THE HENEl-TEERY CO., -^Wholesale Pfoilace— Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes E CAEBT IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF— Fancy Groceries. The Ladies ai^e Espeially Invited to call on us for- EVERYTHlflO FOR THE TABLE. FANCY CALIFORNIA ORANGES, LEMONS. BANNAS and FRUITS. FRESH seeded Raisins and Currants for Puddings— Reduced from 15c. to 10c- per lb. I^RSSH Roe Shad and Mullets eveiy Sat. SEND US YOUE OEDEES. THE HENRY TERRY CO PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY and PROMPTLY AT TENDED TO COOL DRINKS! NCW SODA rOUNTAIN. i^Everythin^ New Glean Up-to-da^^ Yours to serve, Doiighton’s Drug Store. Dr. W. A. Berry, Pharmacist, in Charge. FLOUR! FLOUR! Bay “CERESCO” The BEST Made, for sale at J. li. HOBBS. PEICE PER 25LB. 15AG .ti.oc. Baking Powders 10c. cans for -5c. Corn 3c. per can. The nicest meat and lard always in stock. 1 mill sell vabious other things at cost. Come to see me hefore Imying elewhere, for I will treat you right. YOLKS TO PLEASE, J. U. IIOBUS, North U'il keslioro, N. C. ID® ^dvertiss ^00 Sometimes we almost believe that we do, but the CROWD OF AP PRECIATIVE CUSTOMERS that comes after each announcement convinces us that Our Advertisements have a Permanent ^Place in Public Econemy.-^ When you buy of us you get the best on the market in flour, meal, meat, sugar, coffee, syrups, jellies, shoes, glassware. Tinware, and most everything kept in a First Class Grocery Store. Come again, We are always glad to see you H. W. SUPPIiY COIViPflHY, J. h. jVIflRhOW, IWflHflOER- Generel Gonference for Ghristian Workers at East Northfield, Mass. Twenty-first Annual Session. Dear Friends and Fellow Workers: The twenty-first annual session of the Northfield General Confer ence for Christian Workers will be convened July 31 and continue through August 16. In past years these gatherings have afforded a meeting place for those who are one in their love for the Lord Jesus Christ and devotion to IIis service. The basis of unity has been the rec ognition of the atoning work of Christ in His death and the hope of immortality in His re.mrrection. About the standard of au exalted Christ all have been united. It is the purpose of those to whom it is now entrusted the management of these gatherings to keep them loyal to these fundamental thrnths, that thereby their scope and usefulness may be increased f>-om year to year. To all Christians, therefore, who are engaged in carrying on the great soul saving work begun by the Mas ter HimseU and entrusted by Him to His disciples for all time, a most cordial invitation is extended to be present at this Conference, which will be addressed by various teach ers having a deep knowledge of God’s IVord and a wide experience in His work. In addition to those vvho have been heard from the North- field platform in the past years there will he several new speakers this season. It is earnestly requested that those who love our Lord, whether able to be with us or not, unite in prayer that during this season at North- field Christ may be so lifted np that all present may be drawn ijea''er un to Him and thus made more effect ive in His service. W. E. Moody, East Northfield, Mass., June 30,1903 A partial list of those who are to be present and speak includes the names of— Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D. D., London, Eng. Rev. G. fiampbell Morgan, D. D., East Northfield Mass. Rev. H. W. Pope, New Haven, Conn. Rev. A. T. Pierson, D. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. Henry G. AVeston, D. D., Chester, Pa. Rev. Samuel Chadwick, Leeds^ Eng. Rev. H. C. Mabie, D. D., Bos ton, Mass. Rev. M'^m, Lawrence, D. D., Chicago, 111. Prof. James Orr, D. D., Glas gow, Scotland, Dr. E. S. Niles, Boston, Mass. The music at this Conference will be conducted by Mr. Geo”ge C. Steb- bins of Brooklyn and Percy Foster of Washington, D. C. As in former years, there will be a series of Post-conferences address es and special Bible lectures after the General Conference. This year Rev. G, Cambell Morgan and Rev. Samu el Chadwick will give at least six lectures a week from August 18 to September 1. Prof. James