V The Atlantic Messenger. Monthly. ] Devoted to the Relief of Baptist Destitution in Eastern North Carolina. [25 Cents per Year. VOLUME TWO. NEW BERN, N. 0., APRIL, 1902. NUMBER TWELVE. WORK AND WORKERS. 'a THE CARTERET-ONSLOW FIELD. Rev. J. B. Olive, Swansboro. Our work is moving slowly but steadily. AVe have no large re- 230i’ts to make but we are making some progress along the line of building. Our house at Caper naum is weatherboarded and cov ered. We hope to use it in May for the first time. We have as yet asked for but little help away from home, but will have to call on the brethren and sisters of sister churches to help us before we can complete our building as we are weak and have about exhausted our means at home. If we could find a few more liberal men like Mr. W. E. Tuesdell, of Brooklyn, Y. Y., who sent us a check for $25 we could soon complete our house. If there is any one who is willing to help us, they will please for ward the money to Bro. R. F. Bar ber, Palo Alto, or to myself at Swansboro, N. C., and the money will be properly used for the church. Bad weather and sickness pre vented us from meeting some of our ap])ointinents, but our work generally is in a healthy condition. x\.t our next writing we will speak more freely of the other points-_ and perhaps give a complete list of those that have contributed with the amount given. Not being able to attend the Lmion Ave anticipated a day of rest but having been , called on to con- ■"^Tiinerai services ol littlcf ters together with a host of friends THE CRAVEN COUNTY FIELD. who mourn their loss. Hers was a life of simple trusting faith, and a death which was triumphant. She was faithful to her church and home. WILMINGTON NOTES. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell, Wilmington. Rev. C. B. Paul will take hold at South side the first of May. A Rev. J. B. Newton, Fort Barnwell. Dear Bro. Moore:—Aly work moves along reasonably well. The Ladies’ Mission Society observed self-denial week in connecdon with our Church prayer services last week. The services were not largely attended, but helpful to those who did attend. Collection $£ Since our last acknowledgments big field, a warm welcome and a j)over Church lot two dollars large place in our hearts await cents was paid by the writer which secures the title of him. Brooklyn has not yet decided. They, have ben tasting '.so many good things recently that fit is hard for them to decide whicii is the best. Rev. Jndson \^ipper)nan, of Dallas, greatly pleased the''people. But he is so firmly rooted in dre af fections of the hill-country that it is not certain that he could be pull ed up and transplanted. Spine are looking to one of that brave band of leaders at (harlotte. But the Lord will guide—if the brethren will let Him. Precious time hies and souls are being lost. j Our intyr-denominational preach er’s Conference vdiich meets eviery Monday is preparing to take a ^e- iigious census on the Hugh Cork plan. Thi“ means a division eif the city into eighty sections, tw5 workers for each section, and Ausijt CA^ery home on the same day air the same tAvo hours of the day. In the lot. M^e are ready noAv to re- (?eRe funds for the materials to construct a building. We had tAA'o good services at CoA’e last Saturday. There Avere four requests for prayer. Appreciative congreo-ations greet us ev^ery first Sunday at Spring Garden. The high Avater ke])t me from crossing for Vanceboro the last two meetings. Many tokens of kindness on the part of my people are shoAvn us from time to time in a substantial way. like him in any single commun ity. To see the community, the school and the perfect happiness of all the pupils is to make you want to abide there, and if you have children to educate, thirst for them to have such advantages. The roll has noAV gone much be yond 200. MOREHEAD CITY. Rev. A. W. Setzer, Morehead City. Dear Bin. Moore:—1 am re minded that it is time for my let ter to I'he Me.ssenger. I have nothing of unusual importance to report from Morehead City for the past tAvo months. The Avork here has be(‘n going along as usual. At this writing, Bro. W. P. Hines, of Portsmouth, V^a., is aiding me in a meeting. He is doing some fine gos])el preaching and there is some interest, but the meeting lias not We have held our regular ser vices Avith one exception Avhen it rained us out, Avhicli Ave truly re gretted because of the fact that Bro. Boone of the Orphanage Avas with us and desired to speak to us that night on the Oiqihanage. IIoAvever, my people are fully en listed in that AA-ork and send $8.50 per month to the Orphanage. We confidently ho]ie Ave may have the ])leasure of haA’ing Bro. Boone Avith us again at a more favorable vet resulted in the ingatliering Ave had hoped for. The Avriter Avas sorry to miss the 1 Union Meeting. He Avas prcATiit- tmie. Our Sunday school and congre- 'gation is groAving and noAV S]iring has come Ave liojie it may have a decided groAvth in both. We are learning to knoAV very many of the good people of the toAvn having made about one hundred Ausits We are noAv in the midst of a meeting of days aided by Brother Blanchard, and Ave are jiraying for and expecting a great blessing from the Lord. Will tell about the .meeting next time. THE PAMLICO FIELD. THE WORK AT WINTERVILLE. Rev. C. W. Blanchard. Idiis little place is destined to be a household word with all the ]ieople of this State, and then to lengthen the cords of its influence Florence Odum, daughter of Bro. Orpha Odum and Avife, gave tis no rest. She Avas a bright little girl, only a foAv Aveeks over three years old. She has gone to rest and may the parents be enabled to say Avith David, “but 7ioav she is -df'sd, Avherefore should Ave fast ? Can Ave bring her back again ? We shall go to her, but she cannot re turn to us.” And may the Lord help them to remember that they have more attraction in IleaA^en and less on earth! THE EAST CARTERET FIELD. Rev. N. L. Gaskins, Davis. Dear Messenger:—All appoint ments have been met this month. I am glad to note an increase in attendance. I am trusting that the general Avork aaIU assume a more promising aspect as the Spring days come on. I Avas high ly pleased Avith the earnestness and enthusiasm of my people at Atlan tic on last appointment. They arq a noble folk and I long to see the day Avhen Ave shall have a church here Avith a hundred mem bers. We are pained in this report to record the death of sister Ann Jud- son Davis and sister Ann T. Bab bitt both of Davis. Sister Davis Avas born Sept. 10, 1831 and died Feb. 12, 1902. She professed faith in Christ and Avas baptised by Rev. T. ,L Leary in 1867; united Avith the Baptist church and lived a consistent and beautiful Christian life. She leaves a husband and five children together Avith many friends to mourn their loss. She died glor iously reconciled to the Father, and at peace Avith all mankind. Sister Babbitt Avas born Nov. 11, 1830, and departed this life Feb. 3, 1902. She professed faith in Christ and Avas baptized by Re\'. Janies L. Warreii in 1858. She leaA^es one son and tAvo daugh- till the sun Avill not set upon its this Avay to get the church and Sun- ftelfei tiA'e Avork. IVhat a privilege lay-school s^ns of every AAhite jkiue keels to liaA^e figured in setting family in the c,i y. This Avith ref-1thus:' influences to work. The sur- erence to advaf^je work along Sun-!]'.‘Wing advaMages of the school day school Lues by all the church-'Jcam only be fmly knoAvn by those e'5. ,Tlie. ehjifcllv-. ■-'At ■^uht wLJig. “ ''a Tf o' Sunday ScL^Ms. -Oav 3,h8I. The : it.'‘Wx[ ,,.1.;,^ ago ReAO L. aim is to ixcu ||^ it'5,000 or more, tlolii ston, our State Corresponding Knrollmit uYttendance and con-' S'^u'etary, passed through and tributions ig 4Re First church are ‘ito})ped over to deliA'er an educa- 011 the incuellse. The pastor closes | |ional address. I'he School be- the series of night sermons on the icame interested in him and he “Denominations” next Sunday bv stayed OA'er to preach tAA'o sermons, defining thti. jiosition of the Bap- The Avliole community as Avell as tists. Some think he has given school Avas moved by the gospel so much ifteat to the others that hv md he Avitnessed a Pentecost. Per- ed from going by the meeting in his church. At a (’onference meeting held at the time of our last appointment at Moore’s Chapel, that church de cided to take letters and become members of the Morehead ('ity church,the latter church maintain ing that church as an “arm.” This course was taken after much delib erate thought and an earnest studv Avill haA'e nothing but bones left haps 20 or 30 professed hope in for the Baptists. ■ : Christ and many Avere left anxious. So far as made knoAvn but foAV On fourth Sunday in March Ave from this section Avill go up to preached morning and evening Asheville. But if the festive'and folloAved it by a sermon siraAvberry does his full duty, seA^-'every night till Thursday night, eral may And time and means tojWe had another return of Pen- go. * jtecost. It seems that the AvIiole The anti-Saloon T.eague of the toAvn and community Avas moved. The hardest sinners were heart State is moving on the hosts of sin in our direction. General Oates came doAvn as far as Point Cas well last Sunday on a reconiK'iter- ing expedition and captuf/ed a broken. But Ave Avere forced to leaA'e it in its period of glory to other fill engagements. confessions Avere made. Ten })iclApt-post. Some of the ohltime Avere baptized, tAvo receiA'ed on ex- liq^or leaders joined his League. > perience and others presented The 68 saloon men of Wilmington j themseh'es as candidates for bap- seejn but little disturbed/as yet. tism aaIucIi Avill take ]>lace on our Rev. J. R. Marshall is doing some return on the fourth Sunday in cffectDe Avork against the but ])Osts I April. We hope at that time to in NeAv Hanover and BrunsAvick. , find many more ready to enter “Ye Scribe” Avill deliver the the Church. Among those crmmencement sermons at Win- throp College, Rock Hill, S. (\, June 15th, and at Davidson on May 16 th. The doAvn pour of rain made the Friday and Saturday features of our Wilmington fifth Sunday IJn- alniost a failure. Rain con- ion A'erted Avere many aaJio Avill ])VLt their niembershi]) Avith other churches, but our great satisfac tion is to knoAv that they are (dirist’s. He Avill lead them and feed them. When Ave filled our appointment on here fourth SundaA' in Februarv Sundays for many Aveeks has bin-j there Avas no iiool in the church for baptizing and no annex to the dered the country meetings great Iv. Death removed from the First Church tAvo active young men and one mother in Israel, all Avithin a few AA''eeks. Others have united and peace ]ireA^ails in our Zion. Alany ])rayers Avent up for the Church for Sunday School use. When Ave preached there the fourth Sunday in March, the Sundav' school classes Avere taught of the situation. As has already been announced, Atlantic Institute Avill close its first session May 7, 8, 9. '. The til* re is a future for this enterprise that ought to stimulate the Bajitist of the Atlantic .Vssociation to greater activitA’ than has A'et char- acterized their efforts. We must build the school-house before the opening of the Fall term. All hands to Avheel and the ball Avill roll! Rev. J. R. Taylor, Bayboio. The good jieople of Bayboru have decided to eomjJcte and paint our parsonage, AA’hich will add much toAvard beautifying it The brethren and sisters at Oriental have decided to .start on their hous(' in putting Avliat money they Iiave in material ami trust God to aid in bringing it to :coim pletion. Bro. Blanchard aauII da us both s(U'vice and good bv com ing doAvn y-re to see us. pastor AvilCb' glad to entertain At ou.'P last appointment at ajipointed a building of brethren, L. G. Vrthur Price, Lathinghous, Morris, and Holton, fftr the ])urpose of erecting a Ba])tist house of Avorship.. Breth ren, Ave need a church house here and. niust liaA-e one. No denomi nation Avill ever prosper in a free and open house. One of the leading characteris tics of the Baptists is expansion. The jiastor last Sunday jireaclied to a large gathering of people on Goose Creek Island. This is a Avonderful ])lace for seA^eral reas ons'. 1 told my companion Avhile going doAvn, if Ave should hapjien to .see or meet some half-monkeys, I Avouhl not be sur])rised by Avhat I have heard, and from Air. Dar win’s theory of evolution. But I am glad to say the monkeys do not liA'e doAvn there. I found some nice Christian-hearted men and Avnmen there. I am iinprcssed Avith these [leojile. There is on this island and Bay enough peoiple of The TABERNACLE, NEW BERN. in comfortable annexes, and the candidates recoA^erA' of Rev. R. IT. Herring night in a during his illness at Albemarle, and all rejoice in his return of health. When he left us he took, not only our esteem, but one of our fair Avomen. Avere baptized that AA'ell constructed pool under the ])latform of the i)ul]iit. Bro. A. G. (Yx is the prince of laymen of all our knoAvledgc. He is the Lord’s preacher, teacher, cA'angelist and business man. There is not room but for one just Rev. J. A. McKaughan, New Bern. Time Avaits for no man. To those of us AA'hose lives are filled Avith Avork and Avho feel the Aveight of the responsibility of life, time ]iasses Avithout our knoAvledge and Ave thus groAV old and do not knoAv it. It does not seem that I have been Avith the Tabernacle saints but a feAv days, and yet the first quarter of the year is passed. Time ]iass- es more rajiidly Avhen Ave liaA^e pleasant surroundings and kind loving friends, and such has been our lot since Ave entered the Avork as pastor of the Tabernacle church. They haA'e made us feel the throb of their loA'ing sym])athetic hearts. It has neA'er been my lAriA'ilege to seiwe a Avarnier hearted, or a more self-sacrificing peo])le than the Tabernacle saints. Since enter ing upon my Avork and seeing the liberality of my people I have been made to realize as neA'er l>e- fore Avhat our Baptist peo])le in North Carolina coidd do if they only had the S])irit of liberality. If a little church of seventy-five members AA'ho are poor can raise one hundred dollars per month for all objects Avhat ought some of our churches in the State raise for Christ’s cause ? Aly ])eo])le haA'e realized in their OAvn hearts that “it is moi’o blessed to give than to recewe.” During this time nothing has occurred out of the usual line. The good ]3co- ple of NeAv Bern are too conserva- tiA'e to alloAv out of the line. In the Avay our fathers trod is good enough for them. Truitt '^*5 commi'He Thonui' Gillxu't Gaskins, school age to run tAA'o nice schools. Can Ave not reach them / 300 children groAving u]) in ignorance. No preaching. Brethren, avc must reach these peo])le. We talk about Missions in foreign fields; Ave liaA'e a vast sco])e of country here that no denomination has yet penetrated. It is true the Prim itive Ba])tists have churches here on the- Island, but to my mind the church that adA'oeates ignorance, and says “(fiirist Avas 2,000 years behind and they Avant to stay be hind” is not worthy of the name church. Brethren, the fields are AA'hite noAv unto haiu'est, but oh! Avhere are the reapers ? I some times Avish I Avas able to do tAvo men’s Avork. By the help of God and the sup- ])ort Cff the brotherhood, I shall re main Avith this people longer than I had intended. May the Lord use me' for His glory and King dom. I':-. • '■■y.aA! -m ‘ U.' V-