The Hilltop of MHC - page 2 Friday, May 1, Opinions 5PIDER ffEBBS Moving Amy Webb stalf columnist The end of this semester is here, and it is time to say goodbye to the graduating seniors. There will be a lot of tears and hugs. Many farewells and so longs will be said. Some se niors will leave this institution of col lege and enter the institution of marriage, while others will enter the "working world." It must be hard to have been with a group of people for four years and now go your separate ways. But seniors have gained life long friendships and memories to cherish forever. Really it’s not the end: it’s moving forward into the rest of their lives. They know it is time for them to reach their future. Seniors are leaving us behind to take up the torch. They’ve had their time of glory here at MHC. They shine brighter now than ever before. I salute all Se niors. May you grow and blossom no matter where you go and what you do. Seniors remember these words of a famous poet: "There is a destiny that makes us brothers. None goes his way alone: All that we send into the lives of others, Come back into our own." God bless you all. Student Angered by Decision Dear Editor: First of all, let me congratulate those students who honestly received the posi tions of Resident Director, Resident Manager, and Resident Assistant. This is great news for students interested in obtaining any of the positions for next year. Let me inform you of what you must do in order to obtain a position. Kiss-up to, or see if your Residential Director or Assistant or Manager is on the same tennis team, sorority, or foot ball team as you. Contrary to the Student’s Handbook, the decision is not made by the Director of Residential Liv ing, it is made by the Resident Directors and Assistants of the dorms. Yours faithfully. Sherry Lynn Ball The Opinions Page If you would like to submit letters to the editor or devotionals to Timeout, just mail them to; The Opinions Page The Hilltop PO Box 1148-C Mars Hill, NC 28754 Remember, to publish your letter, we need to know your identity, so please sign your letters. Your name can be withheld by the editor.As always, the views presented on this page are not necessarily those of the Hilltop. Students Criticize Voter Apathy in SGA Elections ' Ann Bailey, Comm '■Ma: anagement) Marie Bandy, Hisi EDITORIAL: Julie Brittain guest writer Students at Mars Hill Col lege have been abusing their voting privileges for far too long. As the excitement from another SGA election winds down, this fact becomes readily apparent. Only a third of the student body voted, and this number, be lieve it or not, is one of the biggest turnouts in Mars Hill history. As John Snyder, a ju nior Math and CIS major so correctly stated, It’s just apa thy - pitiful apathy.” He is right; it is appalling to see how students demean the democratic process, under which our rights and privileges are exercised and protected, by simply not car ing enough to vote. Perhaps what is so sinister about voter apathy is that it is a subversive force which al lows the gradual and subtle negation of democratic elec tion. As fewer and fewer peo ple vote, those who eventually get elected represent less and less of the general popula tion. The end result is much the same as the end result of the SGA elections this very year. As the final results of the election were counted and tallied every single one of the elected executive officers of the SGA belonged to the same fraternity. The election of this narrow special interest group is the direct result of students just not caring enough to vote, thus limiting the range of representation for the whole school, and as student Andrea Deaton points out, allowing for a breakdown of the democratic process as a whole: "The Ar ticles of SGA plainly state that the SGA is to speak for and represent all the mem bers of the entire student body, and they aren’t doing that." The fraternity in question cannot be held responsible or blamed for this breakdown. The results were fair by all the bylaws of the constitu tion. However, since such a small segment of the Mars Hill student population voted, the election is not truly representative of the student body at all. MHC lost its voice in government and the student body is indirectly to blame. This voter apathy, sadly, will not stop until ev eryone takes action. Mars Hill deserves to have an exec utive council that is truly rep resentative of the whole J^^houry Banks, Berrian, Psyc dent body. Let us hope will exercise their ... r . pvt«'''*^*nee Brady, Eler Wisely and see that ne»;^l Stanley Brott, Re the candidates’ speech^ Doweii Byrd, R widely publicized and nient to most student Edwin Coley, Jr. ing this event a green e-'TO Richard cothran not a bad idea). Let tne^^ 'letine Michelle Curt Utive council push othet • Jtca Lynn Davis, Enj members to come to J'M'ayne Dickerson, so that a quorum Gall Dllllnghan reached. (SGA is n#' 'J*r?.Dishner, Con for not having enough nting) bers even show up vene ) MHC studenj ^^ „ lose their apathy towa^ i, Embrey, El tions and become ‘“’Ther EnrlchrElemen’ SGA should not be ji^^^Jiapnian Flynn, El club with limited enfOj!' ‘Elaine Gahagan, Ps; but should speak fot j ^ Lindsey Gaines, E Bai f Rebecca Boone, . MHC’s future needs " ^Anthony Galloway, democracy elected^ ^ ^'^atherine Garvin plemented and Mpt- ■ Lynn nr,...,, ci*.., quit abusing its votioS and privileges. :t,l 'Enn Green, Eleme r'Rena Gregory, Elei Dear Editor, The sole purpose of this item is to inform the student body of matters of which I think they should be aware. I constantly hear complaints that the stu dent body is never made aware of things that are happening on campus or that things are never publicized. This is a publication and I am stating some opin ions and facts which some students and I hold and we reserve the right to make them known. The basis of my ar- want to see equal representation and qualified persons elected (executive of ficers in particular) who are genuinely interested in the student body and have clear leadership skills which will enable more things to be accomplished on this campus. Are you aware that it is written in the Constitution of Mars Hill College, Arti cle III, Section 9, that "the Secretary of SGA shall write a summary of ALL Sen ate meetings, which shall appear in EACH . .. "Do you, the student body of Mars i ttj, on ^u.enns,„^s.