Salts chilli recalls. “But *' '*^LUME LVI, Number 8 Serving the Mars Hill College Community Since 1926 Thursday, March 17, 1983 ernity has also ictice of “tt"*”'' me to an end' ^ iduates atteinP ^ »» next year, director oi ‘■'1 Delta Theta only will from their 0 1 membership' Dorm Break-Ins Cause Security Concerns that somethio* mders) is a \td s Jack Anson: National > I’ve certainly \y of the othot or among * \ y other camp"®', y not a traditi® ity,” adds a Ita Theta ‘ roup has 1 we’re concef”' BARONE ifjjj to break-ins in the girl’s dorms, 1,. ^ ttas become an issue of concern jJMars Hill College campus. girls have reported attempts j t^an to get into their rooms at ■oo far the man has not hurt any- anyone identified him. No ijows for certain if it is one man or Tljj ^'l^ferent men. vi(ij|j®|tls’ concern for their security is "litiQ ^^t:t they have secured a t stating that they want stronger to enforce security in their h salamander f J 'chael O’Brien, Dean of Student without nol* 1 P*rient, has responded to this con ’s witnoui •*- i that was en^’ around 40 fho did that 1 getting his s LLBE E YEAS LSSOCIATED cern by calling dorm meetings and al lowing the girls to express their opin ions. O’Brien has assured the girls that several steps have been taken to tighten security. Changing the combination locks and enforcing rules to keep dorm doors closed will deter the prowler, O’Brien believes. “When we catch this man we won’t deal with him ourselves. He will be ar rested,” stated O’Brien. “The girls are concerned about their safety, but not concerned enough to lock their doors or close a locked door,” stated Teresa Hutchinson, Resident Di rector of Edna Dorm. She feels that if the girls wish to have tighter security. their cooperation will greatly help in that effort. R. J. Cutshall, Mars Hill Police Chief, says that the police have not been asked by any college officials to keep on the alert for the prowler, but if they see anything happening they will act. “I believe that security on campus can be improved and I wish that Campus Se curity would be more efficient on patrol at night,” Cutshall said. Campus Security now consists of four officers since the resignation of Michael Faires, director of Safety and Security. Campus Security will be checking the girl’s dorm doors every hour after the doors are locked at night. Jim Fish, Director of the Physical Plant, said, “Campus Security is going through some reorganization since Mike’s departure and there will be tighter security checks.” The Campus Security’s duties include emergency service, locking of college buildings at specific times, transporta tion to the bus station and airport, mail delivery, and keeping the general order on campus. Charles Ball, a senior campus security officer, says that Campus Security is do ing the best job that they can while ful filling their various duties. Meet The SGA Presidential Candidates ( m wnifieU for a single purpose. Gray Smith DUCTION „ SSfsfe ’SH: SYDNEY POLL'' ADDISON Derwin Williams, David Aubrey Peterson are the ' for the office of SGA presi- 1983-84 school year. By pre- j^oine of their ideas here, you easier deciding who gets your 'fay. ^ ‘‘would like to make SGA to the students.” He does- ^EjA has done enough to 5^0 ^^9dent body and, as a result, don’t even know what SGA Ofga . ^ like to find a way to make *'*^^tion better represent the “SGA needs a person who is experienced as a lead er, someone who can keep everything working in the right direction.” - Derwin Williams Another important aspect he’d like to improve is the court system. This, he has learned, is a major concern of many stu dents. He’d like to make it more effec tive and just. Smith wants to contribute a positive attitude to the students and the Mars Hill community. He would like to “make people proud of Mars Hill and get everyone unified for a single pur pose.” To do this. Mars Hill needs to become a closer-knit community. To do this Smith believes that more community and school spirit is needed. Having some type of required community meeting for students might help generate the togeth- “1 have the knowledge and experience to make SGA a credible organization on the Mars Hill cam pus.” - David Wachter erness and unity that Mars Hill is lack ing. Smith believes he’s the best man for the job because he has many leadership qualities and abilities. He strongly be lieves in Mars Hill College and what it is doing. He knows many people from a variety of backgrounds and he tries to get to know everyone and become their friend. He has a well rounded view. Smith considers himself moderate, leaning more towards liberal. He tries to stay open to all views. He is very liberal towards open dorms as he feels there need to be more. He is, on the opposite end of the scale, very conservative con- “If I am elected, I won’t be there for me, I’ll be there for the student body.” - Aubrey Peterson cerning the rules for vandalism. Smith’s main goal is to be “a public servant” - one who is there to meet the needs of the people. Derwin Williams would like to give students a better idea of what’s going on around campus. He would also like to see that all the money being used by SGA is being accounted for. According to Williams, SGA needs a person who is “experienced as a leader, someone who can keep everything work ing in the right direction.” He believes he has these qualities. A key is good communication between the SGA office -Turn To Page 3