"Tr?- X \ \ U..: VOL. 2', ; 7-^ WINGATE, N. C.i FEJ pfaPtfexiNG PKOB- i LEMS 6F COUNTRY PASTORS ■■ In the ^scussion of thi»' ^estion it shall not-be my purpose';to Reflect in leasi upon my^big-tearted and noble country people. Far be Jt from me to do such a thing. ■ That I love my country work needs, r no! better proof than the fact that ■ I. haye, given the last ten years exclusively* to the country pastor^e,^w)iaif' J\)^Te had frequent oppor^U^, to ..r^um to ^e town pastciat6*wth^ucf4argsi Why' shoul^l.j^ h try worlt? •, , the country, ,,6011®^? WALLACE H. HARTSELL, ; / PASTOR OP BUNN couhti ta^\cpun^' reared, in | a icpuntry j . nntry ' pas. [ g hurch, and [ om an old^ liver 'yihy'7se :'i ; meeting, ’ * - tor,'licensed by i fi f > preached, my firs; semi V \ fashioned country " .battlements I coil£ sci -it-am now s^wlBg^'tliree eo^ntry Y churches qoinpo^d* of as good peo- .\=i;j;'ple, and many of them' as intelligent ./. people, as can:be, found in any town, city or country. 'As a rule, the c'oun- try people are a^; consecrated and as loyal to the chirrCh and pastor aa any people in the /world; but/-if it is thbhght that‘tmsY city pastor Is the Whe-Ea*.'perpleidng prob- Y/»J lems'with which to let him be at X%*h!e undeceived., f This' article was suggested to me 'poine time; ago while company with ajjood broiffier oa the ■ .train,* as hi 'telawi to' nie soiuti bf. /the many-vy«*lti(mj»?probleaj8 ,e*sthe LRY 22. 1915._ number 9. d WWtH OF THE NORTH CARO LINA BAPTISTS. X PICTURE OF iTHE PRESI- ^ DENT OF THE BARACA CLASS r- I- m The above is a cut of Rev. Wal lace H. Hartsell, a Stanly boy, now the pastor at Bunn. He has several churches around there, makes his trips in an automobile, and is making things move. He has a B. Y. P. U. and a fine Sunday school in each of his churches. We are proud of him. He is a son of P. G. Hartsell of Big Lii ^ i A ■SAr^Ohl.ATH^i, , Moore, Editor^ of the BA- lical Recorder. .onf 'the figures collated by bur rtistiial Secretary from the asso-_ ciltSon4 minutes for 1914, I gather ■Siine of'the more important data as fillfi^ws:^ . , , ; f‘#e iow have sixty-four associa- tifns,i,wluch is probably too many_ ^ -weA laid out for the largest tf- : fi'qifettcyf | . ■ . ' . ■ " . ■/'Yr-. /■#ehafe'2,093 churches 'wit%A ''ihcfcbership of 256,599. For the-^ ' tirt we Have passed the quarter "^^^abiy'' the -nldst 'gratifying _ f tij all is that showing 14,716 beptist^, .far the largest ever recorded in c«t, ..hkory. \ . ■ ‘.V > kVe havd 2,052 Sunday schools with ■■•ii enrolirqent of 201,224. For the A 3t time We'have passed the 200,00 ra rk in this regard. . ' f ’o the seven regular Convention jets (State Missions, Home Mis- is, Foreign ' Missions, Oiphanage, iisterial Education, Ministerial Re mand Sunday School Mission) ;the rches reported gifts amounting fq 5,695.68, ,,/piis means that our capita cenitributions have'amOtuit- to ,76 cents. .-There have been 1,- of our lurches, to contribute to an mcrepaini nuxn- pbjects. >} ■ V, B* ( Ki , ' Mr. Oscar D. Caudle. 'We are giving a cut of the preslY--' dent of *our Baraca Class at West . Albemarle. -He is a faithful bojf that ./ comes to'his class through aU»Itiad».' of weather. He has not^en aLsanb.; many Sundays since he bedame thu . 'president, and., that has been many If ,N1 XV' Aof.^ )4bis Th® " posed that/'Hie'bovlntry pastor^ has ’^nothing* but wnoomsailing with no ' perple&ig probl^sito annoy him? Long and faithful'experience has. V,® 5 taught me that such Is by no means the case. F^^Er^lbeMyblen^ f 112.1^, ^: h'avS eighteeii OoUegfos 'Shd sdO- pty schools-■owned and controlled ./the denomination, with six otMrs aer private "control, but recognised Baptist schools. ) / /be Woman’s Missionary ; Un?on embraces 1,072 societies in fifty^two i% • Fips.t of alb' the average country / -church pays a very-small salary; and t>„ ■ it matters not how sdanty the salary, W'% or, how''/Trre^larly'':paid, tee pastpr h is not only expected fo jbe a scholar, .but he must keep abreSst with the 7. times in social and political affairs ' “ ■ as well as in religious arid denomina- ■ tiorial/jnatferjiL'And this is all right, "bSTth^fail, as a rule, to' appreciate .- the fadt that all this requires a very -x / ..S wide range of reading and that the ' /'‘' pastor who thus keeps himself pos^ ' ^ ed must take ai number of the bert ■r. * magazines - and periodicals in addi-- tion to his religious and denomination al papers. This calls for a consider able slice from his meagre salary. : And then, too, he must give diligent f attention to the preparation and de- - livery of his sermons. And; this is also’ eminently /proper, biit this to- ■ quires much time, arid the pastor vmo . studies his Bible and prepares his serrnons as he should has no time left V; : to make tents for a living, 'aus it is plain to be’seen that it is no simr -pie prbKem; f9£,the average^country j- ' pastor to meet’'ali' the demands bf .nm people; bOTitrihuto one^^th^of ms in- x-^me/tb the Lord’s work, arid then ," "Ifaithfully ^nd ^promptly disc^rge all iv / of bis ’ financial 0»|s^tion* .f» , H,^cbme to him from^|»»e^ ' but of his'sdin^ rt»lary.r The ttme hbs - sassed when pastor . .can m?ke his ' .5 Bving on the farm, or, otherwise and /preach to the satisfaction of the coun- try people. : ■ Another of Use vexatious problem // of tbo bountiXipastor m.,th« gr^t ir infant -SOitf of - ■ Mr-)j:sid_W^ Jpssell w^s.buried al/"An?