■V ll. d, FOUNDERS DAY j e f OCTOBER 12, 1931 J Ic * ... T 1 THE HILLTOP V, BACK THE MOUNTAIN LIONS ^ )L VI. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 9, 1931 NO. 2 IICHARD ENGLAND IS CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF JUNIOR CUSS to ill ' ass Numbers Over Two Hundred Members; Organization Is Perfected. Gillespies Visit En Route To China '^Perlfection of the organization of C-1 class, which comprises over ^0 members, was made on Thurs- ' .y, October 1, when a meeting for ^^tion of officers was held. The following officers were chosen: President, Richard England; vice- resident, Geraldine Barrett; secre- daj. y-treasurer, Louise Gilliam; spon- y rs, Professor McLeod and Miss Ktty Moore; cheer leaders, Agnes ack and Turner Rogers. ^ This event was important in that ° was the first gathering of the C-l’s a group on this campus. A co- * lerative spirit was manifest through- it the meeting, and much interest "'^s shown in the selection of the #1. ficials. The president, Richard England, is native of Norris, S. C., and grad- ' ^ted from Mars Hill Academy last '®sLar. “Dick,” as he is known to his assmates, is one of the most popu- ■1^'r men on the campus. He possesses * ■'"adership ability, and this, plus his '^Vadiness to work, insures the class s ^ a splendid year. '• ' Miss Barrett, the vice-president, is graduate of Brevard High School Ihd is taking the pre-legal course, ^ fading to the LL. B. degree. 3 ■'* The secretary-treasurer. Miss Gil- khm, from Sanford, N. C., and a Other Interesting And Inspiring Chapel Talks During Week. FOUNDERS DAY OBSERVED ON OCTOBER 12TH Sanford Martin, Editor of Winston- Salem Journal to Deliver Principal Address. thi lo (Continued on page 4) :o( V. N. C. MUSIC MEET SUCCESS th isocal Club Hostess To Western Dis- OX trict Music Clubs. On Saturday, October 3, more than ^0 representatives from twelve mus- clubs covering eight towns, which )mpose the Western District of orth Carolina, were the guests of :^ie Mars Hill Woman’s club. Mrs. ^^ugene Davis, of Statesville, State ^^resident of the North Carolina Fed- •ation of Music Clubs, Mr. Dyer, jnean of Music at the University of -^orth Carolina, made the chief ad- :esses of the day. Mrs. George S. 'cCall, of Marion, district director •esided over the meeting. The meeting opened at 10 o’clock M the college auditorium, which had ^en attractively decorated for the ™'^ent. The invocation was offered by ie Rev. Dr. Oscar E. Sams. Mrs. A. McLeod, president of the Mars ill club, gave the welcoming ad- •ess, to which Mrs. S. J. Asbury, of orest City, responded. Mrs. J. C. orrow, Mrs. Larry Babst, and Mrs. . A. Meyers, of Hendersonville, sang Vve Maria” as a trio. The Mars Hill bllege chorus, composed of 60 voices id directed by Miss Zula Coon, at- acted particular attention with its :cellent rendition of “Unfold Ye jrtals.” Mrs. J. C. Morrow also ng a. vocal solo. A delicious luncheon was served I the college dining hall at the noon •ur, at which questions concerning lb problems were discussed. 'The afternoon session was devoted m Junior Work under the leadership ^ Mrs. A. W. Honeycutt, of Hen- rsonville. State Junior counselor, TO delivered the principal message the afternoon. Mrs. Preston ringfield, of Mars Hill, district jun- : counselor, brought out the fact at three new Junior Clubs had been ganized in the past year, two of ase being in Mars Hill. Evelyn McLeod, the youngest mem- r of the two Mars Hill Junior clubs, lyed “The Slumber Song” to the light of the assembly. Mars Hill was greatly privileged having these delegates as its guests, this was one of the most important isical events to take place in West- 1 North Carolina. The visitors ex- assed apppreciation for the splen- 1 reception which was extended to am while here. One of the most impressive chapel services of the year was that of Fri day, October 2, when Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gillespie, enroute to the in terior of China as missionaries, stopped for a brief visit with Mars Hill friends and were present for chapel exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie were ap pointed by the Baptist Mission Board to fill the vacancy caused by the death of that great Baptist Mission ary, Dr. Sallee. In speaking to the student body and faculty members, Mr. Gillespie told of the great inspiration that he had received from Dr. Moore and from the college, during his stay here as a student and since leaving here, and said further that Mars Hill had meant far more to him than any oth er educational institution. “Frequently,” he said, “people question why we are going to China to bury ourselves there. To answer this we reply, ‘We are going because Jesus asked us to. We love Him and want to do something for Him. In closing, Mr. Gillespie stated that he had rather be deprived of his arms and legs than of the opportunity of furthering the cause of Christianity. J. H. Fulghvon, president of Moun tain Park Institute in Surry County, was the speaker in chapel on Mon day, September 28, and spoke on “Building a House.” After bis in spiring message, Mr. Fulghvon de lighted his audience with several har monica selections. At the chapel hour on