FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. C. S. BLACKWELL, d. d., Pastor. THE PASTOR’S PRATER. Every true pastor e heart yearns over his people with infinite longing. If he could find words of expression he might say. “May the blessing of our God wait U])on you, and the sun of Glory shine around your head; may the gates of plenty, honor, and happiness always be open to you and yours. May no strife disturb your days, nor sorrow distress your nights; and may the pil low of peace kiss your cheek, and heavenly angels attend your dreams. When length of years makes you weary of earthly joys, and the cur tains of death gently close around the scenes of your earthl3' existence, may the angels of God attend your bed, and take care that the expiring lamp of life shall not receive a rude blast to hasten its extinction. May the blood of the Saviour wash you from all impurities and cleanse your souls from all sin. and prepare you to enter the home of everlasting joy.” — — A KUMBKK of our bright girls are preparing to got off to school next month. We were proud of our dele gation last year. Misses Burtt, Barnes and Keathley. We understand the number will be increased this year. But where are our Baptist boys? We would like to see more of them stirred up to seek higher education. Where there is a wil’.there is a way for any young man who is determined to get an education. We know. We b'.ve tried it. Corner Fourth and Campbell Streets, Our church seems, during the Sum mer, to be the meeting point of many stra jgers and visitors. Several of these have come to the pastor and told him that they were blessed by the services they attended, and some have Written their thanks after going homo. We thank God and take courage. The very hot Sunday mornings cut the Sunday School attendance down to about one hundred. But other schools, held in the afternoon have had practically no attendance at all. Wr are under obligations to musical people in the City, as well as visitors for their contributions to the praise part of our services during the heated term. Large audiences have heard them with delight. Rev. W. B. Oliver and his son An drew are stopping down at Southport for a few weeks. We praj' that old ocean will fan color into the face of our brother, and that sea food will put strength into his body. Ween joyed a delightful “boat ride” with him. We hope to hear him in our pulpit before he returns to Florence. *-•-« “What saith the Scripture?” is the tirle of a little book of 150 pages, packed full of “meat for men” and condensed “milk for babes” by John T. Pullen, of Raleigh. It will do us all good to read these words of God arranged by such a devout servant of our Master. If you will give your name and S5 cents to the pastor he will get you a copy in a week. KISDET ACT. A few days since Mrs. Jos. H. Hauby gave the ladies of the Baptist Old Ladies’ home, corner of Fifth and Wooster streets, a delightful and substantial dinner. Everything that goes to make up a good dinner was carried down, and served right in the dining room of the home. Of course the event will be remembered, and the recipients of Mrs. Hanby’s kind attentions will not soon forget her thoughtfulness. If about eleven other ladies would each select a month, and do as sister Hanby has done, the old ladies could look forward to a good dinner once a month for a whole year around. If these sisters will volunteer and give their names to the pastor he will as sign each her month. X>^ Thb hand of welcome has recently been heartily extended to brother and sister C. C. Rice, aud also to Miss A lace Brooks. These are punctual and skilled workers in Church and Sunday School. iT GiUORD'S BRtNCH SI0R[, You can find a beautiful line of Sping Goods, all brand new, NO old stock, everything UP-TO-UATE. We have a nice lot of Pique at 10c. Nice line of Lawns from 4, 5, 8 and 10 cents. We can oiler you aline line of Dimities worth 10c. at 8c. All kinds of Domestic Goods at ROK BOTTO.M PRI ES. White Homespun at 2|. 