Orr, D. D., Glasgow, Scotland, and other eminent Bible teachers will offer courses between Septenioer 1 and 21. Phone or write Smoak Bros.. No. Wilktsboro, N, C., for prices on flour, bran, ship, stuff, meal and hay. They are brokers for the be-st mills in the United States, and can make it to your interest to do bus iness with them. “Money saved is money made.” The UNIVERSITY Of NORTH GflROlilNfl EXCURSION RATES TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. via ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM July 31st. to August 13th account G. A. R. reunion. F. D. Blackman, T. p A., Academlc Department Chattai.ooga, Ttun. I). H. Owen, T. p. A., Lazv, Mediciiie, Athens, Tenn. Pharmacy. Don’t go to sleep w'hen you are so near a fortnue-ktep on trading with Ward Bros, and you will soon save many a dollar. See announcement on last page. Send your orders to Smoak Bros., No. AVilkesboro, N. C.. for fat backs, lard, etc. It will richly pav you to do this. They are brokers for the best packers, and you save the middle-ujaii p'-ofit. Maybeiry & Myers has a lot of clothing they will sell 25 per ct. less than first cost. Horton’s Drug Store is talking Ice Cream and Cold Drinks iti this issue. See charige in ad. To see the change in Doughton’s ad., look on second page of this paper. Yon will find anew ad. on this page which you must read. You will do well to call on Smoak Bros, and get their prices. $1 50 and $3.00 Ladies atid Miss es shoes at Mayberry & Myers mark ed down to 50 and 76cts. If you have not done so, you should visit Doughton’s Fountain for cold drinks and ice cream; If you have al ready doue so, you should not give up a good thing. Anything in the Grocery, Dry Goods or Hardware line can be bought at the lowest prices at A. M. McGee’s. Go to J. L. Marlows for good gro ceries. One hundred and eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the m-edy. 008 STUDENTS. 60 INSTTUICTOKS. New Dormitories, Water Works, Ccutral TTeating System, Library 40,Out) volii.nes. Fall tei'iii, aca-leiiiic and prof essional depai'tniert.s; oegiiis Sent. ?, 1903. Address, A P. VKN AKLK, Prest. CH.VPPEL HH.I., N. C. Ceresco Flour—the best made. 65c. per i(uarter bag.—J. L. Hobbs. Meat, Cliickeus, eggs and all kinds of produce. Pure leaf U.rd, —J. L. Hobbs. Fresh Roe Shad and other fish on ice every Saturday .--Henry Terrv: Co. Fancy California Oranges and Lemons at the Henry 'Ten-y Co. Candies, Raisiius, and figs at i the usual prices. Nice Eastern N. C. Cabliage just received at Heni-y Terrv Co. YOU KNOW NOTHING IS MORE DELIGHT- fiil than a Clean Shave by a first claso Barber. All up-to-date tiair cuts done neatly and quickly. AVhy not PATRONIZE ME? I’ll do my Best to PLEASE You, Yours to serve, U. G. Russel. At Dough tin’s Drug Store. RIDER AGENTS WANTED in each town to take orders for our new High Grade Guaranteed Bicycles. 1B03 Models ** Ballise,*’' Complete $8m75 Gossack/* Guaranteed Hltrii Grade $10.7S SiheHan,^* A Beauty $12m75 Neudorff ** Ho ad Racer $14,75 no better bicycle at any price. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. We SHfP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any one without a cent deposit and allow |0 DAYS FREE TRIAL before purchase is binding. 500 Second Hand Wheels ^ A taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores, 10 uQ all makes and models, gcx)d as new ^ ^ HA ilAT DIIV a bicycle until you have wrlten for our UU nUI DU I FACTORY PRICES AND FREE TRIAL OFFER, equipment, sundries and sporting goods of all kinds, at half regular price, *e sundry catalog. Cont ainsaworldof .useful information. Write for it, MEAD CYCLE CC-, Chuago, III. CHOCTAW, OKLAHOMA & GULF R. R. Combines the Advantages of Eastern With the Opportunities of a Western Country ... DIRECT LINE ... Memphis to Little Rock, Hot Springs, Indian and Oklahoma Territories, Texas, Col orado, New Mexico, Arizona, Old Mexico and the Pacific Coast WIDE VESTIBULED TRAINS PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPING CARS PULLMAM TOURIST SLEEPING CARS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS F. 0. BUCKHM, T. P. CItattanoogi, Taai. 8E0. H. LEE, 6. P. & T. Little Hock, krkanaat.