September 29, Miss Alva Lawrence, State Lead er of Young People’s Department with her associates. Misses Mitchell and Bourne, were present, the two latter speaking briefly on their work with young people. MANY EUGIBLE TO SCHOLARSHIP CLUBS-THREE CLUBS ON CAMPUS G. Douglas Booth I International Relations Club Lead in To Address I. R. C. Internationally Known Figure Will Visit Campus November 4tb. Mars Hill College will celebrate its sqyenty-sixth birthday on Monday, October 12, with Sanford Martin, editor of the Winston Salem Journal, as the principal speaker of the pro gram. About eight years ago October 12, was selected as Founders Day in hon or of Edward Carter the donor of the first land for the College. The pol icy of commemorating the establish ment of the College was inaugurated at that time and has continued annu ally since. The programs have chief ly been in recognition of the begin nings and accomplishments of the College. Last year the diamond an niversary was observed with such scope as to draw the attention of the entire Southland to the College. Founders Day program will this year feature an address by Sanford Martin, of Winston-Salem, who is the editor of the Winston-Salem Journal, and an outstanding journalist. Pub lic recognition of the recent benefac tors of the College will be made. Ap propriate musical selection and short speeches will complete the program. The Founders Day programs have sought to reflect the glorious past of Mars Hill and to inspire the present for a more glorious future. Number of Eligibles This Year. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is sending Mr. C. Douglas Booth, of London, England, to address the International Relations Club on November 4th. Mr. Booth, traveler, publicist, lecturer, authority on Balkan affairs, who has spent a number of years in the near East and the Balkans collect ing political and economic material for a new book, will visit Internation al Relations Clubs during the fall of 1931. The Endowment assumes all ex penses for traveling and honorarium for one lecture. Mr. Booth will come to Mars Hill on Wednesday, Nov ember 4th, and leave the following day. His subjects while in the United States are: 1. The Permanent Court of Inter national Justice. 2. The Austro - Germanic Rap prochement as a Stabilizing Factor in Middle Europe. 3. British Foreign Policy. 4. Balkan Consolidation a Neces sity to European Peace. 5. Remarks on Disarmament. LAUREL RAPIDLY TAKING FORM C-H HOLDS FIRST REGULAR MEETING OCT. 1 Senior Cheer Leaders Elected; Sen iors Express Support to Laurel. Staff Urges Cooperation For 100% Support of Annual. At the meeting of the C-II Class on Thursday, October 1, Martha Stack was elected chief cheer leader and :harles Alexander assistant. With Tom Moore, vice-president, presiding, everal matters of business were brought before the class. An appeal was made by Bruce Grainger for the full co-operation of he seniors in support of the “Laurel.” A large number signified the intent ion of having pictures in this year’s annual. All were urged to pay the fee of two dollars as soon as possible, in order that the engraving might be done at less expense. William McLester, editor-in-chief, briefly summarized the history and growth of Mars Hill’s annual, and showed copies of the different forms it has taken during its various stages. He stressed the advantages of own ing a “Laurel.” Willard Griggs brought to the at tention of the class a bill charged to his account for tools misplaced at the Junior-Senior Reception. A commit tee was appointed to look into the matter. Sponsor- “Daddy” Blackwell ex pressed his delight at the splendid class spirit manifested at the meet ing, which had the largest attendance yet attained. With Bill McLester as editor-in- chief, work on the 1931-32 edition of the “Laurel” has been started. In dividual student pictures will be made in the next few weeks. Mr. String- field, who is to make the pictures, is ready at any time; so as soon as fi nancial arrangements are completed, this work will begin. Every student is urged to have his picture put in the “Laurel,” thus making an edition as complete as possible. The co-operation of the entire stud ent body is essential to the success of the annual. If each member will do his part by paying now the small payment asked for, he will enable the staff to receive a large dicsount n the engraving, therefore lessening the cost of the “Laurel.” The editor and all his co-workers pledge themselves and devote their entire resources to the production of the best annual Mars Hill has ever produced and are depending on the student body to back them up by their hearty co-operation. OVER 400 TAKE STUDY COURSE Soon after the beginning of each new semester, many begin to look forward to seeing or hearing the names of those who, in return for their many efforts in making those coveted and necessary grades, receive the honor oif being allowed member ship in scholarship clubs on Mars Hill campus. There are three scholarship clubs on the campus, the Scriblerus, the Science, and the International Rela tions Clubs. In order to become a member of one of these, it is neces sary forgone to make at least