all the time. One is confined to room by ill health. Eight are past 80 years old. But few ate able to do any work to advantage. The health of all is fairly good. Fancy California Oranges and Lemons at the Henry Terry Co. Candies, Raisins, and figs at i the usual prices. Nice Eastern N. 0. Cabbage just received at Henry Terry Co. Oeresco Flour—the best made. 65c. per quarter bag.—J. L. Hobbs. Meat, Chickoas, eggs and all kinds of produce, j ure leaf iard. .-J. L. Fobbs. Fresh Roe Shad and other fish on ice every Saturday .-Henry Terrv Co. Mayberry and Myers has nice Spring goods. Umbrellas, all kinds. Straw hats. Shirts and ties. Shoes etc. Best values in clothing ever carried- Horton’s Drug Store is talking Ice Cream and Cold Drinks in this issue. See change in ad. Mayberry & Myers has a lot of clothing they wilt sell 25 per ct. less than first cost. If you have uot done so, you should visit Doughton’s Fountain for cold drinks and ice cream; If you h^ve al ready doue so, you should uot give up a good thing. $1 50 and $2.00 Ladies and Miss es shoes at Mayberry & Myers mark ed down to 50 and 76cts. Anything in the Grocery, Dry Goods or Hardware line can be bought at the lowest prices at A. M. McGee’s. Orout! Croat!! Grout!!! Special crout day on Sat. call now as we are closing out what we have at a lov/ price, W, A. McLean. Go to J. L. Marlows for good gro ceries. See the New ad of J. L. Hobbs, which appears on third page. Mr. Hobbs will treat you right and wants a reasonable amount of your trade. For the brands of Fertilizer go to J. L. Sydiier. Feed Stuffs of all kinds at J. L, Sydnor’s If you ha^ e produce to sell, take it to A. B. Williams and Co.—Sec their ad in this issue. YOU KNOW NOTHING IS MORE DELIGHT- fiil than a Clean Shave by a first c'aso Barber. All u])-to-date Hair cuts lone neatly and quickly. Why not PATRONIZE ME? I’ll do my Best to PLEASE You. Yours to serve, U. G. Russel. At Doughtjn’s Drug Store. MARKET REPORT. —CORRECTED WEEKLY BY— W. A. McLBAN North Wilkesboro, N. C. 00000000 Meal 70 to 80c bu Corn 05 to 70c bu Oats. - 60 to 60c bu Sweet Potatoes, dull 60c bu Irish Pouatoes oO to Soo hii Onions 60 to 70c dii Wheat 90 to 95c bu Eye 80 to 85c bu Lard, home made 12Jc Ih Lard, shipped -10 to 11c lb Tallow 4 to 5c Ih Beeswax - 32 to 25c lb Chickens — 8 to Sic lb Chickens, Spring growth, Butter - -13 to 15c lb Honey, strained. 9 to 10c lb Honej', sourwood comb... 11 to 12|c Eggs 10| to 12c doz Feathers, new 35 to 40c lb Hides, dry H to 12c lb Hides, green — Oc lb Wool, washed 20 to 25c lb Apples, dry 3 to 4c lb Crout lie lb LUMBER Poplar 1 & 2 $18 to $20 M Commons, clear saps-10 to $11 M W’alnut, 1 & 2 $35 to $40 M Cherrv, 1 & 2 $30 to $35 M Rejects $15 to $20 M Good Oak and Chestnut in demand Prices according grade. Prices good for all kinds of good lumber. RESERVED FOR SMOAK DROS Bu^^ies, Surries, Wagons, Harness, Etc. North Wilkesboro, N. C. Deposit & Savings —BANK— Next Door to Post Office North Wilkesboro, N. G. W. F. TROGDON, Pres. W. M. ABSHER, Vice Pres. H. 0. ABSHER, Cashier. E. D. HAOKETT, Sec. & Atty. GflPlTflh STOCK PAID Iff $10,000.00 General Banking Department Lends money on good security, pays out money on cliecks or drufts and doe^ agenei^l banking business the same as any other bank. 'Receives money on de posit subject to check, and asks business men and otliers for a share of their de posits and business. Savings Bank Department. This department of the Deposit and Savings Eanli: provides a safe and pro6t- able place for tlie earnings and savings of all persons in either small or large a- mounts, and money will be received at the Bank from 9 o’clock a. m. to 12 o’clock noon and from 1 o’clock p. ni. to M o’clock p. m. daily and on Saturdays from six to seven o’clock p. m. Men, women and children may make deposits for themselves or others. Married women and children have ab solute control of their deposits and n.. one can get their money without their consent. ■Which will yon adopt and teach yonr children to adopt the habit of spending or the habit of saving. Every boy and girl, every man and woman is today forn - inga habit of either spending or saving. The spending habit leads to momenvaj y pleasure, lasting regrets and to an old age embittered by the pangs of poverty. The saving habit gives assurance for the present and the promise of future prosperity a comfort in sickness and okl age. The first dollar saved is but an incideni. The second dollar saved starts a haoit that will lead to wealth. Each dollar you put at interest helps to earn the nexi dollar. Bring your savings to the Deposit and Saving Bank—it will safely lend yonr money and pay you four per cent com pound interest on every nickel you save. Ever boy or girl who habitually saves five cents a day will have several hundred dollars to start him or her in life when of age. The savings fund department of tin- Depositand Savings Bank, North Wilkes boro, N. C., receives deposits in very small amounts and pays four per cent conibound interest. Interest compound ed every four mouths. The Child Who receives an early training in sav ing small amounts will acqiiire a habit that will make it natural and easy to save larger amounts in later years. The Clerk Who saves .50 cents a week will soon have him a fund that will start him a business of his own. The clerk who saves nothing will always be a clerk. The Mechanic Who saves one dollar a week can be come his own boss in a few years. The Business Man Who keeps a savings account separate from his business bank occount and de posits $2.00 a week in the savings fund department of the Deposit and Savings Bank will be amazed to see how quickly he will have a good sized balance against a rainy day. The Deposit and Savings ‘Bank Has your money insured against loss, guarded day and night, pays interest and pays you back your money any day you want it. If you leave it about your house it may be stolen or burned.