Page 4. THE HILLTOP, MARS HILL COLLEGE, MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA. Cupid’s Beau (Continued from Page 3) Mickey Cato lost her No. 18 sugar stamp not long ago so she has decided the only thing she can do now to save her sole is to take up with Shoe maker. Have you heard about Bruce and Gerry going to the Sci' ence building late one after noon last week to deliver a coat and hanging around so long trying to hang it up? Well, Dr. Moore didn't believe that one, either. Flash! It has just been an nounced that this week's most prominent and promising (promising what?) couple is (Sonnie Peterson and Rae Turner! Could the reason Nickie Rogers came to Miss Bingham's study course have anything to do with the fact that Dean Parris was in there? J. D. Pike, the newest smoothie on our campus, really gets around. But fast. It seems that he has already found him self a girl and settled down to stay a while with us. Bobbie Shope jujst can't seem to decide between Clinton and James. Well hurry up, will you. Remember, there ore two hundred and fifty gals waiting for the one you don't wont! It seems that Ronald Hill de cided he preferred the screwy type of female. So that's where Joyce Benfield fits into the pic ture. Irvin Cheney and Evelyn McDaniel are the eye-popping new couple on the campus. We're just waiting for another engagement to be announced! And don't you think Don Hale and Betty Miller make a darling couple? So congenial, you know. C'Fs Even Series To quote Earl Vaughan, "Don't you think this is getting just a little ’ excuputionary?' Anyway it's raining again and we gotta go hunt up our boots. Be careful 'till next time, when we hope we'll really be able to say with the poets: Spring has spnmg, The flowers is riz, I wonder where Them onions is!?!?! In a low-scoring basketball game, the C-I's evened the se ries at one all by defeating the C-II's 19 to 11. The C-I's were never behind even though the score was tied at the half. Shortly after the half the C-I's began a scoring drive that put them ahead. The feature of the game was the fine play of Boyce Medlin, who led the C-I's to a great victory over the C-II's. A third game may be played sometime in the near future. WE INVITE YOU THE CAFE WHERE M To Come By And See MARS HILL STUDEV Our Quality MEET Merchandise • • ■ TINGLE’™ R. S. Gibbs & Go. GAFE f| Mars Hill ... North Carolina Broadway Ashei 1 1 " -l5 When In Asheville ■kirk-k-k'kirk'k'kie'k'k'k'k-k'k'k'k'k-k'k'k'k Buy War Bonds ■k-k-k-k-k-k-k'kirk'k-k'k'k-kirk'k'k'k'k-k'k-k Famous For Sizzling STEAKS GROSS BROTHERS RESTAURANT 5 N.W. Pack Square Asheville . . . North Carolina Belk’s Welcomes Mars Hill Students To Asheville Belk’s Department Store 38 PATTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE — NORTH CAROLINA TRY OUR SODAS AND LUNCHEONETTES ROY’S GOOD FOOD AT ALL TIMES Mars Hill ... North Carolina EXPERT CLEANING AND PRESSING Mars Hill Gleaners Mars Hill North Carolina The Whole G ang’s Buying A NEW EASTER OUTFIT AT IVEY’S . . . and that's where I'm going for mine! They've got the things that make for a smarter younger set than any place in town! Youth’s Genter Third Floor IVEY/ FOR THOSE AFTERNOON SNACKS AFTER CLASSES The Gampus G o r n e r MARS HILL COLLEGE make BON MARGHE your Shopping Headquarters .or r th Ur :o] 'S nd r? d( sr WHERE QUALITY AND EXPERIENCE MEET Mars Hill Pharmacy Mars Hill North Carolina ‘Serving Western Carolina Since 1889” Eon Marche le ; Mi rge :er, ' c an [iss ghi F. J Jiol ^svi MARS HILL-WEAVERVILLE BUS LI]V“ SCHEDULES BETWEEN .ASHEVILLE & MARS HILL rek 8:15 11:15 3:00 6:00 Lv. Asheville Ar 10:15 1:45 4:45 be 9:10 12:00 3:45 6:45 Ar. Mars Hill Lv 9:30 1:00 4:00 oth AM AM PM PM am PM PM one There Is A Late Bus Leaving Asheville At 9:00 P.M. Saturday Only nee FOR CONVENIENCE PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL BUS L Ilac Aa Have a “Coke”=A thousand miles is not too far to cori or being friendly with a Chinese cadet Chinese flyers here in America for training have found that so simple a phrase as Have a ^^Coke** speaks friendship in any tongue. East» west* north* south* Coca-Cola stands for the pause that teftesbesj — has become the happy bond between people of good will. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. — ASHEVILLE, N. C. “Coke” = Coca-^’^t c It*» natural for popular^ is \ to acquire friendly abi^, , tions. TTiat’s why yoy.T is Coca-Cola called ^‘Cok«. of —^.ts. Back The Attack - Buy EXTRA War Bonds TODi for or b outi: