*Pte Baptist Messenger. Published monthly in the interest of the churches of the Union Baptist Association, and The Wingate School, at Wingate, N. C. by M. B. Dry. M, B. DRY, Editor. W. C. BIVENS, Business Manager. Subscription Price 25 cents a year. Making Home Attractive. To make home an attractive place for children, there is noth ing that surpasses music. If ev ery home could be supplied with a piano or organ and the children taught to play and sing, many a home problem might easily be solved. Many homes are cheer less abodes for children, not be cause the parents are too poor to buy attractive things for the home, but through false ideas of economy. If the expenditure of a few dollars for an organ or piano and other things necessary to make the home attractive, could keep the boys at home and out of bad company, it would prove a good investment. Many parents know less about the char acter and conduct of their chil dren than their neighbors do. Parents would often be astonish ed if they knew where and how their children were spending their time when Jaway from the parental roof. As the future of your country depends more upon the home life of the people than anything else, whatever tends to make the home better, elevates us as a nation. The friends of temperance have reason to rejoice over the prog ress that has been made not only in our own State, but in our neighboring States of South Caro lina and Tennessee. In the for mer, county after’^county has voted out the dispensary for pro hibition; in the latter, the politi cians vie with each’other in cham pioning the temperance cause. There are few men in North Carolina to-day with aspirations for political honors, who are will ing to champion the cause of the liquor forces. They know too well that it means their death politically. We have in mind, as we write this, the names of some bright and promising young men in our State who made this fatal blunder. It is to be hoped that there will be less drinking during the holi days of 1905 than ever before. Our admirable temperance laws and the wonderful growth of the temperance sentiment in our coun ty in the last few years, have largely changed the manner of .celebrating Christmas. Let us hope for still greater improve ments. The Christmas holidays! How would the Great Teacher have us spend them? To be sure, not as they are often spent in feasting and carousing, but injdoing deeds ®f kindness and brightening the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves. A young man to-day who in dulges in strong drink to excess is practically disgraced in the eyes of both the old and the young. He is not only shunned by society, but almost every busi ness enterprise is closing its doors against him. Even the liquor manufacturers and dealers them selves do not want him. Personal and Otherwise. There are hundreds of poor clergy men, struggling nobly and unselfish ly to elevate small communities or city slums to higher standards of living and thinking, who actually lack the ordinary necessities and comforts of life; yet they would not exchange their humble places for fashionable pulpits with large sala ries, because they can do more good where they are. Is a clergyman to be looked upon as a comparative failure simply be cause he has tried to live the Christ- life, to bear the burdens of others, to lighten others’ tasks, to ameliorate the condition of the poor, to encour age the despondent, to cheer the sick, to comfort the dying, and to lift the broken-hearted? Shall he be looked upon as weak-minded be cause he has given his life for a piti ful salary when he might have be come rich? Is a teacher to be looked upon as poor or unsuccessful because she has preferred to spend her life in build ing character, developing opportuni ties and unfolding possibilities for others, and enriching civilization by starting other lives in the right di rection rather than in piling up dol lars for herself?—Success. Rev. J. L. Bennett Resigns. Rev. J. L. Bennett, the first and only pastor King Street Baptist church in Waxhaw has ever had, and who has preached for us one Sunday in every month for more than three years, has offered his res ignation. During his pastorate there has not been a note of discord among us, the church property has been much improved and the church has been greatly built up in membership. There being at this time a demand for a resident pastor and for preach ing oftener than once a month, Bro Bennett could not see his way to take up his residence among us, and has therefore seen proper to offer his res ignation to leave the way clear for someone else who can meet present demands as above stated. In doing so he desires to offer his sincere thanks to the members of other de nominations for their great kind ness to him. We cheerfully commend Bro. Ben nett as a most earnest and successful pastor in the promotion of unity and prosperity in his churches. May the blessings of God attend his efforts wherever he may labor. J. T. Black, W. S. King, W. R. Godfrey, Deacons. If we may even in a small degree interpret the signs of the times, the signs written large, as by the finger of God across the heavens—if in any measure we may read the lessons of history, we are bound to believe that America is to lead the world in Christian civilization. Our vast wealth and ever growing commerce, our in creasing power throughout the world to be augmented beyond all calcula tion by the inter-oceanic canal now under way, presage such importance as will justify the sculptor’s concep tion of “America enlightening the world.”—J. B. Gambrell ^in Home Field. Mrs. Frances Williams, wife of Mr. J. Thomas Williams, died at her home in Monroe Tuesday, No vember 21st. She was about fifty- three years old and was a mem ber of the Baptist church. President Poteat said, in his in augural address at Wake Forest, that his father, long since passed into the skies, had cherished the hope that his son would some day be president of Wake Forest Col lege. Mrs. Gillie T. Austin, of Mon roe, died December 5th, at the home of her daughter and only child, Mrs. W. A. Lane. She was 66 years old and was a member of the Baptist church. She was well educated and had lived a useful life. In the letter of Mr. M. C. Aus tin, which occurred in lastmonth’s Messenger relative to the location of old Gourdvine church, the name of Jacob Williams should have been Jacob Helms. There were also two John Culpeppers, junior and senior. The elder Cul pepper was once a member of Congress, which goes to show, says Mr. Austin, that the Bap tists were influential people even then. In a personal letter from Rev. C. L. Fowler, who was once a teacher in the Wingate School and pastor of several churches in our association, he says among other things: “I have just had a letter from Joel Snyder telling me that he had accepted a call to the First Baptist church at Ches ter, S. C. His letter started me to thinking of North Carolina, of Union county, and of Wingate. I had been promising myself for some time to write you. “As you s^, I am here in New England, this place where the hack drivers and street car con ductors smack of Latin and Greek and are familiar with the arts and sciences. I am trying to make a j study of their school system