NEW BERN MILITARY ACADEMY AND CAROLINA BUSINESS COLLEGE. The lovely city of New Bern is to be congratulated on having in its midst such an excellent institution of learn ing as the New Bern Military Acade my and Carolina Business College. This school has come to stay. There is already much pride and interest manifested in it. The number of stu dents are growing every week. The President is Colonel S. J. Halla- day, a gentleman of high culture, fine education, graceful manners, and above all, a devout Christian. His in fluence in the school room and out of it is power for right living. He pos sesses in rare degree the teacher’s instinct. Every department is under the management of an expert. Study well the bill of fare in each department and send your sons and daughters to New Bern, N. C. Business Department. The Carolina Business College, un der the supervision of Major A. S. Carson, is giving its patrons superior advantages. The work is simple and practical, fitting young men and wo men to go out into the business world as book-keepers, business managers, stenographers and reporters. A few months’ application, a little patience, and you have acquired a profession that is both lucrative and pleasant— as the Major terms it, “an easy ‘bread- and-meat get^r.’’ Major Carsoi\in his methods of in struction, is fully abreast of the best and latest principles, employing only the most approved methods of instruc tion. These facts account for his ex traordinary success in business col leges, and the strong hold he has upon the esteem and confidence of his pa trons. People judge by results, and the results of his teaching have been uniformly of the highest grade. Ma jor Carson is not only a teacher, but a student as well, studying the most approved systems of book-keeping and stenography as they are being invent ed, thus keeping himself in touch with all the latest moves. The Military Department. “A sound mind and virtuous heart in a sound body” is the product of true education. The Head, Heart and Hands must be trained together in the’ right way. Such a training makes the strong, well-rounded man. The New Bern Military Academy, in our opinion, is accomplishing this end fully. Not only are the cadets re ceiving the best training that can be given in the way of cultivating the mind, and having influence thrown around them which develop the high est and noblest manhood, but special attention is being given to the health of each student, and the military training is making strong and sturdy young men of them, physically. The military drill puts inta* exercise all of the principle muscles of the body, and gives strength and dignity of car riage to the young man, which readily distinguishes him from his less fortu nate companions in after life. The fine mental discipline and the acquirements of habits of punctuality, neatness, obedience to superiors, faith fulness to duty, and keeping of regu lar hours under barrack regulations, all tend to bring into activity those faculties peculiar to the most perfect type of manhood. The officers of the New Bern Mili tary Academy are experienced and well versed in military affairs. The cadets, under their training, are mak ing rapid progress in this phase of their education. Department of Music. Miss Lily Ford Snead, who was edu cated at Hollins Institute, Virginia, by special courses in New York city and New England Conservatory, and who has an established reputation in Southern colleges, is a teacher of the very first type, and has a full depart ment of music. From the very outset f;he has readily created a strong and lasting impression as a thoroughly efficient Director of Music, and a lady of Christian character. Her students are inspired with a love for music, which elevates their aim to higher ideals, and her enthusiastic manner of teaching fires her students with a de termination to achieve greater possi ble success in their work. Miss Snead easily stands as a leader among the best musicians in the country, and we consider those exceptionally fortu nate who are able to come under her teaching. The Girls’ Dormitory. Miss Adina Garen, graduate of Asheville Normal College, also of Pea body Normal College, of Nashville, Tenn., with her long experience and the ease with which she controls the young ladies, make her especially suited for the position as Lady Princi pal. She has exclusive control of the young ladies’ dormitory, and the girls are at all times under her watch-care, and everything is done for their com fort. The Ellis building, the dormi tory for girls, has beautiful surround ings and all that might be conducive to the happiness of the young ladies is provided. Miss Garren, as instruc tor of mathematics and English, can not be too highly recommended. The Preparatory Department. Captain Smith, with his forcible and interesting manner of teaching, is be loved by his pupils, and he, in every way, implants in the receptive young minds of his pupils, those principles which arouse a growing thirst for knowledge, and which tend to awaken the strongest and truest aspirations. Captain Hardison, who is a tutor in this department, has proven himself a man of ability as a rising young teacher and as a student he is a credit to any institution. Officers. We feel that we cannot refrain from making mention of the loyal cadet offi cers, Captain Simpson and Lieutenant S. J. Casey, and other noble young men whose influence for good among the other cadets and their marked loyalty to the institution awaken for them unstinted praise. Loyalty of Students. The greatest advertisement of which any institution can boast is the good things said in its behalf by its students. No school has ever had a more loyal student-body than the New Bern Mili tary Academy and Carolina Business College. They never fail to speak in highest terms of praise of the school when they have an opportunity, and many others have been induced to enter by letters from the students. Course of Study. The course of study given by the New Bern Military Academy covers a period of four years; two prepara tory and two collegiate, enabling the student to enter the junior year of any college or university after receiv ing a diploma from the Military Academy. This is of untold benefit to boys and girls who hope to obtain a college education. Normal Department. We learn with pleasure that a spe cial course has been arranged for by the faculty of the New Bern Military Academy, for the benefit of public school teachers. Competent instruc tors will have charge of this depart ment and the very best advantages will be afforded. This course of instruction will be gin March the first, and will continue during the remaining three months of the term. Special rates are offered to teachers. This is quite an advan tage to young teachers who desire to prepare for examinations, or to better prepare themselves for their profes sion. HELP! HELP! ! HELP! ! ! Brother J. B. Olive, one of our faithful pastors and missionaries in Onslow county, is asking the churches to help in the erection of a house of worship at Spring Hill. Brethren, you who read this letter, send him a contribution. No man stands higher than Brother Olive and he knows how to make a dollar roll as far as any man in our Association. Dear Brethren: We are trying to build a house of worship at Spring Hill, N. C. Spring Hill is a mission point. The work was started there about two years ago and the organization of a Bap tist church soon followed, but we are laboring under great disadvantages, not having a suitable place of worship and not being able to complete the house within ourselves, we have de cided to appeal for help through the religious press of North Carolina, trusting that brother pastors and deacons will bring the matter before their churches and take collections EVERYTHING IN Books and Stationery. ENNETT’S BOOK STORE. for the same. We are very thankful for small contributions and larger in proportion. All contributions may be sent to Alexander Trott, Deppe, N. C., who will use the money for the best ad vantage for the church. The pros pects are bright and hopeful if we can succeed in getting a house. May the Lord put it into the hearts of His people to lend a helping hand where it is so much needed. J. B. OLIVE, Pastor. Condensed For Four Days. “There was a good old lawyer of the good old southern type,” said a judge, “who had a most eloquent way of pleading. His brief lor three days had been a marvel of classical allu sion and legal erudition. “The judge, however, became a trifle impatient and, as gently as he could, intimated that the docket was somewhat crowded, and it might be to the client’s interest if the lawyer could contrive to end his plea. And, do you know, the old barrister declar ed that the last four days of his ar gument were a marvel of condensa tion.” Be Careful In selecting a present for your son or your daughter, your Sun day School scholar or your young friend, to give them a Good Book. We have them ranging in price from 10c. to $2.00, but we espe cially recommend for young peo ple the following books, which we sell at 20c. and 25c. each. The Christ in Whom Christians Believe; The Beauty of a Life of Service; Lord Teach' us to Pray; In my Name; The Changed Life; First! A Talk With Boys; God’s Word and God’s Work; Faith; The Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments; Words of Help for Christian Girls; Twelve Causes of Dishonesty; Popular Amuse ments; Crucifixion of Philip Strong; In His Steps; Robert Hardy’s Seven Days ; John Ploughman’s Pictures; John Ploughman’s Talks; Pilgrim’s Progress; Then Where?; Self-Pro nouncing Testaments; Teachers’ Bibles; Large Print Testaments and Gospel Hymns. Remember that ever}^ dollar of profit from the sale of these books is contributed to Associational Missions and Colportage in the Atlantic Association. Yours truly, J. C. WHITTY cfe CO. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. It will pay you to examine his stock when in need of Groceries. 7i Broad Street, New Bern. J. L. McDANIEL. J. S. MILLER, THE LEADING Furniture Dealer OF NEW BERN, Has on hand a very nice line of Up-To-Date Furniture. Come To Headquarters! A. T. MOORE’S MEAT MARKET VEGETABLES, CANNED GOODS. Bring me your Produce. I pay Highest Cash Prices for same. A. T. MOORE, Morehead City, N. C. THE TONG WAH rAUNDRY! The place to receive courteous treatment and to have your Shirts and Collars nicely laundered. Corner Middle and Broad Streets, NEW BERN, N. C. People always should go Where they can get the best of everything—especially Food. The best Meats of all kinds you can find at the Oaks Meat Market! To the Country People That have Stock, Wool, Wax, Hides, Chickens, etc., to sell it will be to your advantage to bring your produce to us, as we are giving the Highest Prices for same. Oaks Meat Market, 57 Broad Street. NEW BBRN, N. C. Phone 123 .COPYRIGHT WELL-DRESSED PEOPLE find mutual pleasure in meeting. The ‘question: “Where did they get it?” naturally suggests Itself to every mind. Masculine models of perfec tion here in New Bern, generally speaking, are our customers. Our woolens speak, not in loud tones of vulgarity, but in the soft, persuasive accents of refinement. Every suit we make is a shining example of finished tailoring. F. M. CHADWICK. e DBeg'iarx 10O^ At the advent of the new year we desire to express the sincere wish that for one and all it may contain 366 happj’ and prosperous days. We also wish at this time to thank those who by their pat ronage and commendation have made 1903 one of the most suc cessful years in the history of our business. We fully appreciate the fact that a very large part of the increase is due to the kind words of our customers, and we solicit a continuance of these favors. We shall strive to merit them by endeavoring more and more to make this a drug store to which every one can come with absolute confidence in the quality of goods, the carefulness of its service and the reasonableness of its prices. WE WANT TO BE YOUR DRUGGIST IN 1904.. O. 1>. 1 PHARMACIST AND CHEMIST, NEW BERN, N. C. /. L. McDANIEL, WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCER, ^ BROAD STREET, NEW BERN, N. C., Carries a Large and Well Selected Stock of Groceries and Provisions. ,iP'' ■ ; ^ ■-vV ’.A'