AAA TKe Hilllop Literary Edition Foreword MARY ELIZABETH KENYON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF lALLS SOCIATE EDITOR llTOR riON MANAGERS riON ASSISTANT . PEGGY FRITH MANAGING EDITOR NANCY HAYES _ ROGER SCOTT ANNE PATE. LOUIS ENSLEY M ARY FRANCIS COLLIS JO ANNE THORNTON, BETTYE STROMAN JO ANNt inw ^ COLLIE GARNER XXX APRIL 7, 1956 Number 12 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF MARS HILL COLLEGE — MARS HILL. N■ led as second class matter February 20, 1926, ai the Hill, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Issued )nthly during the college year. CorM )RD—The Ediloi's -Page Page OUR.SEI.F—John Angus McLeod ^ ORGF.T PARLE TOURNEY—Lillian I.iu . age HER .SIDE-Doiis Jones - - - } Ol’HER—Mary Julia Swift '; PASSED BY-Ren Taylor .ICHT—David Heafner ARE FUNNY—Anita Copeland 1 age ST I.OVE—Polly Osteen - ' ^g^ lEUNIONS—Rozella Jewell - — --1 age [INNER—Roger M. Scott --- - - '/‘g^^ tSCADES—Tom Fryer -- ^ ^g^ Since Mars Hill College does not publish a periodical literary journal, it is customary each spring for one of the issues of the Hilltop to be dedicated to the literary abilities of the student body. Through the pages of this the 1956 Literary Edition we give expression to your creative efforts. Only through such a sur vey as this can we recognize out standing talent for writing. The selection of articles to appear in this publication, a most difficult assignment, was influenced by the limited amount of space. The group of readers who made the final de cisions looked for articles showing creative ability, variety in technique and content, subjects of current campus interest, sincerity of author in relating personal experiences, and successful treatment of seemingly common day-by-day occurrences. It was necessary to eliminate some of our most promising entries because of their length. In other cases the choice had to be made between manuscrints that were similar either . . —Louanna Krause — - Page MAGIC—Lamar Robinson - |/'g‘'‘ RGANDY—Dot Clark * ^g^^ HOME—Elsie Garland - * “g^^ REMARKABLE EVENING—Richard IMullips , in Style or in subject matter; where- OI.Y—Bobby Robin.son “'g*^ • ’ ' ’ ' ’ AN—Don Kroe - ‘ MOTHER TOLD ME—John Shepherd I’age I—Sandra Hickman - Page 1. .VERGLADE.S—William Deal - ..-Page L- .TTER—Charles Harris -- L yS DAY A'F SCHOOL—I.ynne Courtney - TION—Eileen Gerringer ..Page 14 LE BARRIER—Peggy Frith I’age L) SION—Janice Murphy - Page l.f» S OF AMERICA—Rebecca Keller I’age 16 VANTED—Beverly England I’agv lEATH OF A MAN—Jerrie Preslon I’age 1/ NSET—Douglas Cole ' UTION—Paul Caudill - - l‘age 1/ HAPEAUX—Pat Jones ^*age 18 SS—Carolyn Ckiuthen Page 18 FAILURE—Don Kroe I’ag^^ CAI. LAND—Helen Drash l*‘‘ge I? AND ROSEBUD.S—Nancy Haves I’age 20 y’TURES UNDERGROUND—Don Kreh I’age 2 HELEN—Jane Poplin I’ag*^ 21 ■Sandra Hickman Page -1 EENTH FLOOR—Janet Lett I’^ge TO MOLD U.S—Lucv Wilson I’age 22 HILLS—Douglas Cole .'. LIVED HAPPILY—Sandra Hickman 1 age -4 UNE SEEKER—Polly Osteen ... I’age EN-BONE ROSE—David Holman I’age Sue Cook I’age 24 ITY—Paddy ^Vall ^g*= as, either could have been effective ly used on its Own merit. Technical difficulties in printing necessitated o’ir using o.nly those entries which adanted themselves to regular single or double columns. In light of these circumstances we considered each entry individually. We are grateful to everyone who submitted material for this publica tion. To those of you who were successful with vour endeavor w>e know that you will want no greater reward than to see your name at tached to one of your very own crea tions. For you whose material has not been published in these pages there remains a consolation. If everyone in the world were brilliant writers and made writing their chief occupation, then no one would ever have time to appreciate great liter ature. LFL—Don Kroe Page 24 Y LIVE.S—Don Kroe NTNG THE SECOND CENTURY-Peggy Frith 1 age 24 HILLTOP—PAGE ONE rtirl as trumpeters, ny Anaerson; /■oodance” by Cacavas; “The Rnhin.snn Reis^ns semble which has been invited to play on two programs at the meet- in Id! ness t tod > mee ight. nt, ar luet t of tl lay llSlC ] jradu Apri sylvi ray voca )prar m. rissie ^-Sht The “Tl • Mi S. C ege Wih Uloi ann n C I ‘ )pus com SI in ( il r clu( ich: Prc 5 f ibal IS lor he Ti U e hi] id ill De tl )ei th oy :u( demonstratio slides. Horn j .... U