an av erage of “B” on the required sub jects. Although one may be eligible to more than one club, one may be long to only one. If one does not know the full requirements for mem bership to these clubs, he should read his catalog or ask some one for the desired information. Those eligible to the Scriblerus Club are: Dorothy Allen, Hyatt Forrest, Shirley Gibbs, Kathleen Gilleland, M. H. Kendall, Wilson Lyday, Madge Myers, Mary McLean, Berenice Os bourne, Mard Pittman, Eva Robbins, Catharine Rollins, William Speer, Ha zel Sprinkle, Martha Wager, Frank lin Wilkins, Paul Buck, Robert Bur nett, Bruce Ellen, Samuel Justice, Clarence Mayo, Ruth Rogers, Edith Van Gundy. Those eligible to the Science Club Eight Classes Held Twice Daily; Misses Beck and Frost Assist. First Extra Quota Student Arrives Fifteen States and Three Foreign Countries Now Represented In College More than four hundred students have been enrolled in a Sunday school study course for the past week. Real izing the importance of the teaching service in the church, the college has set aside a definite time each year for conducting the study courses. This year the classes were conducted daily, beginning Monday and ending Friday, from eleven until twelve and from one until one-thirty in the af ternoon. The courses offered were as fol lows: “Working With Juniors,” Miss Gladys Beck, teacher; “What Bap tists Believe,” Miss Margaret Frost, teacher; ‘The Sunday School Manu al,” Mr. Wood and Mr. J. B. Huff, teachers; “People Called Baptists,” Mr. Moore, teacher; “The Seven Laws of Teaching,” Mr. Stringfield, teach er; “Winning to Christ,” taught by Mr. Owen, teacher and famous bi ographer, taught by Mrs. Wilkins, as sisted by other members of the fac ulty. The College was quite fortunate in having Miss Gladys Beck, of Ra leigh, state worker, and Miss Mar garet Frost, of Nashville, Tennessee, south-wide worker, to assist in the teaching. are: Dorothy Allen, Tracy Burton, Odessa Carter, Alameda Carter, Ken neth Clark, Hyatt Forrest, Sarah Fox, Shirley Gibbs, Kathleen Gilleland, Pearl James, M. H. Kendall, Wilson Lyday, Ruth Moore, Thomas Moore, Mary McLean, Ruth Robertson, Cath erine Rollins, William Speer, Martha Wager, FYanklin Wilkins, Xack Woody, Paul Buck, Bruce Ellen, Clarence Mayo, Ruth Rogers, Edith Van Gundy. Those eligible to the International Relations Club are: Dorothy Allen, Sallie Brooks, Odessa Carter, Kenneth Clark, Hyatt Forrest, Shirley Gibbs, Kathleen Gil leland, Bruce Grainger, Max Isen- hour, Olive Jackson, Pearl James, M. H. Kendall, Ruth Moore, Dwight Mullis, Madge IMyers, Mary McLean, Berenice Osbourne, Jincy Owens, Mard Pittman, Gladys Poindexter, Mary Etta Poteet, Eva Robbins, H. Scarborough, Kathleen Smoak, Hazel Sprinkle, Clara Stover, Paul Tugman, Zack Woody, Bert Barr, Robert Bur nett, Bruce-Ellen, Marguerite Maun- ey, Clarence Mayo, Freeman Wright. Not the way you seem but the way you are.—The Masonic High Spot light. Alexis Vinokuroff, who arrived last week from Harbin, Manchuria, is the first extra quota student to enter Mars Hill since the College was placed on the list of approved colleges for foreign students. Last spring a communication was received from the Department of Labor, stating that Mars Hill College had been placed on the list of approv ed institutions for foreign students wishing to study in America under the extra quota ruling and that the con suls in all countries had been notified of the action of the Department. At present students from three for eign countries aid from fifteen states are enrolled in the College, the total enrollment, exclusive of those taking only departmental work, being 436. Y. W. A. Leaders Entertained At Tea The Y. W. A. Council was hostess at a tea Tuesday afternoon Sept ember 29, honoring Miss Pearl Bourne, Southwide Y. W. A. Secret ary, Miss Cleo Mitchell, State Baptist Student Worker, and Miss Alva Laurence, State Y. W. A. Leader, all of whom were visitors on the campus. The tea which marked the efficient beginning of this year’s work in the Young Women’s Auxiliary was given in the Euthalian Society Hall. Plans and programs of Y. W. A. work were discussed throughout the afternoon proving extremely beneficial as well as enjoyable. Dramatic Club Re ceives New Talent On Tuesday evening, September 22, the Dramatic Club met for the first time this year, receiving much new talent into its membership. Miss Wengert, director of the Club, ex pressed her pleasure at having the good new material. Plans were dis cussed for the coming year. The officers in charge were Willard Griggs, president; Elizabeth Cor- pening, vice-president; Flora Huff man, secretary; D. Furches, treasurer; and Pearl Howell, reporter. Expression students who professed a desire to join the Club were Paul Berry, John Reese, Hazel Herndon, Sue Stewart Moore, Sara Corpening, Ruth Cates, Pauline Wall, James Matthews, Charles Alexander, Eva Robbins, Doris Gibbs, Walter Jewett, Pearl Owenby, Broadus Hammond, Ruby Hays, Dorthy Hon, John Hold en, Julia Cox, Sylvia Ammons, Kath leen Gilliland, Louise Gillam, Grace West, and Ruamie Squier. Books: In the poorest cottage are Books. —Carlyle.

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