.; r' ..la tc': 1?'-' ’'^. r- X, ■fc,-K:.,':h f->_r ^ U -,': V general'news. ■ ';;, '', Pastor; J. .W? Snyder of West ,Con- ■ tWn^ in a fine cpiidHion ■' the'r^,all xhings considered.. ;'•' ■'■/'•'*’• -' •w_- ^V->' .•; •'^V','‘ ■:—'‘f'- f,»* •' •■r •”. ■ _EIder''^.- B. ; PlHilips of Charlotte '■ ; supplied jffdrlpastpr Snyder at Concord - ! the first/SundaS’^ *' - ' .. f ". ■ - ' " ■; ■ j,"' - • ■ '■ ',?;v : ■V .Mi?ses Minnie ■ and, Benlah,; Light- ,^fp^t. fa^ of; otff*;West'Albemarle^^rls, ^ are. visatin&Ja-Atlanta;’; ■ ^ -. ; ,' ■> S Bro^E. C. Bnyider’s'field is in 'splen-, did - s^ape nbWif^'Eis ■ churches are - ;i.;moyii^ along niciiely.' - ' , hrethreP-^^epdr# ^ good crowd ' , t ht i^B/g Lick the[ second Sundi.y and V Say liat pastor. Brooks preachetL a ' ' splendid sermon. . ■,. cf?- Pastor Black is J#u»*'w«i'ng j^he .mij - schi ' ^ch Tuesday. • -. Much, interest 'is ^ ing manifested. ' - .. .' 1 .;X We are^^lad;.to note that thin, are- moving along nicely on the.Mol- wood field. «r.. C. Gillespie is very ^ much encTOraged with his.pro^ess. '■ We were glad to receivdi.three heW- members attest Albemarle the first ■ Sunday, two by letter and one by baptism. If Out prayer meetings con- ., tinue, we are ^ing to baptize many ' • there this spring. ^ - ' ■ 'X I' . .* ■■ A^new church has been organised » J? Bratton jschodi house' section. They named it Bethel and called Rev. S. L. McIntyre, as pastor. We trust that much good may be done here, A good community for a Church %ife. ■ '■ ■; '■ 'V ' T We are glad to note that, Mrs. Ida Dunn of Albemarle is-dmpjfcving now. . She had •> j-h ° , S. W. Bennett Of Lincolnton preach- ed, at FirstChurch, Albemarle, re cently,' _ ■' ^ . , We are glad that the weather co.n- ■ditipns are. 'so, much better How than 'they.'were-Awhile;■ ! ;• Mrs. It. B. Gaddy is improving now. We think she will soon be out'once more. ■■■■;:' . ,.1 Miss Mary; is' home from Mer-pdith.; ,j|he; -Wil., not ..retimn . this Mrs; J,‘ W., Bivens^nm been sonie- what indisposed for a tyw days,'She has been suffering with a cold. ■ ,r r : Union Grove is still In the''.field for work: They are ’going to put another ;:j'_cpa4j|ff paint on their house. ;,Sii^er A. M. Kimery of vojv^’ck,. nr^. ^oon re?6ver/ . Cottbn- We Gdiespie is going to hold ser- .,- -™^it Porter as soon as he can ar range matters'a little. ■ . were glad to have so many from Monroe and Marshville at our services the second Siftiday. ; Come again, you are more thail welcome. Mrs. Ransom Eudy is in a very se rious condition now. She seems to be troubled with, some kind , of stomach disease. May . she soon recover. Bro. Matthew Tucker of Big Lick has beeh seriously sick with rheuma tism recently, but we are glad to note that he is improving. Bro marie had to take tiTs baby bury the^ first Sunday. ' are glad to note that C. Jerome V hitley has made good in his/school V irk at Bamilton this, year.;, H* is ^Stanly boy . we are proi^ of. . Bro. J. A. Combs has moved from ^ells to- Cordova.T Ws do'- Hdt low how. much work he has: thete, it trust that he has a fine field, ' Our prayer meeting' at. Wingate' is ®ttmg along very nicely, now.,;We live a largg attendance and the in- irrbst is fine. •' -. ', V ■ , I Andrews is imprO'ring I »wly, She has been, sipk Jbr a.long ne and we are glad .that she isei 1 ig able tb be-up once fhore;_ J We are hoping that the Wd will ace a goo4.