PAGE FOUR MARS HILL COLLEGE HILLTOP TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1974 TUESDi \,i.,. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDIES EVALUATED Riverside, Calif.- (I.P.)-An undergradu ate program in Admin istrative Studies which stresses admin istrative behavior and the tools of de cision-making instead of the marketin, fi nance and budget of traditional business administration train ing, has been estab lished at the Unive rsity of California, Riverside. The new program, which leads to the bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree, will be hous ed in the Universi ty's College of Soc ial and Behavioral Sciences, and opera ted jointly with the graduate School of Administration. " Most undergradu ate administration programs have empha sized functional spe cialization, " said Dean Michael Reagan. " Our program, howev er, postulates that undergraduate stu dents of administr ation should be fam iliar with the nature of administrative be havior and the tools of decision - making common to both public and business adminis tration. " He said functional courses ( marketing , finance , production management, personnel management , budget ing , etc.), would not be included in the requirements for the bachelor's degree in Administrative Stud ies , although some courses will be avai lable as electives. The interdiscip linary program, which will begin offering courses to upper div ision students this spring , will draw from the resources of the Departments of Economics, Political Science and Sociology and the Graduate School of Administra tion. Courses will also be taught by faculty of the De partments of Anthro pology, Philosophy , Psychology, Statist ics and Mathematics. "The nature of ad ministration and man agement requires that the student be as a- ware as possible of the nature of hiiman behavior, the inter action of groups of people in organiza tions, how decisions are made, and the psychology of decis ion - making," Dean Reagan said. We feel complex organizations , both public and private, will be better man aged and administered bu persons who are more concerned about the human dimensions of management and who understand human be havior in organiza tions than by those who are function al specialists. Is Pass-Fail FLUNKING OUT? (CPS)-A recent survey indicates undergradu ates with more than 10 percent of their courses graded on a pass-fail basis will be disadvantaged when applying to graduate and professional schools. According ■to the Educational Record, the survey also indi cated students with a majority of pass- fail courses will al so face difficulties in transferring to other schools, ob taining financial aid and finding employ ment. CB gives CADENZA $250 The Student ernment Association has allotted in its budget, a $750 appro priation to the Com munication Board for whatever purpose the Board may need the money. At the last meeting of the board, Ken Chamlee, editor of Cadenza, Oy Cole Harris Gov- made a request and $250 was allotted to Cadenza. The Board has $500 left to div ide between the three remaining media on campus. The most likely recipient of the money will be WMHC as the station buys new equipment preparing to convert to an FM broadcast station. The Cadenza still needs art work, prose and poetry submitted. Prizes totalling $75 will be awarded by Cadenza this y^ar. Cadenza's P. 0. Box number is 1157-C. Submit your work now, deadline is Feb. 8. MINI-MESTER Unique Part of MHC Curriculum Jewelry design , Magic and Mysticism, Women's Liberation through Creative Move ment, and Book Collec ting are just part of the apparel tha Mars Hill College offers as the school dons that unusual educational garment known as the January Short Term. Popularly known as the " mini-mester , " this one course, three week period promises a cornucopia of intri guing, out of the ord inary learning experi ences. A total of 72 courses will be offer ed, with students hav ing the opportunity to design their own cour se as well. The mini term fare runs the gamut from Black Lit erature of French Ex pression in English Translation to Gospel Piano Playing and is the one time that there is literally something for every one. The poll of 200 graduate schools, 50 law schools, and 50 medical schools show ed that admissions directors feel evalu ation of pass-fail is "extremely difficult, if not impossible." Nationwide admis sions officers ex pressed general agreement with the survey's findings and noted a preference for graded course work. One at Harvard said, "Pass-fail grades...are of no help to us. We don't even try to evaluate them." Designed three years ago, the short term was originally part of a 4-1-4-1-2 calendar experiment denoting four months of regular semester study in the Fall and Spring with a short term in January and June followed by two sessions of summer school. The summer short term has since been dropped, but the January term has a- chieved the three primary functions it was designed for: pro moting flexibility in classroom technique; encouraging the design and testing of new teaching techniques; and adding variety to the academic menu of the college. The fact that a student has only one course during the term gives the instructor exclusive demand upon the student's time. Conversely, the in structors are also li mited to one course and can give his un divided attention to his students. Concen- tretion on a single subject—one the lear ner is personally in terested in—promotes skill level as well as adds vitality to the entire learning pro cess. Four options are available for the Mars Hill student during January; he may take one of the courses of fered; he may propose his own independent study, and many do; he may participate in a- nother school’s short term—at considerable savings if a one-for- one exchange can be worked out with a stu dent who wishes to participate in Mars Hill's short term; or he may opt to stay out of school an addition al three weeks to ap ply himself to other interests, work, or an extended vacation. Even with the op portunity of an ex tended vacation, en rollment in the short term is high. 1,154 students participated in the program last year, which was an in crease over the first year of the program. Although final figures will not be available until next week, pre dictions were that an even higher number will be involved this year. The prime reason for high enrollment is course offerings. It's not everyday a student can study the subliminal influences of advertising, behav iour control, govern mental secrecy, harps ichord construction, comparison of house building vs. house buying vs. renting» snow skiing, square dancing, playwriting , not to mention trips to Spain, Reformation Switzerland, and the Holy Land. The term will end on Wednesday, January 23. This will allow for a long weekend be tween the close of the mini-mester and regis tration for Spring semester which will be held on Monday, Janu ary 28. MARS HILL FLORIST flowers for all occasions: COLLEGE UNION BOOKSTORE ltd. Blue & Golds the theme... scarves, hats, & mittens On 1973, tion acted items, accept -197 5 four niedia radio, za, ar Were forwai dent nal aj Nex Was tl Previc on a p ie He: Rushtc WMHC inaetd this oarrie Power tem t static 9-1 Was iinousd given stalld orient a a lie ^ederc tions Hov Th He ir Th tc or th 3- 6- 7- 8- 9-