February, 1977 - CROSSROADS - Page Six Renovations completed 'W »0« nil mntmw^rrni. imm i s lii 111! Ittl :lil fe? M r ■' x£i» ilii iiiil firi "1*^ f3| f* k ,m. > IIKRK IS A view of front entrance to the monastery before renovation. Compare this to photo on page 7. [p- mm mm »«■ .f:M r-w» I !• L. -, I ”Sf nr f U*i fill \ A BEF'ORE view of the old stairs going from the second floor to the third floor in the monastery. THESE WOODEN stairs have been replaced by a green metal spiral staircase. on 1 Poorly heated in the hris conditioned in the brutal, h fering from lack #i bathrooi local fire and health regulati to a renovation of the monasi The 90 year old structun monastic commnnhy’s BuJ Pattison, Obi., S.B., looked done. McMurray Architects and submitted their recommen Construction Co., ***» a Chs on May 26, 1976. “All interior walls were t( O.S.B., Prior, “e*“Ptthe hr ceilings, except fm’the bean stripped down as lar as yo “The floor plan was redes so there now is a cap building used to b«W 2o men many as 30, pin* *®firmarj Other changesmtilude the in half because n«Wonly Ma other devotions in the ^ enlarged; concr*i*and me the monastery it®** the thi safety regulati*®*’ a lib: (previously, .th*®* Was no rooms and readi*^tooms wi area on the thi**-floor I bathrooms haveb®*«i added concrete floor w*t« added The monks, wh*"*gan me also have new thth>al polai air conditioning- Officially, Febthhny 2 was that remains is g*^ing sor While the renot^ons wei brothers lived o® * third fl others lived in ii**t Hall i away. Within th****xt weel will move into th® *inished formation prog|^^ will i ministration Buin*^g. The pictures *® hese pag Br. Robert Hag»*‘ O.S.B., I ^ AFT*1^*^NoVA