-man in th'e pastorate of te First Church at Albemarle. ^ I so much needed. - . . i.jOtjom were at Concord,a few days ago .rust -chatlshe^-V ™ ''vere glad to hear so many nice ' ings said . about pastori Whitley, i iGill Street church is coming on ;, cely now.' > ;i ; - ’ , ' Re-v. James Long visited in Win- ! te the week following the first Ihnday in February. He has been lied to the pastorate of Laurinburg s*d will take hold at once. -• ■ ^ - .JIh Cariie Cartel; of West Albe- B- D. G. Pickier of the had to take his baby to Sails- I- fnitjT has _beeri' sick ha? A J TTr . -fV' • . « TC iWthlr J L _ . Mrs: Cook, mother of Bro. J. L. ok of West Albemarle, has been ^ ;ry sick for the past few weeks.' She 1 -tyefy feeble anyway, since she'Ts I’^t eighty yearwHfd. ,Clifton. Thomas, son of. J. C. 1 ’.omas, has been very'sick with ty- p K>id fever for the past few days. 11? twin brother,. Cleveland, was cail- e^jhome from'school to attend him. • Kendal! CmnKi for the "-hast Weftrust tb^.i^ we understand -that - he is ■ ■ iroving he'w. He»is One ofthe most .matt- Bro. Ed^e Thompson ivefites that ■the Sunday ^school at, 0o,ttonville is tekihg' on; new life :^nce the bad Weather 'lite gone. ’ Cbftbnville is- a great church. ■ ;We 'never forget bur stay therpi' ,lt 'i^s twelve years long and then did- noti^^ni long;' Each, 'yearigcij'better.-- V'-:-^ Jdr.^ W.- B. SimpSii Aon of Mr. .,G. W.Simpson. aM..;Miss Fannie Ban- eoni' daughter of Al,ri .arid Mrs..,H, T. Bancom, all of New. Sale!h;-to-wnship, were married last-Thursday at' tlie. ' residence of the officiating.; inirilster,. Kov. T. P. Uttle.' These' - jpopular. ■ young people have,many, friends w’hi*.' - wish them much success.-^Marshville Homei”- ■ We had a splendid service at Pleas ant drove the first^Sunday evening. They arranged ' the"'TpdStOf:a.,^Iany for 1914.' They can be dependeS^oiu. - Our Sunday school there, as common, ' IS in the very best condition. They do' things for God. . - '• * * . —■ i DEATH OF GLADYS LEE PARKER ^n Thursday morning, January '28, the death angel visited the home of Horace Parker and took little Gladys Lee home to be with Jesus., Sh'e was only two months and 28 days old, /■ b^_ was a' bright and sweet little tSaby. Her days .were, few here, but her presence.- made home a' joy. She was cherishdd by mother and father ®"d.tbey looked forward to the future-' fof thb appointment and pleasure ot little Gladys. They loved her dear, iy, but Jesus loved her better and-has taken her home to live with htiin ^br- , ever. He, remains .were laid to'rest ' in the cem^Mfj^jProsnect. 'Wb ex> . t^d to the^^^M^jtoheri arid motVX^\ ■eF our J-- ;.;pervice at ^Meadow Bra.nch thri second Surfday. Tffiereifgregation fas thp largest we V' ■ fey-Ivery mueli e.B-'. \ '^e are learning to krio-w \ ; this peojde,: and th*. more we learn ; \ ofri:hem;v, thie hetteri^Ire like them, ■ - ’A ■ Bro. E.' D.. Thompson of . Norwood - writes that Bro. J,- C. Gillespie,has been doing some. Old-time sound gos- pl preaching there recently. . We t-ust that he’ will continue to do that. That is what we ne^sd to-day.. But lit- , is^done. X .•. - _;--Our choir at West Albeiriarie is in ■, the hest shape we have seen it in for some time. They?