4 and 5c. heck Home spun at 4. 44 and 5c. Bleechingo, 6, 7, 8 Fruit of the Loom at 8c. We have a nice line of Gents’ Silk Bossom Shirts at 60 and 75 cents. All kinds of Percal Shirts from 25c. to 75c. Nice line of Men’s Hats at YOUR OWN PRIE. 0 1 1 P.tuts from 40c. to $3.50. A pretty line of Boy’s Suits from 75c. to $3.00 a Suit. The BEST Eine of SHOES in the CITY from 15c. to 25c. a pair, cheaper than auy where else, the reason why we can sell cheaper is because we sell only for A SH, and we are willing to devide our profit with you. We carry Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Shoes, Sole Leather, Shoe Findings. Tobacco, Cigars, Trunks, Grips, Tellescopes, Toys, Rugs, Violins, Accordeans and other Musical Instruments. You will be treated right at Geo. 0. (Tftylord’s Branch IStore, Cor. Fourth and Campbell Streets. Bell Bhone 557. J. B. BOYB, tien’l M’g’r. We are glad to announce to the many friends of Rev. R. E. Peele he will preach for me at Brooklyn church second Sunday while I am away. It gives us real pleasure to secure his services. J. J. Payseuk. Milton H. McLaurin, of Bennetts- yille, S. C., has recently accepted a position in the Express Office. He is a young Baptist of excellent social and religious standing. Much sickness among the young men of our congregation has prevailed for some weeks. John A. Orrell. R. E. Blake, Willie Herring, Herman Meredith, and others are on the list. The large congregations which are disposed to attend our church on Sunday nights during the summer makes it hard for the pastor to get the consent of his mind to take any sort of summer vacation. When other churches are closed and the people by the hundreds are disposed to hear, ho feels it his duty to stay and preach the Word of Life. Stirring events in China have awakened special interest in missions. To meet which the pastor has been giving “Mission Map” studies at the B. Y. P. U. meetings for the past few weeks. Many speak of the effort as being helpful. R[ mi TO ctu AND SEE THE LINE OI* Dress Trimmings,|Musiin Ribbons, Laces &: Uiider- Embroideries. iwear i ' ♦ Just receivpd a New TjOt of NIGHT GOWNS, CHEMISE, SKIRTS, DRAWERS & CORSET COVERS Entire Stock of Drj Soocs at Cost! Mi TO* The Latest Shapes and Brolils are nA I u shown in profusion, together with many new and novel designs not to be seen elsewhere. When you see ‘*OUR STOCK” you see all that is correct for this seas on's wear. POPULAR PRICES ! CHOICE NOVELTIES IN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ORNA MENTS AND MILLINERY RIBBONS. TAYLOR’S BAZAAR, No. 118 MARKET STREET. Groat Romoval Sale of Wiltniijgton’g Big Placket ptore, Between to-day aud October 1st, I will move my immeuce stock of goods into ny new build ing just north of the Post Office. Now J had rather sell the goods than move them, and I will mention a few prices. Ladle.s’ Vests worth 15 for 8c. worth liadies’ ready made skirts at 25, 45, 48c. 15 for IPc White Pique Skirts at 50c, and 1-00 MEN’S and BOY’S SUJT.'^ —Boy’s Wash Ladies’Percale Shirt Waists at 25, 35, 48c .‘’nits and well trimmed at50c. .More 8ilk Waists at 2.69, 3.00 and 3.60 ac 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00 Children’s Banded Hats at 12, 15, hp to 60c Men’s Cotton Crash Suits I sold at 3 50 Children’s Slippers and fS'hoes from 26 TO 1.00 now 1.90. Sold at 2.60 now 1.50 I.adies' 'Irimmed Ha’s for48, 65, 75, 1.00 v en’s Stiaw Hats ac lO, 15 and SOc. Nice Ettamene Koyal Dress Goods given away with every $3.00 worth of purchases made at this Store. Do your self good and come see ns or send y.ur orders. We guarantee to please you on l>res8 Goods, Silks, Laces, Millinery, Shoes, Slippers, Clothing, Trtmks, Valises, Mosquito Canopies, and window Shades. Come and try us and we will do our best to please yon and save yon money at the largest store in the city, at 112 North Front Street, near the Post Office. GEO O. GAYLORD, PROP. Wilmington’s Big Racket Store imiied Paint, EMPIRE PASTE PAINT. ANTI TRUST WHITE LEAD. AGENTS FOR AMERICAN LINSFIED OIL CO. I rt'e are prepared to luraish heat Paints at Lowest Prices. Write tor Color-Cards and Quota- ttons. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. AND BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. IN. JACOBI HARDA'ARE CO. To the Public : This is the place to get your nOKET’S WORTH. Suits Cleaned and Pressed at Short Kutlce. The Finest Dying done In the City. All Work done Satisfactorly, Prices Reasonable. Ladles’ Skirts a Specialty. Wilmington Pressing Club, Bell ’Phone 490. 207 MARKET ST. L. C. SUTTON, M’g’r. mim cuMMuiG, Gofflqs, (gaskets, ^c. Sawmill Foot Bf Dock St. Bell ’Phone 4.79. Inter-State ’Phone 95 I KEEP TWO UNDERTAKERS. W. L THARP, White, AND B.W.Teachey,Colored,"Redcro»sL‘' Who will serve you day and night. Guarantees Lowest Prices in the City. Come and See. I keep first class Green Grocery Supplies all the time. They come fresh from the Farms and Gardens every day. Also Chickens, Eggs, Confectioneries, etc. I respectfully solicit your trade. C. E. COLLINS k CO. 213 Market St. Both ’Phones 163. The Reason Why ,''!o niiAnyun^ Fourth aud Bladen StH l8 the place to carry your prescriptions and buy yours Drugs is because he cau save j'ou MONEY and will give you the best and | Purest '^^edicines that ca» be manufactured. Wo have an elegant display of TOILET SOAPS at remarkably low prices- BfimiCI C. MOORE, Registered Druggist, Fourth and Blanden Sts. Pianos and Organs. Eiggei stock ttan ,ver,_ FurniturS ^ Garpsts. tower Prices than ever. We have determined to run this years’ business far ahe-nd of any previous year and to do this we will make our prices under all competition and offer iineq’ualed bargains in all lines. Write us for our late price list. We guaran tee everything we sell. The only GREAT FURNITURK, CARPET and MUSIC HOUISE in the Carolinas. Write us for Estimates and Prices. E. M. ANDREWS’ Furniture and Music Co., isr, o. C. W. Yates & Co. ■WILMINGTON, N. C. The Largest Book and stationery House in the State. SCHOOL BOOKS & SCHOOL SUP PLIES A SPECIALTY. DEPOSITORY FOR ALL TEXT BOOKS ADOPTED BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, BLANK BOOKS AND OFFICE REQUISITES. 100.000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER, FROM oc. TO 20c. PER ROLL. PICTURES & FRAMES. FRAMES of ALL SIZES MADE to ORDER. HAMMOCKS, PORCH SCREENS, SPORTING GOODS & KODAKS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS C. W. YATES & CO. N. F. PARKER, Furniture k Furniture Novelties. 17 South Kront St The Floest—Best Selected Stock In the South. TUCKER’S Gfflituii’ .iht ■ Dealer in all Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, Iron Fencing. &c. Designs on Application. P. O. Box 277, Wilmington, N. C. Branch yard at Goldsboro, N. C. Tile PI„ACE to buy &OOI> BREAD and CAKESi, CAXDIEi$ of all kinds Palace Bakery, 119 Market Street. My prices are for SPOT CASH, but to reliable parties I will Bell on terms suited to their convenience. For the accommodation of those who cannot visit my Store during reg ular business hours I will keep open Mondays and Thursdays until 8:30 P. M. Our "Never Rip” School SHOE Is what you want to buy for that boy. These SKQES have no SEAMS and ho can’t rip them Peterson ^ Rulfs. #0 igents. So Canvasse s. So Collectors Look for Bargains in Star,Messenger ana Dispatch. Why Not GIVE ^ REMBERT your Hair Cuts when yott want them in the best StyIc* Anyone with needed Jii igment will be convinced. 1214 So. Front St, W ilmlngton.N.C You are Cordially invited to come and see m UIIGIST COKHCTIOHHi! SIORI 111 XUC PITY Where you can get THE BEST Quality of ANYTHING IN OUR LINE 111 int II11 at Reasonable Prices."^'"" Yours to Serve, BELL ’PHNOE No. 346. INfER-STATE No. 191 Jil^ Atak Ik#'JM W5 705 NORTH IQURTH STREET.