[f sqn/s Grove- February 16. Fiinei... , service's were conducted at the home' by'B. G. Whitley. We extendXtct these v/orthy people our greatest; sympath*y. This is the second one'^ the Lord as removed from them in ,^j. associations, and reported, mis- the past two years. May the good contributions aggregating b-tO." Lord abundantly bless th^m in *111636 25; 13, ■ .... dark hours. The sun will shine bright ^ Xj.'register of gains for the year some day. - A- FRIEND, thirty-nine churche^ 11,060 «—————*—~*~**~*~**? chi rch members, 1,452 baptisms, 118- ’ . -u* b. iHav schools and 10,443 Sunday regularity of c^rch services which Su ^ ^ seems unavoidi»hl“. I” r f- , , course there is a dark side and country, especially, the weather con- ;ty to" truth requires a word about ditions have mucii to do w.,,.i ...g-..-,! — • ' church attendance. When it rains. ■ft. «V.. We have 737 churches reporting the whole, however, the figures he year are very gratifying. We fore thank God and take cour- vinuxv.1. ' .. - i" no 3'aptisms last year, 349 churches oftentimes the roads become wellnigh Booting riot one cent to any Con- impassable, nqt unfrequently causing „ object, and 162 churches that the pastor to. lose an entire re^lar Sunday' schools. Our per monthly - or .^mi-monthly s.^toe. ^ contribution, to the regular ob- This makes it Vlmost impossble to ■ - decreased one. cent during keep his church and congregation in J Twelve'entire Associations touch with the local work m any of - no W. M. U. work what- its departments. And then it is so hav in tnem no much more difficplt to laybhe gener- evei al denominational worl^ aud .obliga-, . tions upon their hearts. ,1 No matter how evangelistic a pas- ' lor may be, it is not possible to keep n. C, the churcli up to an evangelistic i ■■ - - S/iS ^ ■ H.»- "F in? will more completely demeftaUze amo- nt of whiskey tliat. canjie.^ mg wiu .morp w p p f . . taini i at the medical depository. Thr 111^ TTaa* • - • ' , , any org^mization, and a church- is no ^ exception to. the. .rule, than i.rregulai attendance upon, and the, frequent failure of- its re^lar meetings. -This isbne ^ the principal reasons why. country ^qhurche.s , do .not have con- iversiona/r more.f requenUy at ; their stated meetings, as is the ca'se with so manYtof ine town, and City church- *** (Continued'on' Second'Page.) taini Tat the medical depository. The ■smal amount you taTi get, pfo- videf .thie'hill pass.es the Senate, is two- unces,.or 'stbout one swallow, as the . ilewb'.ahd Observer saVs.; .. The large it 'amount. "is ■ orie-half pint, whici'is enough inbny ordina^ case, so the, physicians say.' It is -believed that' fha.bill, wl«ri enacted'^to law. Will ut out the abuse of tho deposi- ■ tory Iq a. large extent.—Apsoriian. Marshvaio C&ifi«8poridehce / of, Mofr- ; roe Enquirer, k 7 , \- '• Roy ^A. Traywick,,.the .young man y that plead guilty to forgery at court^' in Monroe last wet^', is well known here. Until about three years ago he was considered a-most excellent young man of unusuat brilliamjy. When he firiished his high school .Work in 1812 he was the peer of any boy in the county in English. His Emglish teach-, er, who^has taught sewerto years, d^ Glared that he was the finest English scholar she had ever taught, his teachers, the principm, said that Tray wick would rank .!W**hj John Charles MsNeill as .a/writer if he ' should -'choose literary work. But. alas; he has fallen.^ These lines aro not written to advertise his'do'wnfall but as a warning to others, such a bright young mpn yield to temptation? We think we can give n partial answer at cigarette smoking, drinkmg litoor, reading bad literature. Bad literature caused him to go to pieces, religious ly, cigarettes and liquor . made an 'easy victim to temptation. .Thw, iiV our opinion, caused his ruin. Young . , man, don’t think because you have as . splendid a religious ^ /V ■young man, or a brilliant intellect that Vriu are immune froni life’s tempta- - /• iiqns. The bad .habis-‘Will down you ^ in short order.. ,Take, warmng. ~ ■liEATH OF SAMEEl; McMANUS r, Samuel-iicManus'd^ at his home ; in. West.,:^bnroe bn the 10th inaiam, after #n' illness of sdybral weeks He^ leaveq a wife and several ch'M?^ two brothers, ‘‘hd > and friends. -Tito, funera^ se^^MS were conducted by hm pastor, R. M. . Haigle'r it Corinth .Baptist church of which he was a -very consistent mero- '...'.V ‘"'.F •' ’ - -1 ■. V. .'F ■' y ^ ’ ' 'j -'x ■* F '' tMl If O'' c' * y.,L. ,.xfc

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