„- c.„.geb., o,*nni- -- elections which took the Student Government have made it to the place April 8. If you are sociation, one of the most newspaper? not aware, the five exec- influential and powerful groups on Are you aware that campus, can honestly claim that it represents the ENTIRE student body? Not without equal represen tation it cannot!" utive positions of the entire student body are currently and will next year be occupied by men. Moreover, it’s not just the fact that they ————— are men, but that next year’s representa tives are members of the same fraternity. It is true, Greek organizations have their place; however, more than half of Mars Hill College has chosen not to partici pate in them. Therefore, five represen tatives who are within one similar group of people is not complete and equal rep resentation. I am not a feminist, but I do believe that the best person qualified for and job should get that position, no matter what race, gender, religion, or background. But did you as a college community vote for the person whom you believe would do the best job and is an individual who would represent this multi-faceted com munity or diverse individuals, or did you vote for someone who you knew as a personal friend or did you vote at all? Were you aware that speeches were held in order that the students could hear what these candidates had to offer? Or did you happen to miss the one sign placed in the cafeteria? I realize this is not the Presidential Elections of the United States of America, but you as a student who pays $10,000 a year to at tend this institution should be interested in what is taking place here. If you don’t like the way things are run around here, then you have a choice- a vote, but if you don’t vote, you have NO right to com plain. Yes, I did run for an office and did not win, but that is not the issue which is at hand. I am not a "sore loser"; I just we (the SGA senate) have been working on proposals regarding a meal plan and ex tended visitation ■ hours? We do meet on a weekly basis (Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in Belk Auditorium) in a gathering which is open to the public and we occa sionally do accomplish things. Are you aware that student fees nest year will be increased by $100 which will also in crease the budgets for Student Govern ment Association and the Student Union Board? This was one of the most recent decisions of SGA. One particular allotment in which the stu dents should see a direct affect, is the $500 which will be given to each class next year to spend on an approved activ ity for their class. Make sure this money is spent on you! This increase in fees is a great opportunity for many new activ ities and opportunities to be offered to you-the paying student-who should have a say m these decisions by your representatives whom you elected (you did vote right?). I am not name-calling on any frater nity or type of student, of which I have been previously accused, rather, I am simply a concerned student who wants to see improvements made on this cam pus as a result of ideas of all types and all kinds of people who make up this student body. I hope you, too, are con cerned about these issues which I have brought before you and that you will think about them before the next elec tions. Earnestly, Andrea L. Deaton MARS HI. H-imP;! H HILLTO? Michael S. Roteh Editor in Chief '^ministration (M *ntley Hess, Polit /'•h Craig Holley, E •*Vail Hough, Ele (,/^*nette Howard, . Worley Hunter, I Il'‘*8las Jackson, Jr., . ^ Howard Keel, Er ^I>her Dales Kouns Langston, I ijj "ristopher Laszio I, 'Lennon, Commun fsement) Mark McCoy, E II, J'yan McFadden, 1 '^““'vman McKinne Kelly McElveen Assistant Editor 1il?^*'sra & Writing) (,,*'''ster Marshall, E k E Dan Martin, Re General Staff Staff Columnists: Rob Cothran Amy Webb Rae Mason, EE i. Conroe Morris, S Murray, E 1,1 “ Paul O’Neill, So ^ Cox Parker, Eler ^."*th Parrish, Elen Staff Reporters: Carol Jo Howell Andrea Deaton, Betts Calloway Donna Hooker Rodney McRa® Amy Webb Debra Whitley Editting Assistant Jennifer Bates^^ Distribution: Rodney McRa® Faculty Advisot- John Campbell The Hilltop is the official si per of Mars Hill College. TiJ® sented in this paper are n0‘ gt those of Mars Hill Col the Hilltop. Letters should n The Hilltop ^ P.O. Box1148'‘;' Mars Hill Oo\\0^n Lldwina West, E jj, 'Anette Williams X * A;arol Wills, En Lynn Wood, Soc \ 2**UaWood, Eng X,, ®*'®nder Worley Worley, Eni The Hilltop is printed twic , f ice Lyn„ wright with the exception of scho em.... .. Mars Hill, NC h'?*’ Lavette Harris, J ^ Harrup, Ele >t. . Hh Henson, Cor , ‘*;leto Perez-San Geiger Phillips, E Elgando Prince, ; Rector, Cc V Management) Alarie Rickies, P C* ^acHett Russell Anne Sabatini, lla ^Lley Scarfe, El ’»! * Searcy, Coi '*'Si "'^'^'ng) and En I ■,'tnhn Smith, El( !*)L? Spriggs, H nJ”? Suggs, Politic *cott Thomas, E Amk^ 'Lhnmas, Psj la I "®ny Thompsoi 'Afj Tinsley, En a t*' Eleme i Lamella Varona IrvLaniar Wakefieic 1^''tack Ward, Com , Management) Lynnette Ward, Printed by Groves Prin**'^^ Asheville, '“Riddi e Young,