in comparison with our Southern schools. New England is in ad vance of the South educationally and I am trying to find out why. “You may be surprised to learn that I am here. It is strange to me. After I left Wingate, I took some special work at Furman in stead of going to Louisville. When I had finished there, I came this way to study at Harvard and at Newton Seminary. During my first year I was called to the pas torate of the church here (George town, Mass.). I accepted it be cause it was near to both institu tions, and I could pursue my studies. I am doing graduate work at Harvard and shall con tinue till I take the Master’s de gree. It will take me a’ little more than a year yet, because of my work here and at the Semi nary that is in Boston. “I am in the most prosperous section of the State, and that means much. My church is not overly large, but is made up of the best people anywhere. I love them and they are loyal to me. They remind me of North Carolinians. “Please remember me to the many good folks there. I shall never forget their kindness and fellowship while I was among them. My heart yearns often to be again in my native State and to labor for my native people. But I know I should not yield to The Debate. The inter-society contest, which took place at the Academy Fri day night, December 22nd, proved to be one of the very best debates that Wingate has had. The weath er was ideal and a good-sized au dience gathered in the audito rium of the school building to witness the clash of mind with mind. Should the Fifteenth Amend ment to the Constitution of the United States be repealed? was the question discussed. The sym pathies of the audience were about equally divided between the affirmative, which was repre sented by Ray Funderburk and H. B. Jones, of the Gladstone So ciety, and the negative by R. L. McWhirter and W. D. Reynolds, of the Philosophian. The discus sion was spirited from beginning to end and every inch of ground was earnestly contested by the speakers of each side. As the Fifteenth Amendment declares that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude, the discus sion was confined almost exclu sively to negro suffrage. The first speaker, Mr. Funder burk, argued that the right to vote is not an absolute natural and divine right that exists for the benefit of: the individual, but a great civil and political privi lege. In the light of the South’s experience with a certain class of voters, they ought forever to be disfranchised. The object in pass ing the fifteenth amendment was to enable the negro to dominate the whites. Negro suffrage has been a failure in the South. The tendency of the political equality of the negro is toward social equality. The negro is unfit mor ally and mentally to vote. The North and West as well as the South are becoming dissatisfied with the fifteenth amendment. An educational qualification for voting will not eliminate the ne gro vote. The repeal of the fifteenth amendment will not in terfere with the negro’s civic rights, for they are secured by the fourteenth amendment. The first speaker on the nega tive, Mr. R. L. McWhirter, argu ed that the 15th amendment fol lows the 14th as a political neces sity. The negro pays tax and works the roads; his disfranchise ment would be unjust. Besides it would close the door of hope to ten millions of people. Under the present laws the negro has ceased to be a disturbing element in pol itics. True self government ceases to be so as soon as its pow ers are conferred as an exclusive privilege in one case and with held from another. The repeal of this amendment would cut down our representation in con gress. The third and last speaker on the affirmative, Mr. H. B. Jones, argued as follows: The South’s political welfare depends upon the elimination of the negro vote. The negro is wholly unfit for the ballot. The negro has a right to life, to liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but he has no right to participate in the government until he has shown himself wor thy of such a responsibility. This amendment was passed by a Con gress which the President de ignorance and of centuries of slavery. Nothing that the white man can do will make him a true man. The negro does not appre ciate his vote and will sell it for a trifie. The last speaker on the nega tive, Mr. W. D. Reynolds, pro duced the following arguments: Ours is a government of the peo ple, by the people and for the people. It guarantees certain in alienable rights and derives its powers from the consent of the governed. In a democracy a cit izen must have a voice in its af fairs; otherwise it ceases to be a democracy and becomes an aris tocracy. The negro has a life and should have a voice in mak ing the laws under which he must live. The committee reported that they were of the opinion that the affirmative, or Gladstone speak ers, had won. The exercises were interspersed with instrumental and vocal music. Among the Churches. such feelings, for God has led me dared was not a true Congress, here and given me a work to do. The negro should be disfranchised and has greatly blessed it so far.” because he bears the stamp of abroad.—Ex. The members of the church at Mountain Springs are improving their house of worship. This lit tle church is growing rapidly. Until recently it was a stronghold for the Primitive Baptists, but like that denomination every where else, they are giving way before the march of progress and enlightenment. Bro. Bennett has resigned the care of the church at Waxhaw. This church is located in a pros perous and growing town and will doubtless be one of our strongest churches in a few years. Bro. A. C. Baker left the early part of December for Aiken coun ty, S. C., where he will have the care of several country churches: It is with reluctance that we give him up. Bro. B. S. Funderburk has ac cepted the call to the church at Meadow Branch for one Sunday in the month for next year, in stead of two, as was the wish of the church. It was hoped that he could be induced to move to Wingate and give the church half his time, but he stated to the church that he felt that he owed it to Chesterfield to remain there. Meadow Branch is proud of her pastor. The churches must not let up on Foreign Missions, but on the contrary, there should be a for ward movement. In a very few years we ought to have two mis sionaries on the foreign field in stead of one. If we are to keep step with our sister associations, we must quicken our pace, for the recent convention at Raleigh showed a great advance along all lines. As the wounded hero at Chan- cellorsville was being borne from his last and greatest battlefield, he was accosted by Gen. Pender, who said that he would have to' retire his troops in order to re form them; they were so broken by the Federal fire. “You must hold your ground, Gen. Pender; you must hold your ground,” firmly replied the wounded man; and the words were Stonewall Jackson’s last order.—Ex. State Missions have the first and highest claims on our sympathies, prayers and gifts, appealing most strongly to our patriotism and our religion. The work lies at the foun dation of all of our missionary and benevolent enterprises at home and

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