-have .a ne-w book now^ and gave sofee new selections the Srst Sunday mcrning. We decided that,.they were the best we had heard for some time. .A consecrated choir . irieans to much ty a pastor. - V Mrs, ,Nanc;^Eree, wife of our night ; Operator, has been "sick for the past Week. She is. a daughter of Elder James Jordan. We .can boast of noble ancestry. Mrs., Sullivan is a gi-arid- .daughter of Elder James Garrison who planted the Baptist standard' in Mecltienburg' and. Cabarrus counties, ^uch mie'gionary work, in oth er counties,-ani.;;^rSiiFtee isa daugh- of old B^o." Jordan, one of the pioneer ,-preachers of Montgomery county. I’ll tell you this is Bapti^ territory;. hiclee(i, .iarii we -want to ^ake it -so that it will continue to he such; With a ternliof , forty years mr “Broad .Axd” Davis—we refer, to ..Elder E. L. jDa-ris-^and a considerable by Elder J.' B.; Richardsoni --we reel like the ground has been well pre pared. It is not hard to tell that some sound preaching has been done here, lor'-we have- ‘ fouri'd-' “Wme'' the; Wuhdest .Bgptist.'; -,6H.; .earth aroimd here.;- •' r:- -' ' th|W! he iriajr be spared;tb us fo^,^_ He.is bur good-frier t; .-V V'- .1 - we-Ti^e recelvHH“Bm^ 'ije^ 5KeridaU,iBal la^ few days;i-,‘We ha-ve addc|*d al^out thirtyfsfn'sb wc|,cam‘a'here latl fAll., Odell Butris of West Albmarle js in-a serious condition no-w, He is a young man ^-with a wife ind; a tiny baby.;; JHow'^sad to see a young life ^ving away to the. “white plague;” ~ - - , > ; ; ■ I ., .Our Sunday? school at Meadow Branch has .decided to put up cur tains. This is the finest school in Un ion Association arid we feel sure that the curtains will add much' to Tt.'; put our, trl ileayen Gladyi. fori _ horii^ lari;be-.yith ,1 l,eVerl^’' 5V----C ,B:;C. Ashcraft; Esq., of Monroe, spoke in First Baptist church, Albe marle, .th^ second Sunday morning. -We feeT-.quite sure that he‘made an interesting speech. He is calculated to do things like that. We understan'd that ^e First Bap :6st "churffi otyAibemarle; has inade no call; as- yet!. W^ ceirtainly hope that it may get a good man, one that will fit the place; arid build 'up the Baptist-caiise.thCre. V/e; are*so much in need of a/Baptist pastdr for that churchf Its opportunity is so' great. We undei^tand that R. H. Herring has' been cMled to the pastorate ot Mt. Olive ftaptist church and will sooft enteH upon his work at that place. Hq has made '“good at Ruth- erfordton.i . jJr.-, J. Love, one pf the secre taries-tm the Foreign MissiOm Board of: the fcuthern Baptist Convention, filled t» Baptist pulpit here Sunday" morninf and night. His subject was the wo«'of Foreign Missions and he handlcs.it Iri" a masterly manrieri , Dr. Love pas pastor, of the church here twdvi years ago for three years arid of the most beloved pastoia ^ureh has.ever had. ’* Large coii-, ktions-heard him at both ser- I.-—Ansoniah. DEALIRS IN GENEHAl ;MERCillH)ISE. We Sell for CASH, and are no^^ak- A ing some SPECIAL PRICES in Shoes, Don,t fail to see lis. We want your busi ness. IT tr XJ XX t. : BREWER, WINGAM. u. SPECIAL FEBRUARY SALE. vice During the month of FebruarylwilL make ver^ attractive prices on Dry ' Goods, Shoes and Clothing. All ' /winter goods must be sold’to make J room for spring goods. ' Those; in • need; of any of the above goods ■wifi do well to call and see me. - x LicK, N. C , $-2^; I

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