Admissions Process In Fuii Swing By Kenro Kusumi It's about that time of year again — time to see unfamiliar and somewhat bewildered students visiting the NCSSM. The admissions process is in full swing. For the 1984-1985 school year, the postmark deadline for student applications was January 27. This year, more than 800 10th graders applied for admission to NCSSM. From that original group, 350 students will be selected as semifinalists based on testing at regional centers and application information. Regional testing will be held in various cities across the state; dates for testing range from February 11 (Greensboro) to March 10 (Raleigh). At each regional testing center, five NCSSM students will be helping with the testing and answering questions that the parents and prospective students may have. After regional testing, a selection committee of 21 people from the school and across the state will carefully review student information and testing results. The 350 student chosen as semi-finalists and their families will visit the campus this spring (tentative dates are set for April 14 and April 28). Finalists are scheduled to be determined on May 18, and they will be notified on May 23. John Poe, Admissions representative, indicates that the admissions process is basically the same as last year. One minor change this year is that students will be required to write one/ long interpretive essay as opposed to two last year. When questioned what the selection committee looks for in admitting students to the NCSSM, Poe said that the committee looks for "potential, interest in commitment, commitment to a school that offers a well-rounded curriculum, and people who are willing to make adjustments to the residential and school surroundings." Many people in the state have the misconception that the students at the NCSSM' are interested only in math and science. On the contrary, Poe sais that the Admissions department was looking for students who would grow with the school and for "well-rounded people who can express themselves." ii , „* Mr. Unicorn Pageant gave the males a chance to "strut their stuff." Editorial: The Meaning of Life By Jed Roach "This is the article you have been waiting fori Within these few paragraphs is the ultimate in universal meaning and revelation. In just a second you will be reading words which will drastically change your ways . of living. For the first, and perhaps the last time, the meaning of life in its true form is reprinted here (see also U.S. ARMY DOCUMENT CT783-5A39/T0PSECRET). But first, a few comments concerning this fantastic presentation. The meaning of life has been examined by scholars throughout known history. However it has only been recently that the true meaning of life has been distilled from the various garbage of the eons and compiled into the concise and simple revelation as presented here. (This article was presented by GLEEM SOAP — for a new and better way of living). The veracity of this particular variation has been proven beyond doubt. And now, (The STENTORIAN would like to apologize for the lack of space that has made it necessary to delete the remainder of this article) STUDENT COUNCIL COLUMN By Ty Lowry The NCSSM Student Council includes 15 elected members, plus representatives from Network, Judicial Board and several committees. The Council meetings are held each Monday at 12:00 noon in the small dining room of the cafeteria. All meetings are open to the student body or others who would like to sit in on the meetings. So far this year the council has set up committees and sponsored several activities for the student body. Special projects this year included a camping trip in which S and M students spent a weekend camping with special children. Two other projects have been the Christmas dinner, in which students gave up a meal to those who were liess fortunate, and the Thanksgiving collection, where money went to help buy meals for a few needy families in the community, .r . ^ Among the committees set up by the Student Council are Controversial Issues, Roundtable Discussions, SEARCH (the NCSSM Intercultural committee), and Current Events. Students are encouraged to participate in and investigate these committees which have been set up for their use. The two latest short-term comittees set up are the Mr. Unicorn and Spirit Week committees. Each of these has been set up by the council to cater directly to the students and encourage their participation. Participaton is a very key word. The NCSSM Student Council is a body of people elected by you, the students, but student participation must go farther than just voting. Students need to investigate and support their student council in order for it to be more efficient and for it to meot the needs of the school.